The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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We Are So Back

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Good Morning Deplorables

It is Wednesday 6/28/2017

Today in History

June 28

1635The French colony of Guadeloupe is established in the Caribbean.
1675Frederick William of Brandenburg crushes the Swedes.
1709Russians defeat the Swedes and Cossacks at the Battle of Poltava.
1776Colonists repulse a British sea attack on Charleston, South Carolina.
1778Mary “Molly Pitcher” Hays McCauley, wife of an American artilleryman, carries water to the soldiers during the Battle of Monmouth.

Undercover Bombshell: CNN Producer Admits Trump-Russia Story is “Bullshit”

James O’Keefe strikes again!

James O’Keefe released part one of his ‘American Pravda’ series with CNN. O’Keefe says his goal is to expose the real motivation behind the decision making process in our dominant media corporation. The Russia story has dominated CNN. Since the inauguration, CNN has mentioned Russia on air nearly 16,000 times.
P.V. Journalist: “So you believe the Russia thing is a little crazy, right?”
John Bonifield (CNN Producer): “Even if Russian was trying to swing an election, we try to swing their elections, our CIA is doing shit all the time, we’re out there trying to manipulate governments. You win because you know the game, you play it right. She (Hillary) didn’t play it right.”
PV Journalist: “Then why is CNN constantly like Russia this, Russia that?”
John Bonifield: “Because it’s ratings. Our ratings are incredible right now.”
Bonifield went on to say that the CEO of CNN, Jeff Zucker demanded that his news channel get back to the ratings winner that Russia is for CNN.
Bonifield laughed off the notion that the media has an ethical responsibility and said ‘it’s a business’ and ‘they gotta what they gotta do to make money’.
PV Journalist: “But honestly, you think the whole Russia shit is just bullshit right?”
Bonifield: “Could be bullshit. I mean it’s mostly bullshit right now. Like, we don’t have any big giant proof.”
Bonifield went on to say that if there was proof that the Russia story is real, we would know about it by now because of all the leaks. He said that he doesn’t feel like they have anything, but they want to just keep digging.
Shockingly, Bonifield actually took Trump’s side and said, “I think the President is probably right to say, like, look, you are witch-hunting me. You have no smoking gun, you have no real proof.”

Just when I thought real journalism was dead, along comes James O'Keefe. No two ways about it, James O'Keefe is a National Hero. He may not carry a musket and powder, but James is a real American patriot. Mr. O'Keefe better get some extra security, or he'll end up like Andrew Breitbart and Seth Rich. So, this shows the entire "Russian collusion" nonsense was based on a debunked dossier compiled by Democrat opposition research firm Fusion GPS. Huh, imagine that! Time to pull their White House credentials, then their FCC license. 

CNN has revealed itself to be a propaganda arm of the DNC. Project Veritas has now provided proof CNN knowingly created and promoted a false Trump–Russia collusion narrative, which is being used by the Democrats to justify the creation of a special counsel to investigate President Trump with the intention of impeaching his entire administration. They've been knowingly and intentionally lying to the world about President Trump for over a year now. They need to be held accountable for this criminal behavior. I believe it is criminal and should be prosecuted. Even if it's not, Trump should bring forth a civil suit resulting in his ownership of CNN. And to think, part 2 comes out tomorrow. Nobody at CNN will be sleeping good tonight. Get the popcorn ready.

Pelosi: GOP Healthcare Bill Dishonors God…

Via Free Beacon:
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) said on Tuesday that Republicans were dishonoring God with their efforts to dismantle the Affordable Care Act.
Pelosi invoked God to appeal to Republicans across the aisle.
“I know my colleagues are people of faith,”Pelosi said. “They tell us that all the time.”
“So, this is God’s creation, we have a real responsibility to it,” she continued. “To minister to the needs of God’s creation is an act of worship. To ignore those needs is to dishonor the God who made us.”

Nancy Pelosi's Church

The grandma of death speaks. Afterwards she attended a planned parenthood fundraiser. Baby liver and onions were served, and she had two helpings. God has long given up on you Nan, and I think for Democrats, if they have to drag God into an "argument", they've lost. "The bill dishonors God", says the bitch who never saw an abortion she didn't like. I recommend you be damn careful about what you say to or about God. You have infant blood on your hands. 

This woman is no more religious than Bernie Sanders. She only worships at the altar of government and anything that will advance her political power. Seems to me like she only gets religion when she thinks she can use it to her advantage. The way that she uses it to try to influence is just beyond disgusting. There are few things I have more disdain for, then those that would use our Creator to further their quest for empowerment and enrichment, so do us all a favor and just shut up about God, you abortion pushing fraud. 


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