The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Friday, May 3, 2013

Hussein Tells Mehico, "I'm Sorry For All The Problems America Caused You. Jackass.

"Yo Barry,  in case you forgot, it wasn't us going through high school and college in a reefer daze, so stoned that we had an official Choom Gang to celebrate a constantly high lifestyle. Its odd that you place blame for drugs on We the People. But I guess it was just as odd that you blamed the Fast and Furious guns you and Holder dumped into Mehico on law abiding Americans too. My question to you Barry is a simple one, are you still stoned? Since your an admitted drug user, if you really feel this way, why don't you do something to stop the flow of drugs that come into the country? Oh wait, that would require you to uphold your oath of office, and defend U.S. borders. Can't have that, now can we? And what about the guns? "Most of the guns

used to commit violence here in Mehico come from the United States,"you say. Well no shit Dick Tracy, can you say Fast & Furious. Hey genius, it was your administration that helped smuggle

Bullshit Alert: Michelle Obama Says Gun Violence Has “Every Single Kid” Worried About Death “Every Single Day” God I Despise Her.

"Like I f**king care what Moochelle "get those deadbeat welfare patients out of my hospital" Hussein has to say. Are you kidding me. So she wants to get into the action and start with this gun control bullshit too. It's bad enough we have to see her pathetic POS husband running around yelling and screaming about things that are not important, we got to see Sasquatch doing the same thing. So kids are worried they are going to die because we don't have your bullshit gun control policy. Go to hell. The kids I know are scared to death your going to implement another lunch program in the schools. The only thing anyone should be worried about is this ugly, racist, affirmative action recipient, stupid, slack jawed, mouth breathing, disbarred lawyer who helps push her pot smoking husbands socialist agenda. That's what we have to worry about. I worry every single day that I'm going to hear some bullshit drivel coming out of your mouth. God she makes me sick. I despise her and her husband. 

Tell me Mooch, where are these worried kids, Chicago. And what city in the US has some of the toughest gun laws in the country, Chicago. And what city has been controlled by democraps forever, Chicago. How is it possible for these kids to be afraid? They live in a democraped control

Harry Reid Confirms Husseinocare Could Be A Train Wreck. Smartest Moron In The Senate.

"Oh really shithead. Your just finding this out. We knew it when you passed it. This just proves that you are the single most dumbest asshole on the planet. And what is your plan jackass? Throw more money into it. Brilliant. Your too f**king stupid to even breathe on your own and you are the Leader in the Senate. Truth be told Harry, this complete and utter libtard disaster known as Hellcare would more resemble the crash of the Hindenburg than a train wreck, and will end up killing a hell of a lot more people. Wait till your low information voters find out what is going to happen to their healthcare come October, November. Anyone that voted for this shit Act is going to be in a lot of trouble. Oh the humanity! That's right, these stupid people will support you until you start messing with their expected handouts, then all bets are off and you will be lucky if you get away with your lives. It is going to "break my heart" to watch this train wreck actually go down, but I have no pity in my heart at all for any of those idiots that voted for Hussein and pinheads like you Harry. None. Prepare for the consequences you stupid fools. Prepare for it all, we can't save you this time. Boy is this going to be fun to watch.

So let me get this straight Harry, implementation wasn't written into this monstrosity? That's what you said, and I quote, “Max said unless we implement this properly, it’s going to be a train wreck and I agree with him”. Now, I may not know shit about writing legislation, and apparently you know even less, but I would think that implementation would be kind of crucial, don't you think? Ah, maybe just slipped your empty mind. And this other brilliant statement you made,

Eric Holder Blames Congress For Mirandizing Boston Bomber

"Of course it's never them. It's not surprising he refused to take responsibility for his actions, it's Eric Holder. The hypocrite says "You guys need to look at the law", as it pertains to Miranda. Did he hear himself say that? If Holder thinks Miranda is based on congressional activity it is either a blatant lie or further evidence that he, like his boss, apparently made it through college without actually showing up and studying. I see that he received a degree from Columbia Law School, which apparently is the same diploma mill that also gave Barack Oboutme an advanced degree without any evidence of his attending classes. This same shady institution probably also gave out 

a bunch of diplomas to today "journalists". Eric Holder is a liar. At least when Hussein lies, he almost smiles if he thinks he's fooled everyone, he stutters and stalls when he's having difficulty

Its Commies and Socialists at May Day Rally. DICK Durbin Show His Support.

"Anytime you get a mob of angry self-loathing privileged, racist, progressive, drug addicted, flea bitten, crab infested Hussein supporters together, it will get violent. What else would you expect from paid agitators who hate Capitalism taking part in an “anti-capitalism” march? To all of you assholes that get off on destroying other people’s property, where did you get the shoes you are using to cover your feet when you march against capitalism? Did the socialist shoe fairy visit you one night, determine your size, then leave your most favorite style of all under your pillow?
How about those of you with glasses? You know, those things you wear in front of your eyes that correct your poor vision and allow you to read books by communists like Vladmir Lenin, Karl Marx, Joseph Stalin, Che Guevara, Leon Trotsky and the rest of those murdering communist bastards. Oh, and from were did you get your cell phones? Never mind. Probably from Hussein. What a bunch of hypocritical douche bags.
But lets not forget it's the Tea Partiers who pose the real threat with their permitted peaceful gatherings, where they have the audacity to say the Pledge of Allegiance. These are the same assholes that were involved in the Occupy movement that was supported by lefty governors, lefty mayors, and Democraps in Congress. The same assholes that have no regard for private property or the safety of police officers. Speaking of assholes, I see libtard moron Dick-Head Durbin was at the Chicago Communist Day event. We know he is a communist. So he fit right in. Durbin the Turbin yells out to these scumbags, "We have freedom of speech that allows us to record this and


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