WARNING: Liberals, this blog could be hazardous to your mental health because I'm politically incorrect.
The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.

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Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Christy Cream says Hussein 'kept every promise that he made' on hurricane Sandy disaster relief.
"So Christie Creme, Hussein gave you "everything you asked for"? Well, tell that to the people that are still homeless and waiting for aid. Where did all the money go? I'm glad at least you went on BSNBC to make such a ridiculous comment. We know nothing that comes out of that libtard station is the truth. So you say President Hussein “has kept every promise he’s made” in helping the state recover from Superstorm Sandy. Well, as for the other promises he made fatboy, you’re on your own. I'm looking at pictures of the devastation that were taken a couple of days ago, and it looks no different than the day you and Barry hugged and french kissed each other. After seeing these pictures and reading most of the articles related to Sandy today, I think you can officially be labeled as just another run of the mill libtard ass kissing piece of shit, El Gordo. And saying presidential politics was the last thing on your mind that day, bullshit. Your nothing but a political whore. You say you disagree with Hussein on 95% of the issues? Yeah right. Fix the typo,
should have been 59%. The 95% was probably your body fat. I wonder if Bush was still president and this was going on if you would be talking this way? I don't think so. You would be
condemning him for being heartless and asking for him to resign. But you go and hug Hussein the way a mother hugs a child she thought was lost forever. You are pathetic.Why don't you just get it over with and join the Democrap Party and leave us alone? It is sad that you couldn't see that when The Liar in Chief went to New Jersey to meet with you that day, it was for nothing more than a photo-op to help him get elected. He used you just like every other tool he uses to get what he wants. Somehow, we thought you would be smarter than that. Guess not. Even 6 months
later you still don't see it. Fat, stupid and liberal is no way to go thru life son. What did Hussein promise you Chrispy for your love fest when he came to NJ that day? Was it a cabinet post as the ass kissing czar. You know that NJ is not recovering from this storm the way you thought it would, and you resorted to the libtard playbook and lied about it. How you can say the shit you said while there is still looting going on and people homeless, is beyond me. Let's face it, all you did was help Hussein over the top last November with a glowing “post Sandy” tribute that elevated the
“Commander-in-Greif” to Mother Teresa status, and you are still praising him today. What an ass-kissing disgrace. Ask the people who live in this disaster zone and still have nothing, how they feel about either one of you two worthless POS’s. Just keep doing your Fatman and Robbing gig. My God, what has happened to you to make you so blind to reality?" MC
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