The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

NY Gov. Cuomo: People Who Oppose Gun Control Laws Are Paranoid Extremists (Video)

"Thus speaketh King Cuomo's son, Prince Andrew the moron. No, we are not 'dangerous extremists' you asshole, we are American Citizens whose right to bear arms is written into the Constitution, you know, that document you Leftists, Socialists, Communists (i.e., Democrats) are trying to tear apart. Hey Andy boy, your father was a jackass and the apple didn't fall far from the tree. You should be hiding your head in shame after being one of the chief architects of the housing collapse. Nice job there you moron. You know it's not about guns, it's about control. All you libtards with your delusional fantasies of power know this. It's a essential to being a democrap. Yep, I'm a paranoid extremist. Thank you for the compliment. I'd rather be in the paranoid camp of such patriots as Jefferson, Madison, Washington, etc., than in the camp of

Bloomberg: Lawmakers Who Vote Against Gun Control Will ‘Pay a Price’

"Correction, Douchberg needs to pay a price. He’s another active cultural changing, tradition destroying, I want to rule your life, libtard progressive. Has anyone told this useless piece of human waste that he lives in AMERICA and not North Korea, Cuba, China, Venezuela, or some other dictatorship? Where the Constitution is concerned, guns are not only for hunting, they are to ensure all of our rights and to allow "We the People" the ability to protect ourselves against  a tyrannical, overbearing, government and asshole politician like you. To have the ability to meet fire with fire. We need “Left-Wing Nut-Job” control, not gun control. Hey Douchberg, we live in a democracy and who the hell elected you to dictate to us what we can have, eat, drink, and

Sasha, Malia Obama Vacation at Bahamas' 'Atlantis' Resort

"I guess sequestration is for the little people. Face it they are just "better than us". We are just the people, the tax payers that allow them to enjoy themselves at our expense. I mean here we, the peons, are struggling to make ends meet and they use our money to send Mooche 1 and Mooche 2 and who knows who else, on an all expense, paid for by us the citizens, spring break vacation. Unreal, isn't it? Just when you think it can't get any worse it does.And the media finds nothing


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