The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Thursday, May 23, 2013

Scandals, Who Cares? It's Party Time.

"If anybody thinks for one minute that Hussein and the Mooch are really concerned about these scandals, think again. Nothing is going to stop them from their real purpose for being in the Shite House, and that is to take advantage of all the perks that come with this job. Real issues be damned. This is exactly why, I believe,  it is not out of the realm of possibility that Hussein doesn't know what was going on during Benghazi, during the IRS targeting of the Tea Party, of the DOJ targeting journalist, and any other important issue that would concern a real Commander and Chief. He is just there as a figure head while the communist appointees he put in place, run the show. So, it just makes sense that with everything that is going on, Hussein says to his minions, "you handle it, Mooch and I have a party to go to. I guess King Hussein needed some relaxation time, it's not easy managing (at least) three cover-ups.

Personally, I can't stand this phony POS nor his f**king admirers who will never see a dime from me, for their music, movies, or anything else they do.  It's just pathetic that these worthless self-congratulatory scumbags, drinking champagne in the Shite House couldn't care less about those good decent folks in Oklahoma who lost loved ones, their homes, their communities, and who are dirty, hungry, and homeless tonight. This is all really pathetic that they continue to show their ignorance and party while the peasants of Oklahoma sweat and toil searching for their loved ones and personal belongings. Only a coldhearted libtard sociopath could do such a cold thing. Then this POS will fly to Oklahoma and make believe he really cares about them. Maybe even show some fake tears like he is so good at. With all his elite hollyweird friends, they probably gave him the acting lessons on how to cry. Either that or someone brings an onion with them and has him cut it before he gets off Air Farce One. He is flying there Sunday to clog up all the progress they made, must mean he is golfing on Saturday. And to think we will continue to support these two assholes for the rest of their natural lives. What a crying shame.

As for these has been, drug addicts that still think they are relevant, go to hell. So many asswipes in one place. Let us peons die a slow, agonizing death, while you and your idol are having the time of your lives. What did you assholes do after your elitist awards ceremony, retire to the East Room to participate in a name that bitter clinger quiz and a round of right wing nut charades. The Liar in Chief astonished his guests with his new skill of total recall by summing up 65 rejected tea party 501c applications as the attendees laughed with delight imagining the discomfort of these suspected terrorists. When We the People take back this country, we won't forget all the "entertainers" who have snuggled up to this POS. They'd better start planning their futures out because we're taking names.

Let's face it, nothing fazes Hussein and the Mooch. They believe they will be protected by the boot licking media, so what is there to worry about? So whats next on their agenda? Well, Mooch is probably planning an extended vacation to the Vineyard. After all, there's not much for her to do, schools out so she can't starve the children till September. So an extended vacation is in the works I'm sure. Between his golfing and her vacations, and the parties, I bet we could re-build Oklahoma ourselves. And all this while the taxpayers footing the party bill are in constant fear of an IRS audit. Communism sucks doesn't it?!" MC

Rep. Trey Gowdy Goes Off on IRS Official Lois Lerner (Video)

" Man I love this guy. he doesn't take any shit from anybody. If I owned a pitbull, it would look just like Trey Gowdy. It's great that she is going to be brought back Thursday so she can plead to each and every question that is asked of her. Get out the pop corn and tune into C Span because this ain't over. If I were her I wouldn't be making any plans for the weekend. I hope Lois Lane can find Superman because she is going to need him. Truth is she knows what she did and she knows who ordered it. But why should she care? Hussein is no doubt signing a long list of pardons for her and the rest of the IRS lackeys. This 5th Amendment bullshit is being abused. It is being used to obstruct justice. Anyone with information about a crime, and withholds that information, should be charged as an accessory to the crime and punished. The 5th Amendment wasn't written so corrupt government workers can protect their bosses. 

Criminal libtards like this IRS Head always seem want to recite the Constitution when it benefits them, and then trashing it when it doesn't. This corrupt government is so embarrassing. We deserve better than this. We deserve better than criminals running the show. That's all they are, especially that POS Marxist in the Shite House. We will never get the stench out of the peoples house even after they are gone. His slimy, Kenyan hands are all over this scandal. But he has another concert tonite so he'll go back to worrying about in the morning, around 10 am, when he gets up.

I have to admit, I don't know what Mr. Issa was thinking, just to let her walk and be done with it. Thank God my boy Trey said something before everybody left. Thanks to Trey, Lois is being dragged back into the hot seat tomorrow, and boy does she look pissed. I'd love to hear what Lois is saying to her lawyers right now about their advice to talk smack to Congress. Yeah, it's getting very interesting. Meanwhile, at the Shite House, the weather is cloudy with 100% chance of bullshit." MC

Picture, Joke, And Quote Of The Day.

Picture of the Day:

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Joke of the Day:

Quote of the Day:

 "Obama didn't know the IRS was targeting conservatives until he read it in the papers. He didn't know about "Fast and Furious" until he read it in the papers, too. He has "complete confidence" in Holder, and didn't know about the decision to collect the phone records of reporters. He didn't know about the investigation into CIA director David Petraeus's affair. He told Letterman during the election he didn't know what the national debt was. He didn't know about the AIG bonuses in the TARP legislation. He said he didn't know how bad the economic crisis was when he took office.
That "empty chair" metaphor from the Republican convention was so out of line, huh?" --Jim Geraghty


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