The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Monday, October 15, 2012

Hillary Clinton reveals what REALLY led to Benghazi massacre - and demolishes White House claim it was triggered by anti-Islam film

  • Announcement of State Department dissent from rest of Obama administration could help protect Clinton during 2016 presidential run
  • Obama administration originally said assault stemmed from protests against anti-Islam video but then backtracked saying terrorists responsible
  • Officials tell how ambassador Chris Stevens was trapped in safe-room as assailants burnt the compound down
  • AK-47s, grenade attacks, and a smoke-filled safe-room - chilling account of the death of U.S. ambassador Chris Stevens revealed 
  • Ambassador's whereabouts after attack not known until officials rang his cell phone - and found doctors trying unsuccessfully to save his life in hospital
  • Most serious attack on U.S. diplomatic compound since al-Qaeda bombed the embassies in Kenya and Tanzania 14 years ago
Ambassador Chris Stevens The State Department has said that it never believed the September 11th attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi was the result of a protest over an anti-Islam movie - directly contracting the rest of the Obama administration.

By trying to distance her department from the inept and deceptive handling of the Benghazi attack, which left U.S. ambassador Chris Stevens and three other American officials dead, Hillary Clinton could help herself politically for a 2016 presidential run.

A dramatic new account by the State Department reveals that Stevens was locked inside a 'safe room' choking to death from diesel-heavy smoke as the building around him burned to the ground.

Alongside him was a security guard, tasked with the impossible choice between staying in the deadly room - or facing the rocket-propelled grenades and machine-guns outside.
Eventually the guard slipped through the window - and was cut down by the grenades.
No-one saw the ambassador alive again - another agent tried desperately to enter the safe-room, but could not find him anywhere.

The State Department's insistence it never bought the story - expressed by the White House and Susan Rice, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations - that a crude anti-Islam film made in California triggered the attack gives ammunition against Obama both to the Romney campaign and congressional Republicans.

State Department sources have said that Clinton has never forgotten that Rice, who served in her husband Bill's administration, was an early supporter of Obama. Rice has ambitions to take over from Clinton if Obama is re-elected but the Benghazi debacle could scupper her chances.

In a briefing on Tuesday, State Department officials said 'others' in the executive branch concluded initially that the attack was part of a protest against the film, which ridiculed the Prophet Muhammad. That was never the State Department's conclusion, reporters were told.

Bill Clinton Gathering Legal Minds to Fix Hillary’s Benghazi Mess?

 "I don’t know how Hillary gets out of this one. I don’t think anyone on Bill’s team can make it happen".
"Hillary takes this one hard on the chin and she deserves it. The wife of a former U.S. President supported the agenda to blame America first and protect Muslim countries no matter the cost".

Ed Klein, the author of The Amateur saying Bill Clinton has “assembled an informal legal team” to come up with some strategy to defend Hillary Clinton’s Benghazi strategy, which was insane and irresponsible by any measure. If we have a Marine detachment in Barbados, why wouldn’t we have protected our interests in Benghazi? Perhaps because Hillary has busily and with great import taken on the Muslim cause around the world. She jumped on that bus going in the wrong direction – the vehicle Obama tuned-up in his Cairo speech, and has kept the petal to the metal ever since.

Two More Bumps in the Road

While Hillary has criticized the ills facing Muslim women in speeches in front of world bodies, she has supported Mohamad Morsi, the new Muslim Brotherhood head of the Egyptian government, from the beginning, signaling to the world, that all is well in Egypt. Clinton has denied the startling ties to the Muslim Brotherhood of her Chief of Staff, most senior aide and close friend, Huma Abedin. We are to accept the large Islamic presence in our govenment, and we will like it.That’s our one option.

Libya Fallout Gives Rise to Obama-Clinton Feud


A nasty rift has opened up between President Barack Obama, former President Bill Clinton, and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton over the fallout from the terrorist attacks on the U.S. consulate in Libya that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens. This feud may undermine and threaten Obama’s reelection chances. 

Obama and Clinton both do not want to be held responsible for the negligence before and the cover-up after the Libya attacks. Clinton biographer Ed Klein on Friday reported that Bill Clinton, sensing Obama’s political team wants to pin legal and political blame on the State Department and Hillary Clinton, has been working on doomsday and contingency scenarios “to avoid having Benghazi become a stain on her political fortunes should she decide to run for president in 2016.”

Obama’s War: US Soldiers Are Told They Are Fighting For The Afghan People, Not For The US

Col. Harry D. Tunnell IV, commander of 5th Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division.
An American hero, Colonel Harry Tunnell IV, Commander of the 5th Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division, documented the truth about the war in Afghanistan.

What Obama is really doing in Afghanistan is treasonous.

Dated August 20, 2010, a letter was written to John McHugh, Secretary of the Army, signed by Colonel Harry Tunnell IV. In the letter, four significant factors about military operations in Afghanistan were revealed.

1. When US soldiers arrive in Afghanistan, they are told that they are fighting for the Afghan people:
“Soldiers join the military today to protect the United States, yet they are told once in Afghanistan that we are fighting for the Afghan people – this is a rather mercenary outlook and ignores the fact that the United States was attacked September 11, 2001.”
2. Contrary to the lies Joe Biden told the American people during the VP debate on October 11th, Afghan Security Forces are not able to be properly trained:

Staggeringly Stupid – Florida Passes Plan For Racially-Based Academic Goals, Asian Students Expected To Be Top Performers, Blacks Last…

Earlier in the year we saw Jesse Jackson in Florida demanding school disciplinary punishments be levied based on race via racial quotas.   Now the state board steps in and applies the same insufferable stupidity to acadamic expectations.
Their methodology is: Blacks are the least intelligent therefore blacks should have lower goals and expectations.    Asians are the most intelligent therefore they should have a higher bar of achievement….  
Typical Liberal Mindset – It is all based on race.   The Benjamin Crumps, and Natalie Jacksons of the world should own this consequence.   After all, it is their mindset that removes responsibility for self and instead places the blame on others.   Just like this new education plan. 
White Boy Can’t Jump – Black Boy Can’t Read.  So lets lower the basketball hoop height on the white side, and lower the reading level on the black side.  Nice huh?…. see how stupid that is.

Palm Beach, Fla. (CBS TAMPA) – The Florida State Board of Education passed a plan that sets goals for students in math and reading based upon their race.

On Tuesday, the board passed a revised strategic plan that says that by 2018, it wants 90 percent of Asian students, 88 percent of white students, 81 percent of Hispanics and 74 percent of black students to be reading at or above grade level. For math, the goals are 92 percent of Asian kids to be proficient, whites at 86 percent, Hispanics at 80 percent and blacks at 74 percent. It also measures by other groupings, such as poverty and disabilities, reported the Palm Beach Post.

The plan has infuriated many community activists in Palm Beach County and across the state.
“To expect less from one demographic and more from another is just a little off-base,” Juan Lopez, magnet coordinator at John F. Kennedy Middle School in Riviera Beach, told the Palm Beach Post.
JFK Middle has a black student population of about 88 percent.

“Our kids, although they come from different socioeconomic backgrounds, they still have the ability to learn,” Lopez said. “To dumb down the expectations for one group, that seems a little unfair.”
Others in the community agreed with Lopez’s assessment. But the Florida Department of Education said the goals recognize that not every group is starting from the same point and are meant to be ambitious but realistic.

As an example, the percentage of white students scoring at or above grade level (as measured by whether they scored a 3 or higher on the reading FCAT) was 69 percent in 2011-2012, according to the state. For black students, it was 38 percent, and for Hispanics, it was 53 percent.
In addition, State Board of Education Chairwoman Kathleen Shanahan said that setting goals for different subgroups was needed to comply with terms of a waiver that Florida and 32 other states have from some provisions of the federal No Child Left Behind Act. These waivers were used to make the states independent from some federal regulations.

“We have set a very high goal for all students to reach in Florida,” Shanahan said.

But Palm Beach County School Board vice-chairwoman Debra Robinson isn’t buying the rationale.

“I’m somewhere between complete and utter disgust and anger and disappointment with humanity,” Robinson told the Post. She said she has been receiving complaints from upset black and Hispanic parents since the state board took its action this week.

Robinson called the state board’s actions essentially “proclaiming racism” and said she wants Palm Beach County to continue to educate every child with the same expectations, regardless of race.

Candy Crowley Will Shill for Obama

Is there any doubt that Candy Crowley, who will moderate the next Romney-Obama debate, will use her liberal bias to help Obama? This is the same woman who had this to say after Mitt Romney picked Paul Ryan as his running mate:

Candy Crowley in 2010: IS THE TEA PARTY RACIST?

Meet the moderator of Tuesday night’s “town hall” style presidential debate, everyone.
FYI – This is an official CNN video, not a gotcha moment.
CNN wanted people to see this.

The next presidential debate is Tuesday night and everyone’s already complaining about the debate moderator, CNN’s Candy Crowley.

No one wants her to moderate, not Obama, not Romney.

Know why? Because she clearly can’t wait to insert herself in the conversation. Apparently, no one at CNN has explained the concept of a town hall debate.

Progress – Libtard Style

Barack Obama: Whiner-In-Chief

In this day and age masculinity has fallen out of fashion though not to the benefit of society. At one time the watch word of a man was encapsulated in Benjamin Disraeli’s famous “Never complain, never explain.” This philosophy would not be recognizable in the current White House where not only the buck does not stop, it can’t even get a security pass. Jimmy Carter exhibited raging testosterone drenched machismo by comparison.
Now our whiner-in-chief has produced an ad telling everyone just how freakin hard it is to be president. Savor the self pity:
Every president inherits challenges. Few have faced so many. Four years later, our enemies have been brought to justice. Our heroes are coming home. Assembly lines are humming again. There are still challenges to meet, children to educate, a middle class to rebuild — but the last thing we should do is turn back now.
I mean no one else did. The Great Depression, World War II, Vietnam, the whole 1960s turmoil, the Cold War, 9/11, etc., just pale by comparison when you look at what Obama faced don’t they. What he fails to mention is that the majority the problems existing today were the direct and foreseeable consequences of the actions… or inactions… of his regime.
Barack Obama might be our first half-black president but he is truly the first (six letter word, synonymous with cat) that we’ve had in the White House.

BOOM: Gold Standard of Temperature Data Proves Earth Is Cooling In Spite of Dramatic Increases in CO2

HadCRUT is the dataset of monthly temperature records formed by combining the sea surface temperature records compiled by the Hadley Centre of the Met Office and the land surface temperature records compiled by the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia. --Source

HadCRUT is the United Nations' gold-standard for the measurement of global temperatures. The data-set proves that over the last 15 years (180 months) the Earth has cooled, not warmed as predicted.

HadCRUT released their latest global temperature dataset today, which confirmed what both NOAA and NASA reported earlier this month - that global temps declined during July 2012.

In addition, the plot of the HadCRUT and CO2 data for the last 15 years, through July 2012, is very revealing.

Contrary to what the mainstream press reports and exaggerates about "global warming," the world has actually been in a stable-to-cooling phase since the El Nino temperature spike of 1997/98.

Of course, if the NYTimes or WAPO or CNN or CBS or the AP were ever to report the actual cooling trend over the last 15 years (despite the massive amounts of human CO2 emissions) this would establish that they have been grossly misleading the public for years about consensus "global warming."

And as the press fully realize, the public that primarily relies on traditional media outlets are extremely gullible with little intellectual curiosity. Thus the media gets away with hysterical fear-mongering, half-truths and deceptions.

Conclusion: Long story short - human CO2 emissions are not causing rapid, accelerating global warming, per the IPCC's favored HadCRUT temperature dataset. Over the last 15 years, global temperatures have been relatively stable, with a slight global cooling trend being exhibited. All the IPCC's and NOAA's climate experts, their climate models and the professional doomsayers have been absolutely wrong about their catastrophic climate predictions, for over a decade now - and not a single mainstream press outlet reports this. Solid advice to gullible: don't believe anything the mainstream press outlets "report."

In a curious semi-coincidence, the invaluable Anthony Watts relays word that over 2000 new low temperature records were set in October.

Why California is headed for fiscal collapse, Chapter Bajillion and Seven

I'll let the Mercury News describe the latest episode of public sector unions ripping off taxpayers for hundreds of millions:

An analysis of the last three years of government salary data shows state employees are continuing to store up massive banks of vacation, instead of heading to Big Sur or hitting the slopes at Lake Tahoe. They're cashing in by retiring with whopping final paychecks worth, in some cases, more than $500,000 in unused time off.

From 2009 through 2011, cash-strapped California paid more than $800 million for days off state workers never used -- a problem that has grown by tens of millions of dollars in the four years since this newspaper first investigated the costly practice...

It's an accounting liability that private companies work aggressively to avoid, but one that continues to pile up in Sacramento. And, ironically, the problem grew even worse in recent years when the state tried to save cash by forcing workers to take unpaid furlough days as an emergency budget fix. As a result, banks of unused vacation grew even larger.

"Is the system broken? Obviously the system's broken," said Tim Malan, a supervising dentist at


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