The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Monday, March 10, 2014

Leftist's Call The World's Leading Neurosurgeon “Uncle Tom,” “Token,” And “House Slave”…

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Tolerance brigade calls Ben Carson ‘token,’ ‘Uncle Tom’ and ...

"And they will call us racist's? The left is a cesspool of racist hate. Their vile comment's show how when they are unable to defend what ever it is they are claiming to support, out comes the derogatory comments against the good doctor. And calling the world's leading neurosurgeon a House Negro. I have no words. The left are mocking one of the greatest brain surgeons that ever lived. He's actually saved lives, while the POS in the Shite House seeks to ruin ours. Ben Carson is pointing out the truth about Barry the commie and his followers can't handle it. Too f**king  bad. Dr. Carson is brave, bright and honest, so naturally he'll make these libtards skin crawl. Satan's children hate the good doctor because he's a huge threat to their power grab. Meanwhile these idiots continue to obediently march to the beat of their messiah's drum. These morons have their black idols, Rearend Al , Jessah Jackass, and of course the The One, Barry Who's-insane Obowel. 
Chris Matthews: Ted Cruz is a racist

Can't wait to hear the BSDNC clowns take on this one. The left wing media can't fathom a man of color telling the truth because the truth isn't in their scheme of things. Ben Carson, a self made man, vs. the magic negro, a  commie media creation. When you got leftist media hating you, you know you must be doing something right. All of this is right out of the MSM Handbook: "if you can't attack the message, attack the messenger". Resist they much.

liberals hate me

It amazes me how these leftist's call outstanding people like Dr. Ben Carson a "House Slave". Dr. Carson a "House Slave"? Oh really? Tell me, who is the slave, one who follows an ideology that promises welfare in return for your freedom, and insists others of a certain skin color act the same

Happy Anniversary Democraps!

Four Years Ago Today:
 “We Have To Pass It To Find Out What’s In It”

Pinned by Kate Thompson

"Today, March the ninth, 2010, the "Wicked Witch Of The West Coast" spoke the word's that "should live in infamy!". Well, we found out you libtard hag and we still don't like it. Here it is, 4 years later, and still there's no way to know what "was" in it because the "I Got A Pen in Chief" keeps "adjusting" it. Seems like the fog got thicker. 

Is Nancy Pelosi a political liability in the midterm elections?

Now Taking Bets On The Cancellation Of Ronan Farrow’s MSNBC Show

"Brutal. Nice pick BSDNC. That's quite the blooper reel. How many years has he been on? Oh, it's only been a week? Tell me this is a school project, right? Just another in the long line of unqualified libtards. Add a few "ya knows" to his patter and he could be U.S. Ambassador to Japan. Once this no talent elitist has worn out his welcome, who do you have next in you bad ratings bag of tricks? I hear Chelsea Clinton's agent is now entertaining offers. Ronan Farrow

Picture's, Joke, And Quote Of The Day

"Feel free to share"

Picture's of the Day:

Joke of the Day: 


Quote of the Day:

"Mr. Stewart is the host of a fake news show, the genesis of which probably was a conversation that went approximately like this: Brother-in-Law: “There’s nothing funny on Saturday Night Live except the ‘Weekend Update.’ They should really just do that for the whole show.” Jon Stewart: “Hey…!” Mr. Stewart is among the lowest forms of intellectual parasite in the political universe, with no particular insights or interesting ideas of his own, reliant upon the very broadest and least clever sort of humor, using ancient editing techniques to make clumsy or silly political statements sound worse than they are and then pantomiming outrage at the results, the lowbrow version of James Joyce giving the hero of Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man the unlikely name of Stephen Dedalus and then having other characters in the novel muse upon the unlikelihood of that name. His shtick is a fundamentally cowardly one, playing the sanctimonious vox populi when it suits him, and then beating retreat into “Hey, I’m just a comedian!” when he faces a serious challenge. It is the sort of thing that you can see appealing to bright, politically engaged 17-year-olds.

...The thing is, people actually get their news from his show. Fans, many of whom cannot quite spell his name, swear that the program is “more accurate than any other news show.” Ignore, for the moment, the judgment exhibited in that quotation and focus on the word “other.” In the minds of many of his admirers — and in the minds of those news-site editors who report on Mr. Stewart’s fake news as part of the real news — there is no substantive difference between what Mr. Stewart does and what, e.g., Ezra Klein does (“Ezra Klein Destroys Romney,” “Ezra Klein Destroys David Brooks,” “Ezra Klein Destroys Republican Opposition to Temporary Payroll Tax Cut,” etc.) because for the Left the point of journalism is not to criticize politics or to analyze politics but to be a servant of politics, to “destroy” such political targets as may be found behind one’s crosshairs. For the Left, the maker of comedy and the maker of graphs perform the same function. It does not matter who does the “destroying,” so long as it gets done." --Kevin D. Williamson


Teleprompter Fail 1

Teleprompter Fail 2

Teleprompter Fail 3