The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Saturday, April 19, 2014

Hillary Jr. Pregnancy Is American Royalty

ABC News Touts Chelsea Clinton’s Pregnancy As America’s “Royal” Baby

Via Newsbusters:
According to the liberal network journalists, being part of a Democratic family makes you “royalty.” Reporters on ABC, CBS and NBC gushed over the announcement that Chelsea Clinton is pregnant. Good Morning America’s Bianna Golodryga enthused, “Move over, Prince George, though. This morning, Americans have their own royal, or, rather, presidential baby, to look forward to.”

"Would you expect anything less from ABC, the (A)ll (B)arrack (C)hannel. So now the Clinton's

‘U.S. Soldiers Are Really Not Worth Anything’ Says China

Theoretically: Chinese military VS Japanese military. Who would win?

Via Newsmax:
A Chinese editorial criticized the U.S. military, according to The Washington Times.
“These U.S. warships roaming around here [in the East China Sea] are slowly being considered by us Chinese as our moving targets right in front of our eyes, and the [U.S.] bases in Okinawa as a whole are also no longer a big deal” to us, said an editorial printed in the Communist Party-owned Global Times.
“When facing China, these U.S. soldiers are really not worth anything,” the editorial said, according to The Washington Times. “If China and the U.S. were to start an all-out fight, these American Marines would be more like a marching band, charging with others, but with their musical instruments in hands.”
The editorial was a response to comments by a U.S. general, the Washington newspaper said.
 Keep reading…

"This coming from a culture that believes dogs, rotten fish heads, and whale dicks are good

Picture's, Joke, And Quote Of The Day

"Feel free to share"

Picture's of the Day:

Joke of the Day: 

  Canada's 'Joe Biden' to Run for Reelection

Quote of the Day:

"The government is reading and storing all of my emails? No big deal; I’m not a terrorist, so I am OK.

The government is listening to and storing all my phone calls? Whatever, I don’t talk to terrorists.

The government is tracking and storing my location? So what? I don’t go anywhere that is suspect.

The government is targeting political enemies and surveilling journalists? Who cares? I’m not an activist or a partisan, so this does not affect me.

This isn’t a Republican vs. Democrat issue, it isn’t even a conservative vs. liberal issue… this is an American vs. un-American issue. Do you wish to be a free American, or will you accept becoming a slave to a massive and all-powerful police state? You are either an advocate for freedom and limited government, or you are an advocate for tyranny. There is no gray area, no middle ground to be found here. This government has slowly amassed powers over the last hundred years that would horrify the Founders of this nation. As I stated earlier, I can’t believe the shooting hasn’t already started.

For you liberal readers out there, let me offer this: pick your favorite right-wing boogieman, the craziest fascist evil criminal wingnut that there is, and make that person the President…. President Dick Cheney, President Rick Santorum, President Charles Koch, President Alan West, President Michelle Bachmann, President Rush Limbaugh, President Glen Beck, President Joe Arpaio, President John Bolton, President Ted Nugent… whoever really freaks you out.

Now ask yourself this question: Do you want that person to have the power and the surveillance apparatus and the unchecked force of the IRS that Barack Obama and this massive government now wields?" --Taxicab Depressions


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