The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Sunday, November 24, 2013

“I Am Not A Free-Marketeer. . . I Believe In The Heavy Hand of Government” Says Comrade Bill DeBlasio

 Via NY Post:
Business leaders in the city are scratching their heads over recent remarks by Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio.Describing how he plans to govern once he takes office next year, the mayor-elect declared flatly that he doesn’t believe in the free-market system.“Everything you heard about me is true. I am not a free-marketeer. . . I believe in the heavy hand of government,” de Blasio stated matter-of-factly during an hour-long presentation to some of the city’s biggest real-estate developers.Now that de Blasio’s been elected mayor with a resounding 73 percent of the vote, his comments have become a hot topic for business people trying to digest what life will be like with Comrade Bill in charge

"Boy did NYC f**k up voting in this libtard commie clown. Again, elections have consequences, and when you vote stupid, you take your chances. Get ready NYC, you are about to become a "Freedom-free Zone". It will be an absolute joy to watch the "takers" get the government they voted for. Could someone pass the popcorn? Can't wait to hear the whining begin. 73% of you voted for this commie. Good job NYC. The NYSE, The NASDAQ, and Amex, and every other big business better pack it up and move to a more Capitalist state and city if they know what is good for them. Anyone still sane should pack up and leave while you can otherwise there'll be no escape. Why put up with NYC prices, regulations, and taxes? Toll fees, bus, and subway fares, the price of bagels will all skyrocket. Pull the plug and move the servers elsewhere. Then the next stop for NYC will truly be Detroitville. I'm sure after Blazio's speech, there will be a mass exodus from Socialist City before taxageddon occurs. The term for NYC mayor's is 4 years. By the time Blazio term ends, he will have run off most rational thinking New Yorkers, and all that will be left are the hard core Commies, the gimmie's, and LIV's to vote him in another term. 

America yearned for a return to the Carter years, with the re-election of Obowel. I guess NYC yearned for a return to the Dinkins years. Just as America is getting it good and hard, you NYC moron's are about to get it even gooder and harder. Bend over New Yorkers, your going to get the full Socialist treatment. Say "goodbye" to your tax base. Who will this asshole tax the living shit out of when most of the businesses owners there pack up and move to more suitable business environment locations? Maybe all you brain-dead, self-seeking parasite's who voted for this commie clown? You dumbasses of NYC knew this about this socialist POS, yet you still elected him. I just hope Obowel is out of office before this dipshit bankrupts NYC and wants a fed bailout. Your new mayor says he believes in the "heavy hand of government”. How often has that worked out? Unless the intention is to kill and starve people by the millions. The next four years should prove interesting for NYC. The big question will be how many new taxpayer-funded programs will there be that New Yawker's will be compelled to fund? Enjoy your new mayor New Yorkers. You deserve every bit of what's coming your way. You made your choice, now enjoy it." MC

Picture, Joke, And Quote Of The Day

Picture of the Day:

Joke of the Day: 

Quote of the Day: 

 "Of particular importance in protecting minority rights is Senate Rule 22, which requires a supermajority of two-thirds of Senators to end debate on any proposal to amend the Senate Rules. In the past, a few Senate majorities, frustrated by their inability to get certain bills and nominations to a vote, have threatened to ignore this two-thirds requirement and instead to change one or more debate rules by a simple majority. Because that step would change the Senate into a legislative body where the majority can, whenever it wishes, change the rules, it has been dubbed the “nuclear option.”

Arguments about the nuclear option are not new. This question has been debated for decades. Confronting the same question in 1949, Senator Arthur Vandenberg, a giant of the Senate and one of my predecessors from Michigan, said that if the majority can change the rules at will, “there are no rules except the transient, unregulated wishes of a majority of whatever quorum is temporarily in control of the Senate.” Changing the rules, in violation of the rules, by a simple majority vote is not a one-time action. If a Senate majority demonstrates it can make such a change once, there are no rules that bind a majority, and all future majorities will feel free to exercise the same power, not just on judges and executive appointments but on legislation...

...Today, we once again are moving down a destructive path. The issue is not whether to change the rules. I support changing the rules to allow a President to get a vote on nominees to executive and most judicial positions. This is not about the ends, but means. Pursuing the nuclear option in this manner removes an important check on majority overreach which is central to our system of government. As Senator Vandenberg warned us, if a Senate majority decides to pursue its aims unrestrained by the rules, we will have sacrificed a professed vital principle for the sake of momentary gain." --Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI)


Teleprompter Fail 1

Teleprompter Fail 2

Teleprompter Fail 3