The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Saturday, October 27, 2012

BUSTED… Former Top Defense Official: If Obama Gave Order to Protect Benghazi Heroes There’d Be Paper Trail (There Was No Order)

Obama Fiddled While Benghazi Burned–
Earlier today Barack Obama told Denver’s WUSA TV this in regard to the Benghazi 9-11 terror attack,
“I gave three very clear directives. Number one, make sure that we are securing our personnel and doing whatever we need to. Number two, we’re going to investigate exactly what happened to make sure it doesn’t happen again. Number three, find out who did this so we can bring them to justice.”
Tonight however, Bing West, a former Assistant Secretary of Defense, told Greta Van Susteren,
“If that actually happened the way President Obama said it happened, there’s a paper trail and I think people reasonably enough can say, “Can we see the order?” because hundreds of others supposedly saw this order.
Obama just got caught. He lied about his securing our personnel in Benghazi. And now the world will know about it.
There was no order to protect our men on the ground.

It looks like Barack just boxed himself in.

Father of Ty Woods, Slain SEAL: White House Told 'Pack of Lies'; 'They are the Murderers of My Son'

"We do not need another generation of liars who lack the moral strength that my son, who was an American hero, had...
I really wish the best to those people that allowed my son to be murdered. And I mean that very sincerely. I want the best for them. But they need to stand up, and they need to change the direction of their lives."--Charles Woods

Charles Woods, father of Ty Woods, the former Navy SEAL who died while trying to save the U.S. Ambassador to Libya on 9/11, speaking to Megyn Kelly on the Fox News Channel today:

 (See Hannity's interview below)

 "I appreciate your introduction, and I do want to reiterate this, and really emphasize again, this is not about politics. This is about--if it were about politics, it would dishonor my son's death. This has to do with honesty and integrity and justice...
This news that he disobeyed his orders does not surprise me. My son was an American hero. And he was going--he had the moral strength to do what was right. Even if that would professionally cost him his job. Even if it would potentially cost him his life. He was a hero who was willing to do whatever was necessary to respond to their cries for help.
If, in fact, those people in the White House were as courageous, and had the moral strength that my son Ty had, immediately, within minutes of when they found there was the first attack, they would have stepped--they would have given permission, not denied permission, for those C-130s to have gone up there. And this is exact--I don't know much about weapons, but it's coming out right now that they actually had laser targets focused on the mortars being sent to kill my son and they refused to pull the trigger. They refused to send those C-130s.
To me--I'm an attorney, this may not legal test of murder. But to me, that is not only cowardice. For those people who made the decision and who knew about the decision and lied about it are murderers of my son.
That's a very strong statement for me to make. But for their benefit, they need to bare their conscience, they need to stand up, and they need to change the direction of their lives.
And I want to say right now: you know who you are. I totally forgive you. But I hope years from now, you change the direction of your life. For your benefit...
This is all a pack of lies. And that's one thing as a father whose son who has been killed--I do not appreciate lies. I do not appreciate cowardice. And I do not appreciate lies.
And I'm a loving person. I love my son, and I want to honor him. And I hope I'm not speaking too strongly, but I am very glad the facts are coming out right now. I do not--the reason I'm even speaking up--we, our family had made the decision not to say anything. But after the facts came out that in real time, the White House, within minutes after the first bullet was fired, they watched my son--they denied his pleas for help.
My son violated his orders in order to protect the lives of at least 30 people. He risked his life to be a hero. I wish that the leadership in the White House had the same moral courage that my son displayed with his life...
I sent you those pictures of him in high school, and I wanted you to show those to the people out there for one reason, and that is so that people can be inspired and know that Ty was just a normal kid, okay? We were an imperfect family, but we were a normal family. And I would hope that his legacy would live on. And that we would raise up a generation of American heroes, and that they would be inspired by his pictures and his life, and that we would raise up a generation of American heroes that are strong morally and strong in every other aspect of their life.
We do not need another generation of liars who lack the moral strength that my son, who was an American hero, had...
I really wish the best to those people that allowed my son to be murdered. And I mean that very sincerely. I want the best for them. But they need to stand up, and they need to change the direction of their lives."

Father of Slain Navy SEAL: Hillary Promised to Prosecute Filmmaker Behind Incendiary Muslim Movie

 Woods said he "could tell that she was not telling me the truth."


The Obama administration initially blamed the Sept. 11, 2012 attack that killed four Americans in Benghazi on a video that strongly criticized Islam.

Petraeus on Benghazi: It Wasn't Me

Central Intelligence Agency director David Petraeus has emphatically denied that he or anyone else at the CIA refused assistance to the former Navy SEALs who requested it three times as terrorists attacked the U.S. consulate in Benghazi on the night of Sep. 11. The Weekly Standard and ABC News report that Petraeus's denial effectively implicates President Barack Obama, since a refusal to assist "would have been a presidential decision."

“Amazing Farce” – The ‘Not Optimal’ President Questioned About Benghazi

Knowing what you know now about:
        • The origin of the Muhammed Movie Cover Story
        • The official State Dept. Version of events
        • The purpose of the Benghazi Consulate and CIA ANNEX
        • The CIA Refusing to protect the Ambassador and Security
        • The CIA Denying “They” Made the call not to protect the Ambassador and Security
        • David Axelrod refusing to say whether Obama met with National Security Team 9/12
Now watch Obama answer questions:

Is he lying?   You decide.

Absentee Ballots Sent to Military 'Burned in Crash'

(AP) Absentee ballots may have been destroyed in crash
Federal officials say that absentee ballots being sent to U.S. military serving in Afghanistan may have been burned in a plane crash.

A top official in the Federal Voting Assistance Program this week notified election officials across the nation that a transport plane crashed at Shindad Air Base on Oct. 19.

The crash resulted in the destruction of 4,700 pounds of mail inbound to troops serving in the area.

Federal officials in their email to state election offices said they did not know if any ballots were destroyed. They also said the lost mail was limited to one zip code.

But they recommended that election officials resend a new ballot to anyone who requested one since the first ballot may have been destroyed in the crash and fire.

History Points To Victory For Mitt Romney

In 2008, Obama defeated John McCain in the electoral college by a vote of 365 to 173.
In 2012, it is widely believed that Mitt Romney will win Florida, North Carolina, Virginia, Iowa, Colorado and New Hampshire, all of which voted for Obama in 2008.
New polls have even suggested that Romney could take Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania.
All polling speculation aside, if Obama wins a second term, he will be the first incumbent to do so with less electoral votes at the time of his re-election in over 30 years. See below.
Reagan won in 1980 with 489 electoral college votes.

Reagan won re-election in 1984 with 525 electoral college votes.

For Sale: Current TV, Slightly Watched


After inventing the Internet, Al Gore hoped to re-invent TV when he helped found the Current TV network. Now the struggling network is admitting that it is looking to put itself up for sale.

As America Has Suffered, Obama Has Lived Like A King

Obama loves to say he stands for the middle class. You hear him mention the middle class in almost every campaign appearance he makes. I’m fighting for the middle class, I’m standing up for the middle class. He uses some variation of those statements all the time.
The funny thing is, for someone who claims to be the champion of the middle class, Obama sure seems to enjoy living a very extravagant lifestyle.
Forget the endless rounds of golf and Michelle Obama’s exotic vacation habits for now and check out this new report from the Washington Examiner about the cost of White House dinners on Obama’s watch…
Spending on White House dinners soars under Obama


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