The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Thursday, January 23, 2014

Majority of Americans Say Obama Is Incompetent, Dishonest, And Untrustworthy Says Qunnipiac Poll

Via Qunnipiac:
American voters give President Obama a negative 40 – 54 percent approval rating, compared to 41 – 53 percent January 8, and 38 – 57 percent December 10, indications that his plunge has leveled off.
But voters give Obama his lowest grades for their top priorities:
Negative 39 – 56 percent for his handling of the economy;
Negative 36 – 59 percent for his handling of healthcare;
Positive 48 – 41 percent for handling terrorism;
Negative 40 – 49 percent for foreign policy;
Negative 39 – 47 percent for handling Iran.
The economy is “not so good” or “poor,” a total of 77 percent of voters say. Only 28 percent say the economy is getting better, while 26 percent say it is getting worse and 44 percent say it’s the same.
The Obama administration is not competent running the government, voters say 53 – 42 percent. The president is paying attention to what his administration is doing, 45 percent say, while 47 percent say he is not paying attention.
The president’s character measures remain low:
46 percent say he is honest and trustworthy and 49 percent say he is not;
49 percent say he is a strong leader and 48 percent say he is not;
51 percent say he cares about their needs and problems and 46 percent say he does not.

"What? The majority of Americans think Barry is Incompetent, Dishonest, And Untrustworthy? And they just figured that f**king out? Well clearly that just means the majority of Americans are racist. Wanna bet most of these same asshole's polled were cheering the night he was elected. Other than to bruise his fragile ego, these polls mean very little to him or the Americans who work for a living. The only poll that mattered was voting day and we know how that turned out. The trance is wearing off at last and the dicktator wanna be is finally being exposed to the masses he fooled. Too bad this country and the world have to pay for the LIV's stupidity. Shovel ready? Shovel ready my ass. No President has ever shoveled so much shit. They say he is incompetent. I disagree. This commie fraud knows exactly what he is doing and it has been well calculated for many years. And saying that he is dishonest is a massive understatement. This man is not mentally qualified to operate the fryer at McDonald's much less be in the most powerful office in the world! If the People really understood how bad he is, you can bet he'd be packing to leave the country fast.

You know the saying, “The danger to America is not Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency". It will be far easier to limit and undo the

Former NYC Nanny Bloomturd Wants to Continue Being A Nanny

Via NY Post:
He’s no longer mayor, but he plans to retain his role as New York City’s favorite finger-wagging nanny.
In his first public appearance since he turned over control of the Big Apple to Bill de Blasio, former NYC mayor Michael Bloomberg said he’s not planning to give up on his crusade to stop people from killing themselves.
“So much of the tragedy in this world is self-inflicted,” he told Bloomberg TV’s Betty Liu on Tuesday. “There are wars and there’s genocide,” he said. “But most of the people die before they should because of their own behavior,” he said.
In a joint interview with billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates, the billionaire former mayor hinted that his Third Act — after founding Bloomberg LP and being NYC’s mayor for an historic three terms — will be as a consumer advocate.
“If you take a look at these companies, like the tobacco companies, they target those who don’t know,” Bloomberg said. “And that’s what we have to work on: educating them and giving them the tools and counteracting special interests who make money selling them products or getting them to do things are dangerous to themselves.”
The former mayor, dressed in a blue pin-stripped suit and purple tie, didn’t mention the makers and sellers of large sugary drinks — a failed pet cause in his last hours as mayor — but he took a shot across the bow of the tobacco industry, which he said will kill a billion people this century.
Keep reading…

"I thought the insane belonged in sanitariums, not loose on the streets. Bloomie, you're an bloomin idiot. No one gives a shit what you like or want. Now your worried that the smokers are going to die too soon? No worry or concern for the tens of millions of babies aborted though, huh? So, tobacco can't kill people, only Planned Parent Hood? Seems common sense eludes those who have money and believe they are someone who knows better than you. It's is none of your damm business what a person does with their life! If someone wants to eat unhealthy foods, it is

Hu's On First With Two Idiots

John Kerry: Sir, I have the report here about the new leader of China.

Obama: Great. Lay it on me.

John Kerry: Hu is the new leader of China.

Obama: That's what I want to know.

John Kerry: That's what I'm telling you.

Obama: That's what I'm asking you. Who is the new leader of China?

John Kerry: Yes.

Obama: I mean the fellow's name.

John Kerry: Hu.

Obama: The guy in China.

John Kerry: Hu.

Obama: The new leader of China.

John Kerry: Hu.

Obama: The Chinaman!

John Kerry: Hu is leading China.

Obama: Now whaddya' asking me for?

John Kerry: I'm telling you Hu is leading China.

Obama: Well, I'm asking you. Who is leading China?

John Kerry: That's the man's name.


This day in Libtard History: 2004

Then Democratic presidential hopeful, former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean yells while addressing supporters during his caucus night party in West Des Moines, Iowa, in this Jan. 19, 2004, file photo. Dean's bid for chairmanship of the Democratic Party has tapped into members' hunger for a fighter who can recruit new supporters, raise plenty of money and inspire enthusiasm in a party out of power.

Picture, Joke, And Quote Of The Day

"Feel free to share"

Picture of the Day:

Joke of the Day: 

Quote of the Day:

"Well, I think that we have to stop saying that the president’s economic policies are failing and we start looking at really what the trend is. We’re seeing an incredible growth of the welfare nanny state, We’re seeing the poverty roles explode. We’re seeing the food stamp roles explode. We’re seeing more dependency on the government largess and programs. Look at what just happened kicking part-time workers off of their health care insurance plans. We’re seeing a desperation and a despondency out there that’s being created by this administration.
And it caused me to go back and read about the Cloward/Piven strategy of Richard Cloward and Francis Fox Piven who were Columbia University professors. (And it just so happened that the president went to Columbia.)
They talked about overloading the welfare system to a point where it would collapse, you would cause such chaos and then you would have to move from a welfare system to almost a national income system. And when you think about this 11th extension of unemployment benefits, it’s almost like the federal government’s trying to pay people not to get out there and participate in the job market." --Allen West


Teleprompter Fail 1

Teleprompter Fail 2

Teleprompter Fail 3