The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


Dance Along

We Are So Back

Friday, September 21, 2012

Chapter I: A childhood of privilege, not hardship

Photo - Obama and his bride Michelle Robinson, a fellow Harvard Law School graduate, on their wedding day, Oct. 3, 1992, in Chicago. (Associated Press)
Obama and his bride Michelle Robinson, a fellow Harvard Law School graduate, on their wedding day, Oct. 3, 1992, in Chicago. (Associated Press)
First lady Michelle Obama told the Democratic National Convention that "Barack and I were both raised by families who didn't have much in the way of money or material possessions."It is a claim the president has repeated in his books, on the speech-making circuit and in countless media interviews. By his account, he grew up in a broken home with a single mom, struggled for years as a child in an impoverished Third World country and then was raised by his grandparents in difficult circumstances.

The facts aren't nearly so clear-cut.

Ann Dunham was just 18 years old when she gave birth to Obama. She was a freshman at the University of Hawaii. His Kenyan father, Barack Hussein Obama Sr., was a few years older than Ann. They were married against family wishes.

Obama Sr. does not appear to have been welcoming or compassionate toward his new wife or son. It later turned out that he was secretly married to a Kenyan woman back home at the same time he fathered the young Obama.

He abandoned Obama Jr.'s mother when the boy was 1. In 1964, Dunham filed for a divorce that was not contested. Her parents helped to raise the young Obama.

Obama's mother met her second husband, an Indonesian named Lolo Soetoro, while working at the East-West Center in Hawaii. They married, and in 1967, the young Obama, then known as Barry Soetoro, traveled to Indonesia with his mother when the Indonesian government recalled his stepfather.

In Indonesia, the family's circumstances improved dramatically. According to Obama in his autobiography "Dreams from My Father," Lolo's brother-in-law was "making millions as a high official in the national oil company." It was through this brother-in-law that Obama's stepfather got a coveted job as a government relations officer with the Union Oil Co.

The family then moved to Menteng, then and now the most exclusive neighborhood of Jakarta, where bureaucrats, diplomats and economic elites reside.

A popular Indonesia travel site describes Menteng: "Designed by the Dutch Colonial Government in 1920s, Menteng still retains its graceful existence with its beautiful parks, cozy street cafes and luxurious housing complexes."

In 1971, his mother sent young Obama back to Hawaii, where his grandmother, Madelyn, known as Toots, would become one of the first female vice presidents of a Honolulu bank. His grandfather was in sales.

Obama's grandparents moved the same year into Punahou Circle Apartments, a sleek new 10-story apartment building just five blocks from the private Punahou School, which Obama would attend from 1971 to 1979.

Obama explains in "Dreams from My Father" that his admission to Punahou began "the start of something grand, an elevation in the family status that they took great pains to let everyone know."

To his credit, Obama did not downplay Punahou's upscale status, noting in his autobiography that it "had grown into a prestigious prep school, an incubator for island elites. Its reputation had helped sway my mother in her decision to send me back to the States."

Obama also admitted in the book that his grandfather pulled strings to get him into the school. "There was a long waiting list, and I was considered only because of the intervention of Gramps's boss, who was an alumnus."

The school still features a lush hillside campus overlooking the Waikiki skyline and the Pacific Ocean. It was one of the most expensive schools on the island, and both Obama and his half sister Maya Soetoro-Ng received scholarships.

While the Dunhams were not among the wealthiest families on the island, he nevertheless studied and socialized with the children of the social and financial elite. Obama has said he didn't fit in at the school. But that's not how other Hawaiians remember it.

Associated Press writer Sudhin Thanawala reported from Honolulu in 2008 that "classmates and teachers say Obama blended in well. He served on the editorial board of the school's literary magazine, played varsity basketball and sang in the choir. He went on the occasional date."

In his recent book "Barack Obama: The Story," Washington Post reporter David Maraniss said the future chief executive often smoked marijuana with prep school friends, rolling up the car windows to seek "total absorption," or "TA." They called themselves the "Choom Gang."

Edward Shanahan, a retired newspaper journalist who now edits downstreet.net and makes no effort to conceal his admiration for Obama, retraced his Hawaii years shortly after the president was elected.

Shanahan wrote that Obama lived in a "well-off neighborhood near the University of Hawaii where Barry, as he was known, resided in a comfortable home with his mother and her parents before she took him to Indonesia."

Sanahan said "our tour ended up on the lush, exquisitely maintained and altogether inviting campus of Punahou School, which we can imagine was a place of great comfort for Obama."

Tellingly, Obama has never lived in a black neighborhood. Maraniss reported in his book that when leftist activist Jerry Kellman interviewed Obama for a community organizing job in Chicago, he asked Obama how he felt about living and working in the black community for the first time in his life.

Obama accepted the job but chose not to live among those he would be organizing. Instead, he commuted 90 minutes each way daily from his apartment in Chicago's famous Hyde Park to the Altgeld Gardens housing project where he worked.

It was an early instance of Obama presenting himself one way while acting in quite a different way.

Next: Chapter II: The myth of the rock-star professor

Unreal. Obama Runs Taxpayer Funded Apology Ads in Pakistan (Video)

Awesome. We are now apologizing for the Muhammad video in an ad running in Pakistan funded by the American people – instead of standing up for free speech. Just dandy. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton apologize to Pakistanis for an obscure YouTube video that is blocked in Pakistan.

Here’s the ad:

And here’s the lowdown:
660 NEWS – The television ads in Pakistan feature clips of President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton during press appearances in Washington in which they condemned the video. Their words were subtitled in Urdu.
“We absolutely reject its content and message,” said Clinton in the advertisement.
The advertisements end with the seal of the American Embassy in Islamabad, the Pakistani capital.
State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said the ad was produced by the embassy, which spent $70,000 to air the 30-second spot on seven Pakistani television stations. Pakistan is the only country where the ads are running. The embassy wanted to run the ads because it determined that the messages of Obama and Clinton were not reaching enough of the Pakistani public through regular news reporting, Nuland said.
“As you know, after the (anti-Islam) video came out, there was concern in lots of bodies politic, including Pakistan, as to whether this represented the views of the U.S. government. So, in order to be sure that we reached the largest number of Pakistanis, some 90 million as I understand it in this case with these spots, it was the judgment that this was the best way to do it,” Nuland said.

 For the record… At the same time they’re running apology ads in Pakistan they are assisting Hollywood with a dead Osama movie.

140 Million Families Will Be Forced to Submit Obamacare Individual Mandate Compliance Forms to IRS

CBO estimates hours and hours of more paperwork for American taxpayers because of the Individual Mandate tax. 
The Congressional Budget Office on Wednesday announced that six million American families will be forced to pay the Obamacare individual mandate non-compliance penalty tax.
The six million families who will be forced to pay the tax understates the true compliance burden of the looming Obamacare individual mandate scheduled to take effect in 2014:
  • Every American required to file an income tax return must report to the IRS whether or not they have “qualifying” health insurance under Obamacare.

  • Thus, this tax will not just impact the six million American families having to pay the tax, but the 140 million U.S. households which file an annual income tax return.  Each of the 140 million households will be forced to complete and submit compliance forms to the IRS.

The compliance burden described above does not even take into account the other 19 new or higher taxes in the Obamacare law, which the IRS has determined for the Ways and Means Committee will increase tax preparation time by a collective 80 million hours per year.
The non-compliance penalty tax will hit middle-income Americans, a violation President Obama’s “firm pledge” not to raise “any form” of tax on families making less than $250,000 per year. There are at least seven Obamacare taxes that directly hit families making less than $250,000.

Obama slammed on Fast and Furious in Spanish-language TV interview: Shouldn’t you ‘fire’ Holder? [VIDEO]

Interviewers on the Spanish-language television network Univision grilled President Barack Obama about the Operation Fast and Furious scandal plaguing his administration in an interview Thursday.
“You told me during an interview that you and Mr. Holder did not authorize the Fast and Furious operation that allowed 2,000 weapons from the United States into Mexico and they were in the drug trafficking [cartels'] hands,” Univision co-host Jorge Ramos asked Obama, according to a translator, during the interview. “I think that up to 100 Mexicans might have died and also American agent Brian Terry. There’s a report that 14 agents were responsible for the operation but shouldn’t the attorney general, Eric Holder, he should have known about that and if he didn’t, should you fire him?”
Obama responded with similar talking points his administration has used time and again.
“Well, first of all, I think it’s important to understand that the Fast and Furious program was a field-initiated program, begun under the previous administration,” Obama said. “When Eric Holder found out about it, he discontinued it. We assigned an inspector general to do a thorough report that was just issued — confirming that in fact Eric Holder did not know about this, that he took prompt action and that the people who did initiate this were held accountable. But, what I think is most important is recognizing that we’ve got a challenge in terms of weapons flowing south, and the strategy that was pursued out of Arizona, obviously, was completely wrongheaded. Those folks who were responsible have been held accountable. The question now is, how do we move forward with a strategy that will actually work?”
“We are going to have to work with Mexican law enforcement to accomplish this, but I will tell you that Eric Holder has my complete confidence, because he has shown himself to be willing to hold accountable those who took these actions and is passionate about making sure that we’re preventing guns from getting into the wrong hands,” Obama continued.
Ramos followed up in English: “But if you have nothing to hide, then why are you not releasing papers to the –”
Obama responded: “The truth is we’ve released thousands of papers.

“But not all of them,” Ramos countered. (RELATED: Inspector general: Obama administration obstructed Fast and Furious investigation)
“We’ve released almost all of them,” Obama said. “The ones that we don’t release, typically, relate to internal communications that were not related to the actual Fast and Furious operation. The challenge that we have is that, at any given moment in the federal government, there may be people who do dumb things, and I’ve seen it, I promise. Ultimately, I’m responsible and my key managers, including the attorney general, are responsible for holding those people accountable, for making sure that they are fired if they do dumb things and then fixing the system to ensure that it doesn’t happen again, and I’m very confident that you will not see any kinds of actions like this in the future, but what I don’t like to see is these kinds of issues becoming political circuses or ways to score political points in Congress partly because it becomes a distraction from us doing the business that we need to do for the American people.”

 NEXT: Univision co-host: Why not have an independent investigation?
 Through a translator, co-host Maria Elena Salinas followed up: “Let’s have an independent investigation, because at the end of the day, this is the Justice Department investigating its boss and is saying they say is not at fault? Why don’t we have, very briefly, an independent investigation that is not done by the Justice Department?”

Obama answered: “Well, understand that, not only have we had multiple hearings in Congress, but the inspector general is put in place specifically to be independent from the attorney general. This attorney general’s [sic] report was not a whitewash in any way. I mean, it was tough on the Justice Department, and it indicated that, potentially, more supervision was needed, people should have known in some cases, even if they didn’t actually know. So, it was, I think, independent, honest, it was a clear assessment of what had gone wrong in that situation.”
“And we are happy to continue to provide the information that is relevant to this, but one of the things that happens in Washington is, very quickly, these issues become political distractions as opposed to us actually solving the problems that we need to solve,” Obama continued. “And, this issue of guns flowing south is a hard issue to solve, because this country respects the Second Amendment, we want to protect the rights of gun owners and those who are seeking to purchase firearms, but oftentimes that’s exploited as well. And so we’ve got to make sure we’re properly balancing the rights of U.S. citizens but making sure that we’re also interdicting those arms that would get into the hands of criminals.”

 Leave it to a foreign owned news organization to try to get to the truth.

Obama refuses to admit that he broke his promise to Hispanic voters

President Obama refused to admit that he broke his 2008 promise to get an immigration bill passed in his first year in office, as he blamed Republicans and the economy for thwarting him and maintained that he “did not make a promise that I would get everything done 100 percent when I was elected.”
“I want you first of all to acknowledge that you did not keep your promise,” the Univision town hall moderator told Obama today.
“That was before the economy was on the verge of collapse,” Obama replied. “That took up a huge amount of time in the first year.” He also said he “did not expect” Republicans to oppose his immigration proposals unanimously. “I’m happy to take responsibility for being naive,” he said, even though Democrats had a supermajority in the Senate and did not need a single Republican vote to pass a bill
Obama then argued, “I did not make a promise that I would get everything done 100 percent when I was elected.”
In fact, Obama guaranteed that he would push for immigration. “I cannot guarantee that it is going to be in the first 100 days,” he said during his first campaign. “But what I can guarantee is that we will have in the first year an immigration bill that I strongly support and that I’m promoting.” (You can see him reiterating that promise in the Buzzfeed video above.)
Of course, Obama pushed the health care bill instead of immigration, which he passed with unanimous Democratic support in the Senate and Democratic-backing in the House.

CHILLS— Republican Ad Bashing Obama on His Socialist Beliefs Will Give You Chills (Video)

 This is the most important election of our time.
It will define who we are as a country.
Will we be free?
Or will we be owned by government?
Will we be prosperous?
Or will we force our children and grandchildren to carry our debt?
Will we lead the world?
Or will we settle for 18th place behind Bahrain and Qatar?
We decide on November 6.
This latest Republican ad ought to give you chills.

Congressionally censured tax cheat tells Romney ‘Americans pay their taxes, unlike you.’

Chutzpah, thy name is Charlie Rangel:

“Nothing can be further from the truth than Gov. Romney’s ridiculous remarks that nearly half of American people do not pay federal income taxes, they pay other federal and state taxes. The 47 percent figure cited by the Republican presidential candidate covers only the federal income tax and ignores the fact that people may pay a higher percentage of their income on a wide variety of taxes.
Everyone pays taxes. Lower income persons pay state and local, property, excise and sales taxes. In fact, when all federal, state, and local taxes are taken into account, the bottom fifth of households pays about 16 percent of their incomes in taxes, on average. The second-poorest fifth pays about 21 percent. This is higher than what the Governor has paid in income taxes. He has absolutely no moral authority to accuse nearly half of the American people of being irresponsible and freeloaders.”
Speaking of “absolutely no moral authority,” let’s go over Rangel’s record, who was censured by the House of Representatives for a multitude of tax and ethics violations made while he was in charge of writing the nation’s tax policy as Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee.

Rep. Charlie Rangel amended his financial disclosure forms under pressure in 2009 to show “that he had omitted an array of assets, business transactions and sources of income. They include a Merrill Lynch Global account valued between $250,000 and $500,000; tens of thousands of dollars in municipal bonds; and $30,000 to $100,000 in rent from a multifamily brownstone building he owned on West 132nd Street.” That wasn’t all. “The latest filings come on top of an amendment to Mr. Rangel’s 2007 disclosure form reported this week showing that he had failed to list at least $500,000 in assets.” The new disclosures doubled Rangel’s net worth.

Rep. Charlie Rangel rented several apartments in Harlem at suspiciously below-market rates from a big campaign donor, combining several to create his home while using one of them as a campaign office. That was a violation of rent-control laws, which require rent-controlled apartments to be used as residences.

Rep. Charlie Rangel parked his Mercedes for free in a Congressional parking space for about five years, never declaring the approximate $300 monthly fee on his taxes, as IRS rules require. Luckily, the House Ethics committee determined that he didn’t violate any rules because they only apply rules about parking to staff, not members.

Rep. Charlie Rangel used Congressional letterhead to solicit donations for the Charles B. Rangel Center for Public Service at the City College of New York from companies that might have significant interests in the policy making of his committee, a move ethicist said “crossed the line.” He’d already funneled federal earmarks for the center.

Later, one of the big donors to the Charles B. Rangel Center for Public Service benefited richly when 
Rangel changed his position on closing a tax loophole.

Rep. Charlie Rangel failed to report $75,000 in rental income or pay taxes on a Dominican villa he owned, causing the New York Times to call for him to step down from his Ways and Means Chairmanship.

In 2008, Rep. Charlie Rangel was forced to pay back taxes on rental income on his villa in the Dominican Republic— a property he was advised to buy by one of his donors and for which he later received preferential treatment when the interest rate on his mortgage was waived.

Rep. Charlie Rangel took the “Property Homestead Deduction Act” tax break on his Washington, D.C. residence for five years, despite the fact that he maintained his primary residence in New York for electoral reasons. Lawmakers who maintain a residence in D.C. but must also maintain a primary residence in their districts are not eligible for the homestead break, tax lawyers told the NY Post.

Rangel is one of the most demonstrably corrupt manipulators of the tax code in Washington, and his longtime position as the guy who wrote tax code for the rest of us makes the corruption all the more despicable.

The headline on his press release should have been, “Americans pay their fair share in taxes, unlike me.”

Pow Wow! In debate, Scott Brown hits Elizabeth Warren on Native American heritage

Looks like they had quite a time.
Sen. Scott Brown immediately targeted Elizabeth Warren’s purported Native American heritage in a heated exchange that kicked off their first debate, saying she “checked the box,” as a minority when “clearly she’s not.”
“The only way to set the record straight is to release your personnel records … and you refuse to release your records, and I think that speaks volumes,” said Brown, who questioned whether Warren received advantages when she identified herself as a minority on law school directories.
He said the story of Warren’s lineage goes to her character

Republicans To Harry Reid: You Do Know Campaigning On Senate Floor Is Illegal, Right?…

 Everyone knows the rules don’t apply to Democrats.
Via The Hill:
Republicans say Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) flouted the spirit of ethical prohibitions against political activity on federal property Wednesday after he ripped Mitt Romney on the Senate floor.
They say Reid, who in July accused Romney of not paying taxes for a period of 12 years, has engaged in political activity that would violate federal rules if not for the Speech and Debate clause of the Constitution.
Reid pounced on Romney on Wednesday for remarks he made earlier this year characterizing “47 percent” of the nation as people who believe they are victims and who rely on government handouts.
Reid’s attack was followed by a fusillade from Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), who detailed Romney’s various gaffes on the campaign trail and suggested the GOP nominee has engaged in tax avoidance schemes.
“He’s campaigning on the Senate floor. It’s the taxpayer-funded Senate floor. The speech had nothing to do with the Senate. It was a pure campaign speech. You couldn’t give it in the rotunda. You couldn’t give it in my office. It’s a taxpayer-funded building,” said a senior Senate Republican aide.

Obamamalaise Part XXXVII: ‘You Can’t Change Washington from the Inside’

Obama in 2008: All things are possible, including slowing the rise of the oceans and healing the planet (and bankrupting whole sectors of the economy, etc.).
Obama in 2012:
During the President’s Univision interview this afternoon President Obama was asked about his biggest lesson that he learned during his first term.

 “The most important lesson I’ve learned is you can’t change Washington from the inside,” Obama said. 

 I know at least 50 million people who will be happy to help see him off with a helluva bon voyage party in November, as he plans his efforts to reform the system from the outside beginning the following January…
And when even former(?) JournoList member Ben Smith calls it “perhaps Obama’s worst gaffe since he met Joe the Plumber” rather than employing “the dark art of BenSmithing it away,” as Big Journalism’s John Nolte might put it, it’s quite a gaffe.

 It’s also a reminder that Obama’s malaise mindset is a permanent part of his worldview, because it’s systemic to the core of post-JFK liberalism. Or to borrow a headline of mine from last year, Welcome Back My Friends, to the Malaise That Never Ends.

“Obama’s Learned He’s a Failure,” Jonah Goldberg responds:
Two points: 1) Given how he so often says he wakes up every morning thinking about what he could do to create jobs, it’s interesting that he says his inability to pass comprehensive immigration reform (even when he totally controlled Congress) was his biggest failure. But I suppose that can be written off as simple pandering.
2) His biggest lesson, meanwhile, is that “you can’t change Washington from the inside.”  Wait a second. In the 2008 primaries, his whole argument with Hillary Clinton was over this exact question. She believed that you can change Washington from the inside and Barack Obama said you couldn’t.

Still More: Video flashback to Obama in 2008: “We will not take a dime from Washington lobbyists… We’re gonna change how Washington works…”

Meanwhile, an Onion article from the following year subtly foreshadows Obama’s non-official campaign staff’s dilemma in responding to today’s gaffe.

NO JOKE: If Obama reelected, looks like he'll release the WTC bomber

This report should trouble every American (which excludes, of course, most self-described "progressives"):

The U.S. State Department is actively considering negotiations with the Egyptian government for the transfer of custody of Omar Abdel-Rahman, also known as “the Blind Sheikh,” for humanitarian and health reasons, a source close to the the Obama administration told TheBlaze...

...The Blind Sheikh is currently serving a life sentence in American prison for his role in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, but the newly-elected Islamist government in Egypt has been actively petitioning his release. Many have pinpointed a cause of last week‘s unrest in in the country to be protests over the Blind Sheikh’s release — not an anti-Muslim YouTube video.

...A veteran intelligence analyst and researcher for TheBlaze said he met with an official within the Obama administration who told him that the transfer of the Blind Sheikh to Egypt is something that is being “actively considered” by the administration as a solution to the ongoing crisis in the Middle East. His source asked not to be identified.

When asked if the transfer of the convicted terrorist was being seriously considered, the intelligence analyst said yes, according to his source, who stressed that the move, if executed, was not intended to take place or be announced until after the presidential election.
The concerns are legitimate, as evidenced by a report this afternoon that top House Republicans are imploring the White House to keep Rahman under lock and key.

Eight top-ranking House Republicans are pressing the White House not to release “the blind sheikh” from prison, saying that it would be “a sign of weakness” by President Obama...

In a letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Attorney General Eric Holder this week, eight heads of House committees and subpanels pressed the administration not to appease the acts of violence in Egypt by releasing Rahman.

“Succumbing to the demands of a country whose citizens threaten our embassy and the Americans serving in it would send a clear message that acts of violence will be responded to with acts of appeasement rather than strength,” wrote Reps. Lamar Smith (R-Texas), Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-Fla.), Mike Rogers (R-Mich.), Buck McKeon (R-Calif.), Pete King (R-N.Y.), Hal Rogers (R-Ky.), Frank Wolf (R-Va.) and Kay Granger (R-Texas).

The Obama administration could put this madness to rest with a simple statement such as, "We pledge that we will never release the Blind Sheikh."

And this it will not do. Which means the only guaranteed way we'll stop Obama from releasing the World Trade Center bomber is to fire him in November.

Helpful Chart: Focus Groups Contrast the Candidates

Meet the Deciders

 The good news? The good news is that they are for Mitt.

Yesterday afternoon, on the seventh floor of a nondescript glass office tower on the fringes of downtown Tampa, I sat in a dark room behind a two-way mirror and watched the one and only Frank Luntz put a focus group of 23 “swing voters” through the paces.

What I learned: Americans are worried. About a lot of things. It was a two-and-a-half-hour session, but I’ll give you a for instance. Americans are really worried about education: about cost and competition from abroad, about kids who mortgage their futures by forgoing college to work, about kids who are too lazy to work and hide away in college. They think we need better teachers. They think we need better parents (“There should be parenting courses!”). They think we need to hold educators more accountable. They think we need to leave educators be. They think critical- and creative-thinking skills are the most important. They think we should stick to the three Rs. We should learn from Asia. We should reject the Asian model. There was agreement, at least, that we should do more of the things that work and less of the things that don’t. That, above all, things should be better, and everyone needs to do everything to make them so. And the children, always the children.

And so it went. Luntz covered all the big issues, from the economy (some are afraid it’s getting worse, but they’ve got hope; others are optimistic about growth, but they have their doubts) to increased political polarization (the problem, you see, is that Republicans pick conservatives in their primaries, and Democrats pick liberals in theirs).

 The sum total revealed a bizarre truth about swing voters. It’s not that they’re divided on any given issue, with half taking one side and half the other. Rather, everybody seemed to agree with everybody else about everything — and to disagree with them, too. Transitory coalitions formed and dissolved in what seemed a matter of milliseconds, like exotic particles in a supercollider. One minute, Latino Nose Spectacles was in complete agreement with Senior in Blazer. The next, they were at each other’s throats, and Young Yellow Dress had to team with Hair Gel to step in as the voice of reason. Working majorities seemingly assented to some premise, only to split a thousand ways on the most straightforward logical conclusion from said premise.

Everybody hates Congress, but most of these people either voted for their current congressmen or can’t name them. Everybody blames both parties for gridlock, but everyone also wants politicians brave enough to stand for their principles and against business as usual. Most call themselves moderates. One — one — describes himself as a liberal, and he voted for McCain and plans to vote for Romney. There were even those among them, reader, who liked Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan equally. Such people aren’t so much swing voters as they are schizophrenic. It’s Schrödinger’s electorate.

The bad news is that these people are going to determine the election.

The good news? The good news is that they are for Mitt. That’s right, ladies and gentlemen. If Luntz picks his swing-voter focus groups as carefully as he claims, Romney/Ryan has this whole thing sewn up. When asked to describe Romney in one word, they said things like “stiff,” “experienced,” “educated,” “accomplished,” “articulate,” “untrustworthy,” “a leader,” “successful,” “privileged,” “question-mark,” and “ethical.” A mixed bag, right? Sure, but look at what they call Obama: “narcissist,” “polarizing,” “trying,” “having hope,” “incapable,” “lost,” “polarizing,” “socialist” (!), and most damning of all, “disappointing.”

 Starker still: Almost all of them voted for Obama in 2008. Almost none of them are committed to doing it again.
Romney’s good juju is confirmed by Luntz’s most famous exercise, the human seismograph that asks group members to modulate a dial (Every. Single. Second.) to express the degree to which a given advertisement persuades them. The most effective anti-Romney ad is easily the “Bain killed our steel plant” spot. One woman boasts she went online to confirm its truth, and it all checked out. Another woman pipes in that that’s good enough for her (you could feel the eyes in the darkened press room collectively roll).
But easily the most effective ad overall is the AFP spot featuring testimonials from disappointed Obama voters. As it airs, Luntz enters the press room and starts narrating the modulating “DEM” and “GOP” lines we see superimposed on our monitors. “If you’re Romney, you need numbers over 70 for GOP leaners and numbers over 50 for Democrat leaners.” The lines spike past that benchmark for GOP leaners, and hover in the neighborhood of 50 for the Democrat-ish.

 Luntz goes back to the group and interrogates them about the ad. Folks like the first-person testimonial aspect and the emotional content. “They said exactly what I was thinking,” says one. Luntz later says he is hearing this in most of his focus groups. People really like President Obama, and what they are looking for is permission to vote for Romney anyway. This ad delivers it. On the flipside, they don’t buy the infamous “GOP pushing Granny off a cliff” spot. They call it “sick,” “disturbed,” “offensive,” “funny,” “counterproductive,” “terrible,” and “tragically hilarious.”

Speaking of tragically hilarious, the veep race looks like a laugher, too. Ryan isn’t exactly beloved, but at least he’s taken seriously. Young Yellow Dress calls him a Boy Scout. The mention of Biden’s name, by contrast, elicits snickers. They call him “crazy uncle,” “bumbling,” “disoriented,” “bumbling,” “bumbling,” “irrelevant” (!), “thoughtless,” “crude,” “out of touch,” “howdy-doody,” “crude,” and “idiot.” A middle-aged African-American woman adds: “Joe Biden reminds me of — really, truly — a drunk.”
She is easily the most intriguing panelist. She voted Obama and is now planning to vote Romney. She’s never voted Republican before, but she owns a small manufacturing business and trusts Romney more with the economy. “I fell for the rhetoric of hope and change, and I’m sorry for it,” she says. She thinks Obama won’t be able to run up the score with black voters this time; a few will switch, like her, but many, many more will simply stay home.

Again, if she’s right, and if Luntz’s schizos are indicative, you can put the caffeine-free Diet Coke on ice.


Teleprompter Fail 1

Teleprompter Fail 2

Teleprompter Fail 3