The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Saturday, March 8, 2014

Another Edition Of "Let's Play The Race Card"

Todays Episode:
Issa Shuts Off The Mic On Shorty Cummings

"Careful now Darrel. If the congressional black caucasses doesn't get their way they may take their ball and go home like the immature racists they are. Let's be real here, Shorty Cummings planned on making a scene. He had a speech all ready to go which would have been all about the evil racist republicans going after Barry for using the IRS to target conservatives. Shorty's job, which by the way he succeeded in, was to make this scandal a nontroversy. And the ass-kissing media's job was to cry racism. What a difference now than 40 years ago. In 1972 the media constantly reported how the Nixon administration conspired to keep the truth from the press and the congress. And now, 40 years later in 2014, reporters, editors, the MSM, and the congress conspire to keep the truth of the Obowel administration's corruption from the public. Cumming's is nothing but a racist tool and Issa had every right to cut him off. He is just as guilty of covering this scandal up as Lois Never Lerner. The show he put on to try and fool the people into believing that they actually care is pathetic. You can just imagine what went on behind closed doors after his little racist tantrum, the rest of his corrupt cronies probably congratulated him on his acting skills at trying fool us. Shorty's sole reason for being at that hearing was to disrupt it, period. Apologizing to that racist asshole for not allowing him to do so, is not only stupid, but down right asinine. The MSM and Cummings are the ones that should be apologizing, not Issa. To bad the Republicans are still plauged with the problem of lack of backbone.
I guess Shorty's feels that breaking the rules don't apply to him because of the pigmentation of his skin. I'd be willing to bet Cumming's had his staff notify the media that there would be a "show" and make sure they tune in. Must be true because by 6:00 PM, Issa had been called a racist by the Congressional Black Hoodies, Jessah Jackass, Rearend Al, and BSDNC. If it was me, I wouldn't have shut the mike off. I would have taken it and hit that bald turtle waxed head of Shorty's. These corrupt bastard's have no interest in getting to the truth. They will go to any measure to protect that fraud in the Shite House. And it makes it even easier to do when you have the MSM on your side. 
Issa did exactly what he should have. No more pandering to the libtard rants. Cumming's said he had a question. Issa said ok, what is your question to Lois Lerner. Cumming's then proceeded to

Another Embarrassing Moment From The Liar In Chief

In addressing the crowd, Mr. Obama said, “When Aretha first told us what R-S-P-E-C-T meant to her…”
He was interrupted by laughter

"Yep, the smartest man in the universe. That is when the universe consists of leftist nuts and gutter trash, not a hard achievement to reach. So the Jackass in Chief can't spell, and his side kick Uncle Joey can't count. Remember, that three letter word, "J-O-B-S"

What a f**king intellegent group we have running the country. I thought that Barry was so intellectually superior to all of us, that his mind works too quickly. I guess his mind works too quickly to spell a word out completely. But really, how can you expect him to spell a word that he never gets? He can't give it, and he can't command it. Little wonder that he can't spell it either. I bet he can spell dictator though. And I know he can spell vacation and E-B-T. I'm beginning to see him act confused and stupid in a way that indicates he is losing control and having trouble keeping up the charade. Maybe this is why he is going on so many vacations.

Barry continues to show what an incredible idiot he really is. Maybe he needs to stop partying before he gives his little speeches so he can read his teleprompter. It might also help if he put the crackpipe down before he goes to his taxpayer funded celebrity has-been shindigs. Watching Barry speak without a teleprompter is like the Wallenda's without a net. It's a very scary thing to watch. And I'm waiting for Jay "Bird" Carney to come along and condemn all of us hater's to stop bullying the Barry and telling us that we know damn well this is how it has always been spelled. Carney will probably categorically deny it ever occurred, or he'll say he doesn't know anything, or he'll say Barry didn't even know he misspelled it until he read about it in the paper, or he'll refer all questions to the Dept of Edumacation. And if none of these things work, Barry will use executive action to officially change the spelling. Whatever he does, one thing will never change, and that is that Obowel sure is S-T-U-P-D. But he's smartest man in the democrap party.

So now we learned that the smartest man in the world isn't smarter than a fifth grader. What do

Picture's, Joke, And Quote Of The Day

"Feel free to share"

Picture's of the Day:

Joke of the Day: 


Quote of the Day:

"President Obama’s job approval rating hits a record low this week, as a majority of Americans say his administration has mostly failed at growing the economy, creating jobs, improving health care and the country’s image.

For the first time..., fewer than four voters in ten -- 38 percent -- approve of President Obama’s job performance. Fifty-four percent disapprove. Before now Obama’s worst job rating was 40-55 percent in November 2013. Last month 42 percent approved and 53 percent disapproved (February 2014).

Approval of Obama among Democrats stands at 71 percent, near its 69 percent record low (September 2013). For independents, 28 percent approve, which is also near the 25 percent all-time low among this group (July 2013). And approval of Obama among Republicans hits a new low of five percent.

Overall, a 59-percent majority thinks the White House has mostly failed at creating jobs, up from 52 percent who said the same in October 2012. Likewise, 56 percent feel it has failed on growing the economy. That’s also up from 52 percent." --Dana Blanton


Teleprompter Fail 1

Teleprompter Fail 2

Teleprompter Fail 3