The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Friday, October 4, 2013

Libtard Asshole Senator Dingy Harry Goes On Another Anti-Cruz Tirade On Senate Floor…

"Harry is a coward, not to mention being a crook, a liar and an asshole of gigantic proportions. The nasty old bastard wouldn't have the stones to insult Ted Cruz to his face. If I didn't know better Harry, Id say Ted Cruz scares you? Harry and the democraps are obsessed with taking Ted Cruz down and they can't do it. Why? Because the man lives by rules, integrity, honor, courage, bravery, and he is a man of his word with good morals. Harry and the democraps trying to blame Ted Cruz just makes the level of respect for Ted Cruz increase. I swear I'd pay $500 to have a ringside seat to watch Cruz bitch slap Harry the asshole. What a complete weasel this "man" is! If the Tea Party and the "junior Senator" are such minor leaguers, why all the stink? Because in reality, the entrenched demon democrap con-artists are scared shitless! Smell their Fear! If they weren't terrified of losing power, they wouldn't be going nuclear with their demonizing blitz. Funny we haven't heard from McShame yet. Either his adult diaper needs to be changed and the shutdown is preventing it, or he's read what's been written about him. He's probably having dinner with Harry now to time his change of parties. 

Harry is a bastard and is proud of it. I am oving how Ted Cruz scares the shit out of these commies, and the RINO's as well. Harry knows that Ted Cruz is dangerous and the democraps

Charlie StRangel’s “First Thought” On Capitol Hill Police Shooting: Blame Republicans

"What a low life piece of shit to suggest such a thing. STFU and go away already you old, racist crook. Too bad when they put the capital on lockdown they didn't do the same to StRangal's mouth. That's right StRangel, let's make it a hot racist issue, you know like "white cops kill black mommy". Where is Jackass and Sharpnuts, your other buddies. StRangel is the perfect argument for why there should beTerm Limits for these parasites. My question StRangal is how much do you owe in back taxes? And why isn't he in prison? You are as unqualified as the unqualified jackass that idiots put in the Shite House. Typical leftist thinking. Rush to judgment based purely on emotion, not facts. How difficult is it to wait till there is evidence and make an intelligent statement? Apparently too difficult for this Democrap. When are they going to drag out, one by one, these grifting, lower than worm shit, Black Caucus circus clowns. We are so fortunate to have Democraps in Congress with the skills, fortitude and smarts of Charlie StRangel among others. No wonder Barry is so successful as a corruptocrat and his Administration is so inept. Unlike the Republicans, Barry has a deep pool of Charlies to draw from and pleasure his desires for votes on any matter. 

Yeah, yeah, yeah, those damn white racist Republicans, that damn Tea Party and of course,

Picture, Joke, And Quote Of The Day

Picture of the Day: 

 Joke of the Day: 

Quote of the Day: 

  "Imagine the power the government would have today – let’s pretend it’s ten years from now and Obamacare is fully in place and there’s a legitimate fight over spending and taxing…and there’s a government shutdown… Do you know what a president like Obama would do?

He’d start cutting off your health care to force you to capitulate to his demands. Oh yes! They’d start shutting down hospitals, refusing to pay doctors and nurses, refusing to approve prescriptions. Because that’s where we’re headed, to the complete iron-fisted control of our health care. Can you imagine the kind of power they’d have over us then?

It’s certainly one of the reasons we must resist now." --Mark Levin


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