The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Mooch Now Taking On Gun Control.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Michelle Obama is speaking out about the toll that gun violence is taking on young people, in a shift that shows the first lady’s willingness to tackle new and polarizing issues as she shapes her second term.
A meeting with high school students from a poor, gang-infested neighborhood in Chicago, her hometown, led Mrs. Obama to put a new spin on the stalled legislative debate over whether to ban firearms or impose new background checks on people who want to buy guns.
A mother to a teen and a tween, Mrs. Obama argues that the debate also is about the country’s obligation to help kids like these grow up and become adults. Several of the school’s current and former students were killed by gunfire within the past year.
The first lady faces the issue of immigration Tuesday when she gives the keynote speech at the annual conference of the National Council of La Raza, a Latino advocacy group. Immigration is one of President Barack Obama’s top second-term priorities.
Aides say the first lady isn’t making gun violence a new and distinct issue, but is folding it into her work encouraging youth to focus on getting an education.

"Popcorn time. This is gonna be fun. Hey Mooch, have some balls and speak out against gangs and gun violence in your hometown of Shitcago. Yeah, Shitcago is a good place to start this bullshit. And it's all the fault of guns. Not drugs, not thefts, not rape or assault, guns. The First Mooch needs to talk gun control in every Islamist country that her Husband is arming. Poll numbers are dropping yet Sasquatch and Hussein keep doing the same f**king thing over and over again. This has to be by far the dumbest administration in my lifetime. But then again, it's all about agenda now. They don't care about the polls anymore.

Squatch is a hard core commie just like her husband O'hole. She is a Black liberation theology, Rev Wrong caliber hater, so yes she is happy and willing to jump on the anti-gun crusade to disarm law abiding Americans to make the commie agenda easier to push down our throats.

Picture, Joke, And Quote Of The Day

Picture of the Day:

Joke of the Day:
Quote of the Day:

 "Like Detroit, America has unfunded liabilities, to the tune of $220 trillion, according to the economist Laurence Kotlikoff. Like Detroit, it’s cosseting the government class and expanding the dependency class, to the point where its bipartisan “immigration reform” actively recruits 50–60 million low-skilled chain migrants. Like Detroit, America’s governing institutions are increasingly the corrupt enforcers of a one-party state — the IRS and Eric Holder’s amusingly misnamed Department of Justice being only the most obvious examples. Like Detroit, America is bifurcating into the class of “community organizers” and the unfortunate denizens of the communities so organized." --Mark Steyn


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