The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

If Obama were Jesus

Cartoon - creation of communist man by Michaelangelo
Is Obama really like Jesus? While his miraculous superpowers have always been part of the progressive narrative, there has recently been a increase in sightings of Barack Obama's divine nature in the mainstream culture - from a painting that depicts the president as crucified Christ, to Jamie Foxx calling Barack Obama our lord and savior, to a Florida professor who described Obama as an apostle sent to create "heaven here on earth."
Thus, let us ponder on this Christmas Eve about whether we would be better off if Christ were to equal Obama in moral and intellectual prowess. In fact, let us make a list (and check it twice) of what he would do differently:
  • He would apologize to Egypt for the renegade Exodus and restore the security and equality of bondage for all.
  • He would take money from the Temple to bail out the money changers.
  • He would feed the multitudes with five government forms and a roll of red tape.

Christmas Reminder: Nazis Celebrated Christmas By Promoting Socialism

"Exactly what the Left is doing with Obama … “For unto you is born this day in a village in Kenya, a Savior which is Barack the Lord.” I have little doubt Christmas is being celebrated in the exact same manner in many liberal households this day. Except with pictures of Zero. By the way, was there an Official White House Christmas Message on Christmas day? The answer is no". MC

Honoring Socialism–
Yesterday, No Pasaran reminded us that 75 years ago the Nazis celebrated Christmas by transforming Christmas songs into hymns praising National Socialism.
BERLIN — De-Christianization of famous German Christmas hymns, such as “Silent Night, Holy Night,” is the outstanding contribution to the current holiday season of the rapidly spreading German faith movement or “religion” of National Socialism. In the new versions of the old songs reference to Nazi tenets of race, blood and soil replace familiar words concerning

Brilliant: Jesse Jackson Asks Jail Inmates to Help End Gun Violence

"And to think, there a people out there that take's this guy seriously". MC

How can it be nobody’s ever thought of this before? Let’s have hardcore criminals patrol the streets from inside prison walls. Sheer genius. And people call Wayne LaPierre the crazy one.
The Rev. Jesse Jackson advocated anti-violence and gun control Tuesday during his traditional Christmas Day sermon at the Cook County Jail, where he challenged inmates to help get weapons off the streets.
Um, Reverend, has it occurred to you these guys can’t really do much. You know, since they’re locked up.

Webster, New York Firefighter Killer Had Served 17 Years for Murdering Grandmother

"With all the gun laws in New York, where did he get the gun?  In liberal New York with strict gun control, a guy who served 17 years in prison for murder somehow was still able to get his hands on a gun. But he was a convicted felon and was barred from owning guns. How does this happen? Didn’t the shooter get the memo? And why is he not in prison? Killed his grandma with a hammer. That's right Libtards, not a gun, a hammer.  Hmmm… apparently he wasn’t sufficiently rehabilitated. So much for our progressive penal policies.You think maybe we should be reviewing these penal policies? Nah, that would be too logical. There has to be another answer to this situation. Let's see, following the lefts logic, this is really an easy fix, let's ban fire and any device that could be used to make one.That's it. knew there had to be a logical Liberal answer. I may not be a liberal, but I have stayed at a Holiday Inn". MC

Webster Police released this information today on the shooter who killed two firemen in New York this morning: The suspect, William Spengler, 62 was arrested in 1980 for killing his grandmother and served time until 1998.

The Huffington Post reported:

Memory Lane. Tawana Brawley Resurfaces in Virginia.

"She got away with it because she was a minor and because she changed her name. Sharpton and the rest got away with it because they’re Democrats. Is it just me, or does she look like the Obama phone lady"? MC

WASHINGTON (AP) — Tawana Brawley is living in Virginia under a new name, still owing money to a New York lawyer she accused of raping her 25 years ago, the New York Post reports.
Tawana Brawley Resurfaces in Virginia as a Nurse
Tawana Brawley at 15 (Photo Credit: AP)

The Post reported Sunday that the 40-year-old Brawley lives in Hopewell, Va., has a young daughter and works as a nurse in Richmond, Va.
Brawley was 15 and living in Wappingers Falls, N.Y. when she said six white law enforcement officials abducted and raped her. Brawley is black.
The allegations spurred a national racial controversy before a grand jury decided they were false.
Tawana Brawley Resurfaces in Virginia as a Nurse
Tawana Brawley (Photo Credit: Daily Mail)

The Post says Brawley never paid a $190,000 defamation judgment owed to one man she accused.

Outrageous… Lib NY Paper Publishes Names & Addresses of Legal Gun Permit Holders

"This is a very big screw up. I’ll bet lawyers representing Lohud.com are at this very minute on conference call with the management and are screaming, “You stupid idiots, do you understand in those tiny pea-brains of yours what the f*** you’ve just done? Do you have any idea what you’re bringing on?” I see an endless stream of lawsuits from potential victims (i.e. law-abiding citizens) whose names and addresses where revealed on this website. Now they have the responsibility to continue and follow the story. They need to map all the burglaries and home invasion robberies then compare the two maps. They need to include all the failed attempts that were thwarted and also to color code the gun permit locations which were acquired following a crime so we can tell the difference. Should be interesting".  MC

On Sunday, liberal New York newspaper Lohud.com published the names and addresses of legal permit holders in two counties online and in print.

Empty boxes added to protect gun permit holders.
It’s easier to take the guns when you know where they are.
AMI Global Security reported:

Ahmadinejad Congratulates Morsi on Successful Election of Sharia Constitution

"Just a couple of alter boys. What could possibly go wrong? The Big POS must be p.o.’d for getting beaten to the old punch. AND think about all the ARMS we bought them labeled as “humanitarian aid”! Along with LOTS of ammo so they can shoot our butts off. Barry has accomplished another mission for the muslim brotherhood. Well done". MC

Iranian Regime President Mahmoud Ahmadinijad called up Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi to congratulate him on the successful election of his Islamic constitution.
The Islamic Republic News Agency reported:
Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in a telephone conversation with his Egyptian counterpart Mohamed Morsi on Tuesday congratulated him and the Egyptian people on the

It’s an Obama World… 712,000 Americans Fell Into Poverty Last Year

Government Will Take Almost Half Your Paycheck in 2013. No worries! We all live in a new found Worker’s Paradise – Obama says so. He’s gonna put war and poverty out of our worries.
That’s what the Marxist, Socialist, POS tell us so it must be true! They wouldn’t lie to us.  Would they? When Obama care kicks in, taxes go up, layoffs are in the future, the plan will soon be complete, as this is the path Obama is taking us on. I am afraid, no certain, things are going to get a lot worse. MC

It’s an Obama world.


The liberal media forgot to tell you just how bad things are under Barack Obama.
712,000 Americans fell into poverty in 2011, thanks to Barack Obama and Democrats.
And, thanks to the media, you didn’t hear about it until now.
Investor’s Business Daily reported:
Economy: “The economy’s getting stronger … confidence is growing.” The media and Obama

Please Pass the Kool-aid

One of the worst offenses to logic came from President Obama's own mouth. He said that his healthcare exchanges would use market forces to keep prices down. Either he does not know what market forces are and is engaged in magical thinking, or... I get it -- he is drinking his own stuff.

As mentioned before, trillions of dollars are going to healthcare (the system) even as hundreds of billions are being taken away from health care (the service). The outright theft of dollars from paying for care to pay for more bureaucracy makes me sick.

Some people never learn. This is particularly true of liberals such as E.J. Dionne quoted in the Washington Post and online at RealClearPolitics.com. Very clearly his "real politics" are a combination of magical thinking and Kool-aid drinking.

Drinking Kool-aid plus cyanide is bad for you. Some readers may not be aware of the derivation of this Kool-aid connotation.

Cult leader Jim Jones founded his utopian, communism-inspired community, called the People's Temple, in


Teleprompter Fail 1

Teleprompter Fail 2

Teleprompter Fail 3