Via Daily Caller:
Some Americans apparently believe that the U.S. declared its independence from Mexico in 1776, according to a poll released Tuesday.
While 77 percent of the people surveyed correctly named Great Britain when asked which country the United States won its independence from, 23 percent — nearly a quarter of the population — named the wrong country or weren’t sure, a NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll found.
“A scattering of people mention France, Mexico and Germany among the longer list of countries,” said Dr. Lee Miringoff, Director of The Marist College Institute for Public Opinion.
Hell, 23% probably can't spell 'The United State's of America'. Way to go Public Education System! The dumbing down of America is right on schedule. Obviously these idiots never read the Declaration of Independence. Oh wait, grade schools don't teach U.S. history anymore. They say there isn't enough time to waste on it because they have to teach about things like how evil Columbus and all white colonists are. Unfortunately, not at all surprised with this, we got sitting members of congress who think our astronauts planted a flag on mars, and islands tip over, and Bush is still president. Well, at least Russia wasn't listed as one of the top countries. If it was I would be worried that CNN was having an effect.