WARNING: Liberals, this blog could be hazardous to your mental health because I'm politically incorrect.
The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.

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Sunday, January 27, 2013
MSNBC's Host Thanks God For Abortion. Guess who?
"I honestly cannot believe that someone actually said this. What was most sickening is that he seems to be very proud of it! It was the most selfish thing that anyone has ever said. He is living proof of how degenerate, disgraceful and immoral the Democrat party of today has become. Pure evil. He still is not the man he thinks he is! A real man would look at his living children and feel remorse! The only freedom that liberals want us to have is the freedom to kill our unborn children. Toure would definitely make a great Nazi. I wonder if Toure looks into the eyes of his two children and really believes what he said. If so he is a soul-less POS with a heart of ice. Poor little Toure, whose own fetus was allowed to grow to term and be born, now considers other fetuses mere medical waste. How "progressive". Has anyone ever heard this guy say anything socially responsible? Toure is nothing but an absolute despicable, self centered, vain, irresponsible, murdering POS. MSNBC continues it's quest to be the most unwatchable network in the country. They are trying very hard to claim the distinction of the lowest rated network on the air. They only need to pass CNN, so how hard can it be. And by the way you pathetic baby killer, don't thank God that we allow abortions. You have no concept of God. God says: "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." Jeremiah 1:5. But again, "What does it matter" to a POS atheist like you. No, its just that your god's name is apparently Obama. You know him, the one who has no problem with abortion, even after delivery. And we know that his god is Lucifer. Isn't it amazing that the same ones who love the idea of slaughtering the innocent for their convenience while calling it a choice are the same ones who want to ban guns to protect the children. Liberals are so stuffed full of hate that it squirts out of them sometimes. Cold blooded, selfish slime. Genocide agrees with them. Welcome to Obamanation. When are we going to wake up!" MC
Today MSNBC's Touré had his turn at The Cycle's end-of-show commentary in which he chose to make the argument that America is a stronger nation without the millions of babies lost to abortion, even going so far as to thank God for the procedure.Watch:
Biden: Shotguns are more accurate than assault weapons
"Does this moron ever listen to the the words coming out of his mouth? He is the poster child for the five second tape delay. I mean calling this idiot stupid is an insult to stupid people. Hey asshole, I wonder if we should take away his Secret Service detail's "assault weapons" and replace them with shotguns. After all, according to shit for brains, they are more accurate. The security world should be proud to have a guy like Crazy Joe bring to our attention that they should be using shot guns instead of assault weapons to protect the incredibly stupid. Just how stupid can one person be? This man has some hopes to be president, that alone tells you how far this country has fallen. I guess he figures that if the people are stupid enough to elect Barry Hussein twice, then he's a shoe in. It's so reassuring to know that this mentally ill wack job is only a heartbeat away from the keys to the nukes. God help us. Tell me Joe, have you ever shot any thing off except your mouth? I mean do you have a license for that assault mouth of yours, It's more dangerous than any weapon I know of, and that's a fact. And to think this clueless idiot was assigned by Hussein to head up his gun advisory committee. To be fair, let's give Forrest Biden a chance to prove his point. Let's see Joe try to shoot an apple off someone's head with a shotgun. And better yet, let's put the apple on Barry's head. I keep asking myself, “How did someone this stupid become VP of the United States?” Answer, the same way someone that stupid became President, because voters are even more stupid than they." MC
Vice President Joe Biden said it’s easier to hit a target with shotgun than an assault weapon during his first-ever “Fireside Hangout” on gun violence Thursday, hosted on the White House’s Google Plus page.
Biden made the remark to defend his position that banning assault weapons will not impede the safety of American gun owners.
“A shotgun will keep you a lot safer — a double-barreled shotgun — than an assault weapon in somebody’s
Stephen King: NRA Should ‘Clean Up Blood, Brains and Chunks of Intestine’ After Next Massacre
"Perfect. Another clueless f**king liberal flake. One would hope that an author as accomplished as King would do some research before spouting liberal horseshit. Screw him. He’s been repeating the same shit for years. He writes this mind you as he sits in his guarded protected castle, like the rest of his rich, elite, hypocritical libtards. King must have ran out of ideas, so he’s spewing libshit to try to keep his name known, like most Hollywood jackasses do. I seem to recall he writes a lot of violent stuff that could cause some nut job to go off the deep end. Hey I have an idea for a horror story Mr. King. Let me give you the outline and see what you think. A famous writer worth millions is at a book signing when soldiers of the government show up and arrest him as an enemy of the state. As the clueless, kool-ade drinking f**k gets arrested and is walked out of the bookstore, it finally dawns on him that once citizens gave up their weapons it was only a matter of time before the authorities came for him.What do you think Mr. King, its got a nice Twilight Zone kind of ending doesn’t it? Moral of the story, gun free zones never work just like your brain and that of you libtard friends doesn’t work. Maybe you should consider taking some of the titles of your previous books and writing new stories. For instance, "MISERY", that could be the title of a new story about Barry Husseins presidency. How about "TALES FROM THE CRYPT", that could be about the Democratic women, ie. Hillery, Feinstien, Boxer, Pelosi, Albright, you get the idea. And, "THE GREEN MILE", that could be about Solyndra and all the other failed green projects. And as a side note, Mr. King also gave money to the Clinton Defense Fund when the first real black, rapist President got caught having that chubby chick do what Hillary never would. Just goes to show you the kind of causes he likes to aid." MC
“One only wishes Wayne LaPierre and his NRA board of directors could be drafted to some of these [violent] scenes, where they would be required to put on booties and rubber gloves and help clean up the blood, the brains, and the chunks of intestine still containing the poor wads of half-digested food that were some innocent bystander’s last meal.”
So wrote horror writer Stephen King in a Kindle essay Friday entitled “Guns.”
For the record, here are some other crazy statements by King:
Stephen King Publishes Vulgar Attack on Conservatives: 'Tax Me, for F@%&’s Sake!'
Stephen King: Right-Wing 'Hate' of Obama Is Like Anger That Led to JFK's Murder
Stephen King on NBC: Obama Like JFK, People 'Hateful' Toward Both
Stephen King Bashes Reagan and Republicans For Making His Taxes Too Low
Stephen King Mocks 'Patronizing' Rush Limbaugh, 'Crazy' 'Nutcase' Glenn Beck
Stephen King Knocks ‘Hollow,’ ‘Dark’ American Dream, Praises ‘Pretty' Rachel Maddow
E-mail Instructions: 'Hi, Noel—Stephen King Says to Shut Up and I Agree'
Stephen King: If You Can't Read, You'll End Up in the Army or Iraq
"[P]lenty of gun advocates cling to their semi-automatics the way Amy Winehouse and Michael Jackson clung to the shit that was killing them," King wrote in his 25-page essay.
Not surprisingly, there was a lot of hypocrisy in King's piece noting "to claim that America’s 'culture of
Emails show FBI investigating Sen. Bob Menendez for sleeping with underage Dominican prostitutes
"Funny, ain't it? Tell me this isn't another example of the Administration conspiring with the Media to hold news back from the American People.Where were the reports prior to the Election, when Progressive Bob "the Baby-Boffing child molester" Menendez, Pervert Extraordinaire, was running for another six year term. Something tells me that, "We the People", have been deceived again. Oh, I know, he cares about the children. In the words of Hillary Clinton, "What difference does it make?" Let's just see that it does not happen again, and if it does, make sure the girl is of legal age. Isn't that the way the Democraps take care of their problems? Bad enough this POS has sex with little girls, but then he stiffs the little ladies their fee, and uses political funds for his playtime. Truly sickening, isn't it? Almost as sickening as another libtard pervert. Remember the gay brothel, operating out of Barney Frank's basement. Oh, and now that I think of it, Charles Rangel has a house there. Um. Just saying. Some group you libs have there. Conservatives do it to you say, so whats the difference? The difference is that conservatives boot out the bad boys; liberals embrace and protect their perverts. At least your hero Ted Kennedy was cheating with a girl that was of age before he drove his car of a bridge and let her drown let her drown. Give him a pass. Yes sir, what a group. And don't forget Harry Reid, who is supposed to uphold the ethics issue within his Senate body. Guaranteed they won't finger Menendez, no matter who he fingered. Menacing Menendez likely fingered a whole lot of teens. Sad thing is if he ever runs for gov in NJ. he will probably be elected. Let's be honest, NJ already elected him knowing this. See, you underestimate the liberal animals in NJ who will ironically vote for a pedophile simply because he throws government scraps at them. Most of these liberal voters are a step above below-average intelligence or graduate degree holding whites who feel bad they inherited lots of money. There are a lot of God fearing, freedom loving residents in NJ. Just not enough to get rid of these unworthy douche bags. And if they do kick this pedophile out of office, does he still get his full salary for the rest of his life as a pension? Time to end that. Tax payers should not have to fund this pervert's life. Oh well, another democrat, another liar and cheat. Ah yes, the democrat party; home to sexual predator, alleged rapist and serial liar Bill Clinton, Leave 'em for Dead Ted Kennedy, Tawana Brawley, Al "resist we much" Sharpnut, Jesse Jackass, Harry "show me your taxes" Reid, Hillary"What does it matter" Clinton and Barry Hussein. Damn, it must feel good and proud to be a democrat, where character is not a requirement." MC
Documents published online for the first time Thursday indicate that the FBI opened an inquiry into New Jersey Democratic Sen. Bob Menendez on August 1, 2012, focusing on repeated trips he took to the Dominican Republic with longtime campaign contributor and Miami eye doctor Salomon Melgen. TheDC reported in November that Menendez purchased the service of prostitutes in that Caribbean nation at a series of alcohol-fueled sex parties.
The documents, which The Daily Caller had obtained hours earlier from an anonymous source, also indicate that Carrie Levine, research director at Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), was
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