The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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We Are So Back

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Good Morning Deplorables

It is Sunday 6/11/2017

The Sunday Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL.
For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen †

Comey’s Columbia Leaker Friend Goes Into Hiding…

MIA Professor Richman
Via NY Post:
He took the right to remain silent!
A Columbia University professor from Brooklyn went into hiding Thursday after pal James Comey revealed during his Senate testimony that the man leaked memos detailing the former FBI chief’s conversations with President Trump to the press.
Daniel Richman confirmed by e-mail to several reporters that he was the “good friend” and law-school prof who Comey slipped the documents — then hightailed it out of his tony Brooklyn Heights home and refused to answer any more questions.
Comey had just told a Senate Intelligence Committee that Richman was the conduit for the memo, which documented Trump asking Comey to drop the FBI’s probe into former National Security Adviser Mike Flynn.

If he had any intelligence, he would have left the country. So where could the good professor be? Anybody check Fort Marcy Park yet? Could he be having dinner with Seth Rich, Vince Foster, and Jimmy Hoffa? Nah, not that quick. Could be he's hiding from the Russians, or just visiting secretly with Hillary in the woods? I'm sure he'll turn up, even if it is in the Hudson or East River. What I can't figure out, is why is he going into hiding if he has not a thing to hide? Maybe he is just camera shy, or has a social anxiety. Wonder if the professor thinks it's a privilege to be a friend of Comey the clown now? 

Richman is not just Comey's friend, he is a co-conspirator. I will bet the entire memorandum fiasco was planned from the beginning. I also have doubts that memo's ever existed. Particularly now that no one seems to have an actual copy of it. This has become a huge shell game and he was in on it and executed it accordingly. This is the price you pay for conspiring with these leftists. Welcome to reality professor. I'm sure the good professor will turn up at some point. But if he doesn't, break out the cadaver dogs.

Pelosi Says Comey’s Revelations About Loretta Lynch Not ‘Such a Big Deal’

Via Fox News Insider:
Nancy Pelosi implied that former Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s downplaying of the Hillary Clinton private server scandal was not “such a big deal.”
Former FBI Director James Comey said under oath before Congress Thursday that Lynch had directed him to downplay Clinton’s then-ongoing private email server scandal by referring to it as a “matter,” not an “investigation.”
“It was misinterpreted,” Pelosi said at a press conference. “Matter, investigation, I don’t know that that’s such a big deal.”

A “courtesy visit”, says the woman who can't even remember who is president. Riight, Nancy. Bill got a lot of those from Monica, but I think this is a little different. But then, who knows? So now collusion to suppress a criminal investigation is absolutely no big deal? Sure, when it's  the Democrats who are the targets, and it's the Democrats that are in power. How about the realization that you, the Democratic party, and most of the mainstream media, are trying to frame an innocent man? Is that noteworthy? And add to that the fact that all of you are committing this crime, and yes, it's a crime, in order to seize control of government. When you use illegal means to seize control of government, it's usually called a Coup d'etat. Your actions are treasonous and should be prosecuted as such. Then you all should be hung. 

Question for you Nan, if it wasn't such a big deal, then why did Lynch make the request to change the description? If its not a big deal, why did Comey say it was disturbing to him? The "courtesy visit" that can't have the transcripts released because of "national security", not a big deal? It may not be a big deal to a lying, insane, hypocritical old bitch like you, but it is a hell of a big deal to all honest Americans. One giant big deal. 

McCain Blames His Bizarre Comey Question On Late-Night Baseball

Via Washington Examiner:
Sen. John McCain said that his decision to stay up late watching an Arizona Diamondbacks baseball game contributed to his confusing series of questions to former FBI Director James Comey on Thursday.
“I get the sense from Twitter that my line of questioning today went over people’s heads. Maybe going forward I shouldn’t stay up late watching the Diamondbacks night games,” the Arizona Republican said in a statement.
Twitter slammed McCain after his questions during the Senate Intelligence Committee hearing, two of which focused on the 2016 FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails and the 2017 investigation into Russian meddling in the presidential election. Comey appeared confused by McCain’s questions, and McCain himself looked frustrated as he asked them.

What's his excuse for all the other times he makes absolutely no sense. If he can't handle a late night baseball game, he belongs in a nursing home. I think the "Senior Senator" if often looking perhaps way to senior.

Today's Americana:

Americana are artifacts, or a collection of artifacts, related to the history, geography, folklore and cultural heritage of the United States. 

Many kinds of material fall within the definition of Americana: paintings, prints and drawings; license plates or entire vehicles, household objects, tools and weapons; flags, plaques and statues, and so on.

Today's Artifact:

Holy Pearly Gates, Batman! RIP Adam West.



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