"I’m not at all surprised. I don’t care who he picks to make a fake prayer while he pretends to believe in God. I’m more concerned with him breaking the tradition of the POS upholding the Constitution. I guess Screwy Louie Farakhan wasn't available. With all those well respected liberal clergy out there like Rev. Wright, Sharpnuts and Jackass, he chooses a non clergy person. Once again this POS in our White House shows how to divide a nation, and trample on tradition. No real surprise, even though it pisses me off. Maybe for an encore Barry will shit on the constitution and wipe his ass with the American flag." MC
President Barack Obama has selected Myrlie Evers-Williams to deliver the invocation at his public swearing-in on Jan. 21. Evers-Williams is the wife of Medgar Evers — a civil rights icon who was murdered in 1963. According to The Washington Post, it is apparently the first time that a woman has been selected to deliver the coveted prayer.
Additionally, it is also purportedly the first time that someone who is not an official clergy person has been chosen for the presidential invocation, which is slated to be delivered at the beginning of the event.
Myrlie Evers-Williams (Photo Credit: AP)
After her husband’s murder, Evers-Williams fought hard to see his killer brought to justice. Although his killer, a white supremacist named Byron De La Beckwith] was arrested and brought to trial on murder charges,