"The irony is making my leg tingle. With all that went on last week, remember the letters containing Ricin that were sent to members of congress and even President Hussein? Before we found out that this wasn't related to the Boston Bombings, it was a big deal to the libtard media hacks. Could this be part of a bigger plot they asked? Who could this be? Oh the humanity! Well
boys and girls, turns out we found out who it was. And before I tell you who it was, does anyone want to venture a guess as to why this story has received very little coverage, or almost none for that matter? That's right, you got it. The Ricin terrorist was a, DEMOCRAP" named Paul Kevin Curtis of Mississippi. That's right, a Democrap, and also an Elvis impersonator. Go figure. I'm not saying it's impossible that someone would be stupid enough to send a ricin letter to a congressman containing phrases that lead back to them with a simple Google search, but then again, it was a democrap. And stupid is in their DNA. Let's just thank the American taxpayer for funding development of the Internet. Otherwise we still would be dependent on the biased media for our information" MC
Say hello to the Ricin terrorist.
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