The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Sunday, December 9, 2012

Restore America 101

"This sums it all up". MC

What patriots find most alarming about the re-election of Obama is the feeling that we have lost America.
Recently, a pro football player committed suicide after murdering his girlfriend.  The media blames guns and football for the shooting.  They act as if the football player bore no responsibility, which is in keeping with Obama's new America.

This is why we who cherish morals, decency, hard work, and personal responsibility are so upset that Obama has four more years to further his decline of America.

Admittedly, the decline of America began long before Barack Obama.  However, under Obama, America's


Ever seen these numbers on your pay stub? The numbers highlighted?

That money is being taken from you -- or, more properly, it's being stolen from you -- to fund a myth. A mirage.

You're never going to see a dime of that "Social Security Retirement Insurance" you're paying for.


Who could have predicted such a phenomenon?

California ... state revenue for the month of November 2012 fell $806.8 million, or 10.8%, below budget.

Democrats thought they could hammer “the rich” by convincing voters to pass Proposition 30 to create the highest state income tax in the nation.

Well done American media! We now know more about the nurse who killed herself after the royal Kate pregnancy hoax then we do about Benghazi+Fast and Furious combined

Maybe I’m just heartless, but I don’t give a flying f*ck about this ‘royal’ pregnancy hoax that the media continues to harp on. Now, 48 hours later of non-stop coverage by the American media about the ‘royal’

U.S. Government Lends $105M to Brazil—to Build Aquarium

"The stealing keeps marching on and on..."  MC

(CNSNews.com) - The U.S. Export-Import Bank, an agency of the federal government, is lending $105 million to the Brazilian state of Ceara to help build an aquarium in its capital city of Fortaleza.
“An anticipated tourist attraction, the aquarium will boast four floors housing 25 large tanks containing

Obama’s FEMA told to ‘sightsee’ as Sandy victims suffered

Sorry, still not shedding a tear. The states affected by Sandy (New Jersey and New York) get the government they vote for. They are deep blue Marxist Democrat states who re-elect Democrats year after year. Chris Christie may be governor of New Jersey, but he’s more like a Democrat anyway. Now, there are

Hey, Bob Costas! Should we now ban alcohol?

This morning, another tragedy hit an NFL team. Dallas Cowboy defensive lineman Josh Brent got intoxicated and while driving with his teammate Jerry Brown, Jr., crashed his car and killed Mr. Brown.

Yes this is a tragedy because an innocent person died due to the thoughtlessness of another. Mr. Brent is an

Apartment Complex Threatens Rent Hike For Obama Voters: ‘Help Pay For What You Asked For’

If you voted to re-elect Barack Obama as president, should your rent payments go up?

Boo hoo, sniff. Hugo Chavez cancer has returned – leftists like Sean Penn hardest hit

I’m going to try and not cry myself to sleep tonight. Hugo Chavez”s cancer has returned, and his off to Cuba for more surgery because of it.  Socialist Hugo Chavez is also said to be in a lot of pain, sniff sniff.  The

Leftist Newsweek cuts over 50 jobs, sends letter to jobless summed up in four words: ‘Happy holidays. You’re fired.’

HoHoHo. Home for the ‘holidays’ for more left wing hacks who previously had jobs at NewsWEAK. The failing leftist magazine is cutting over 50 jobs just before Christmas, and informed those cut with a letter from


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