The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

But That's Just My Opinion

Hillary: American Political System “Most Brutal In The World”

"Shillary calls US political system brutal? I guess if the political opposition or the media dares to ask a question, and expects an "honest" amswer. she considers that the ultimate brutality. The Butcher of Benghazi has forgotten about those 4 men she allowed to be tortured and murdered, that the ultimate brutality. Shillary's come up with some real delusional responses over the years, but claiming that the US's political system is the "most brutal in the world", wow, that takes the cake. What a f**king idiot. If our political system is so brutal,  why are so many people invading the country. I'm curious Shill, if our political system is so brutal, why are they not running to Russia, Mexico, or Latin America. I don't like Karl Rove, but he might be right. Her brain is truly damaged. But then again, it just could be Sillary throwing out another cluster bomb of lies that her stupids are expected to believe. What we have here is nothing more than a lying, Socialist, who is worth over $100 million and thinks she's broke,who's never accomplished anything in all her years in politics, and she interprets it as a brutal political system because she's swinging and missing the softball questions being thrown to her by her own Corrupt Liberal Media. When we get all the facts about your incompetence with Benghazi, then you'll see how tough your miserable life can be. Try running in an Islamic country on your "women issues" and then get back to me about how bad  America's political system is.

In a way she's right. She claims it's brutal in that we're not nice to our politicians. I think it's brutal to the American people in that there are no term limits and that the system caters to liars

Yet Another Embarrassing Moment From The First Moochy.

Mooch Says She Doesn’t Care If Kids Are Refusing To Eat The “Healthy” Lunches She’s Forcing Schools To Serve Them…

Via MSN News:
I sat down with the First Lady to talk about the school lunch reforms she’s trying to save, and why we’ve come too far in the fight against childhood obesity to turn back now.
[T]hose who are working to roll the reforms back cite reasons that should be familiar to most parents. Namely, that healthy food costs more than processed alternatives and is more difficult to prepare, and that kids don’t like eating their vegetables.
According to the SNA’s website, “Whole-grain items, fresh fruits and vegetables and low-fat snacks in particular have resulted in increased costs.”
Mrs. Obama refutes the claim that the cost of healthy food is a burden for schools, because 90 percent of schools are complying with the standards. In fact, she says, many schools implemented the standards before they had to.
“Many schools started implementing the standards before they were mandatory, because the principals understood that nutrition isn’t just about feeding good food to our kids, but it’s also about setting them up for academic success. Many of these schools have seen the difference in academic performance that these kids have when they have vegetables and whole grains, when they start out with a complete breakfast that carries them through the morning, when they’re getting regular physical activity. Schools have seen their test scores rise and attendance rates improve and disciplinary issues go away.”
As for complaints that kids just don’t like eating the healthier foods, Mrs. Obama has little patience.
“It is our job as adults to make sure that our kids eat what they need, not what they want. I struggle with that in my own life, and I tell you, if I let my kids dictate what we have for dinner every day, it would be French fries, chips and candy, but we don’t run our households like that, and we can’t run our schools like that.
The first step is not to roll back the standards, but to help the schools that are struggling do a better job at making the meals more enjoyable for the kids. Good health and flavor go hand in hand.
What we need to do is lend a hand to the schools that are struggling, not roll back the standards and say, Oh, well. The kids don’t like it so let them eat cake. We can’t afford to do that.”

Hungry now kids.

"Hey you kids, The First Moochy says eat your tofu and STFU! What do you think this is, a democracy? What's that children, a respectful FU with sugar on top Mooch. That's not nice kids. How dare you insult the Affirmative Action scholar who's whole life has been a 'struggle', and you don't show her no respect. Anyway, "Schools have seen their test scores rise and attendance rates improve and disciplinary issues go away.” Really! I would like to see someone ask for her

Picture's, Joke, And Quote Of The Day

"Feel free to share"

Picture's of the Day:

Joke of the Day: 


Quote of the Day:

 "The New York Times would like us to believe that there is a “mainstream” in America today because what “mainstream” means is status quo – don’t rock the boat. Because of the massive growth of government over recent years, today’s status quo means acceptance of a great lurch leftward, which has already occurred.

It sounds so measured and sober to call a candidate “mainstream.”

But “mainstream” is not measured and sober.

It means shrugging your shoulders at $17 trillion in federal debt, $4 trillion in federal spending, and a tax code of over 73,000 pages." --Star Parker


Teleprompter Fail 1

Teleprompter Fail 2

Teleprompter Fail 3