The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Monday, February 3, 2014

The Bitch Of Benghazi Takes A Super Bowl Shot At Fox

Hillary Clinton        ✔ @HillaryClinton
It’s so much more fun to watch FOX when it’s someone else being blitzed & sacked! #SuperBowl
8:44 PM - 2 Feb 2014

"First off stupid, Fox News is different than Fox Sports. Now that we cleared that up, Blitzed and sacked"? Kind of an insensitive description since Shrilliary did the same and left 4 American's to be blitzed and sacked in Benghazi. Maybe if Shillary had spent less time "blitzed" and more time attending to business she wouldn't be in the center of the Benghazi scandal. Shillary is playing the victim card again, just like when the Vast Right-wing Conspiracy "attacked", or should we say, "blitzed and sacked" Bubba for disrespecting the Oval Office and the Office of the Presidency, and their marriage. Yeah, Shillary, you've got it tough. You don't get off easy, you know, like Chris Stevens did. This is the major problem with the age of social media, we have to hear from jackasses in Washington every day. Poor Hillary. Guess what Shill, nobody died at the Super Bowl. When the hell is someone going to hold the "Bitch of Benghazi" accountable for all her lies. Probably a second or two after her death, I'd say. Unfortunately, Shillary, you weren't sacked for your incompetence, but you should have been.

Oh yeah, poor Shillary. Always being unfairly treated and so misunderstood. This is a woman who places revenge at the top of her priorities list. I have this feeling IF she is ever elected, she will make Hitler look almost compassionate. She will be on a agenda which involves destroying and getting even with anyone who ever crossed her in the wrong way, and their social standing

Study Of 16 Schizophrenic LGBT Canadians Costs The U.S. Taxpayers $52K

American taxpayers are paying over $52,000 to study 16 LGBT individuals who have schizophrenia in Toronto, Canada.
The research project, “Defining Community for LGBT People with Schizophrenia,” will follow the lives of a handful of lesbian, gay, and transgender individuals for one year to study the societal “barriers” of this group.
“Sexual and gender minority individuals with severe mental illness (SMI) are amongst the most marginalized individuals in North American society,” the grant, which was awarded last August, said. “They face multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination that compound the effects of having a major mental illness, hampering recovery and frustrating efforts to meaningfully participate in our communities.”
The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, in Toronto, will conduct the study, which will cost $52,773 in its first year. The project lists an end date of July 2015.
The researchers will examine the community “experiences” of 16 gay Toronto schizophrenics three times a year, using interviews with family members and “convenience store clerks” with whom the individuals interact with on a regular basis.


I never could figure out the entertainment value of LGBT People with Schizophrenia

"U.S. Taxpayers Fund $52K Study Of 16 Schizophrenic LGBT Canadians". They had to go out of the country to find crazy people? Since when? What the hell, they can't find enough schizophrenic LGBT Americans to study? I don't know why they had to go to Toronto to find these crazed perverts? Haven't they ever heard of San Francisco? I guess looking in Washington, D.C. would be way too obvious. Government has absolutely no respect for how hard people work

Political Newbie Pays For Slam Dunk Super Bowl Halftime Ad To Call Out Obowel

A political novice is jumping into the race to fill U.S. Rep Trey Radel’s seat in a huge way — with half-time Super Bowl ads directed squarely at President Barack Obama.

“It’s kind of a unique ad,” GOP hopeful Curt Clawson told WFTX Fox News, according to SaintPetersBlog. “I think it will draw some smiles, which we hope it does.”

Radel resigned from his seat on Monday after he was caught buying cocaine from a federal law enforcement officer. Gov. Rick Scott will schedule a special election to fill the seat.

According to SaintPetersBlog:

Clawson is a retired CEO of Hayes Lemmerz International, an automotive-wheel manufacturer with $2 billion in annual sales. He also served as Chief Operating Officer of American National Can.
So far, Clawson wrote several checks to run ads during both Sunday’s pre-game show and the “most coveted slot on TV,” the Super Bowl Halftime Show. He believes a Super Bowl ad will be the most effective way to get the word out about his campaign.

“We need to stand up to President Obama,” Clawson said. “We need to stand up to special interests. We need to stand up to lobbyists.”

Although a political unknown, the former Perdue University basketball star believes he has a pretty good shot at winning the race.

Picture's, Joke, And Quote Of The Day

"Feel free to share"

Picture's of the Day:

Joke of the Day: 

   A social worker from a big city in Massachusetts recently transferred to the mountains of West Virginia and was on the first tour of her new territory when she came upon the tiniest cabin she had ever seen     in her life.  Intrigued, she went up and knocked on the door.
 "Anybody home?" she asked.
 "Yep,"came a kid's voice through the door.
 "Is your father there?" asked the social worker.
 "Pa? Nope, he left afore Ma came in," said the kid.
 "Well,  is your mother there?".
 "Ma? Nope, she left just afore I got here," said the kid.
 "But," protested the social worker, (thinking that surely would need to  intervene in this situation) "are you never together as a family?"
"Sure, but not here," said the kid "This is the  outhouse."

Quote of the Day:

     "How come no one’s worried about bringing Dinesh D’Souza “out of the shadows”? After all, the poor fellow didn’t do anything wrong — not really. He just wanted to participate fully in our national life, in our democratic process. He didn’t want to hide — he was forced to take cover by our draconian, inhumane campaign-finance laws.

Mr. D’Souza’s real crime, the only offense that really matters in Washington these days, is being an Obama critic. Oh, they say he borrowed a couple of people’s names, but his real mistake was doing it in the Wendy Long Senate campaign. For Obama 2008 donors, borrowing other people’s names seems to have been a requirement.

And look, it’s not like every moment of D’Souza’s presence in this country has been a violation of law — even if it does rub the regime the wrong way. Nor does his day-to-day life ooze identity theft, tax evasion, bank fraud, Social Security fraud, Medicaid fraud, Medicare fraud, food-stamps fraud, and the like. Those crimes, instead, fill out the résumés of our “undocumented” legions. So ubiquitous is illegal-alien crime that the benumbed Beltway ruling class — very much including its Republican-establishment division — now just shrugs and says, What difference, at this point, does it make?" --Andrew C. McCarthy


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