Obama DHS Chief Jeh Johnson
… He told us he had agreed to meet because he had seen CODEPINK “express our views in a variety of creative ways”–from his home to Congressional hearings to Medea’s disruption of President Obama’s speech in May of 2013. He said he believes in open dialogue and thought it would be good to hear us out.
Should the head of DHS really be meeting with people who pull stunts like this?
"So, Barry's decides to meet with Code Pinko's. He says he's doing it because he believes in having open dialogue and thought it would be good to hear the Pinko's out. Really? Wonder when he will meet with one of the Tea Party organizations? This is yet another example of how affirmative action elevates incompetents. So this Obowel appointed moron decides he is going to listen to this Pinko Wacko talk about Immigration. What a moving testimony about the struggles of life in America as an undocumented person Catalitter gave saying, “I’m an ‘illegal alien,’ that’s how you refer to us in all your documents, right"? Right, or would you rather be called an "uninvited invader". Regardless, Catalitter, it's not as though those "out of control border patrolmen" dragged you kicking and screaming across the border from your cozy "casa" in sunny Mehico. Either you crossed illegally, or your parents did. Which was it? If you're looking for someone to blame, start there. But regardless, it's tough shit. You're a criminal, and should be treated as such. F**k you and your "struggles." Al Capone had "struggles" too. High power electric fencing and mine-fields are what we need on the border. Time to send the invading criminal's packing! And hopefully they'll take their Code Pinko leader Catalitter and her handlers with them!
So now the DHS is trying to recruit the Dancing Vaginas into their "civilian army"? Great! It