The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Thursday, February 16, 2017

Good Morning Deplorables

Thursday 2/16/2017

So Now President Trump Owns Obamacare?

From Yahoo:
President Trump seems gleeful every time the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, encounters some new difficulty. But these are now becoming Trump’s problems, not his predecessor’s, and he’s likely to get most of the blame if some 20 million Americans who get health coverage under the ACA suffer from the program’s demise.

So now according to Rick Newman, Yahoo democrat propogandist writer, President Trump now owns Obamacare. Really?! Nice try Rick, or is it Dick, but this clusterf**k belongs totally to Barry and the democrats. This seems to be the liberals new line of "logic". Every disaster started during the Obama administration is now the fault of President Trump. No one but the most sick liberal believes this shit. Get real, Obamacare was a fraud forced upon the American people by Obama and his Democratic cronies, and they will always own it no matter what happens.  Not one Republican voted for this sham. Remember, Barry saying, "the republicans can come along, but they have to sit in the back." It was always just a liberal power grab and a handout for the freeloading democrat voting base. The design all along was for it to fail. The Democrats assumed that once the private companies started to pull out, they would usher in socialized medicine. Everyone knew this was their gameplan from the beginning and if Hilliary won it would be a reality. And now Rick and the fake news wants to put Obamacare which was in a death spiral before President Trump took office, with major providers bailing out left and right, on President Trump after 3 weeks? It’s LAUGHABLE.

·     So lets get one thing straight, this is Obama’s abortion of a law! President Trump is only going to try and make health care more affordable and finally work for the average American. Obama lied, Pelosi lied, and the democrats lied, and our premiums skyrocketed! It is a fact that more people have been hurt than helped. There are over 340 MILLION people in this country and a mere 20 million gain health coverage under Obamacare, and 20 million basically for free while we middle class American taxpayers pay for them! The whole thingAct was bullshit from the start. Remember “If you like your plan, you can keep your plan”. “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor”. “Your premiums are going to go down $2500”. Lies, all lies to make sure it passed t make sure Obama’s freeloaders got free healthcare. It would have been better to put those freeloaders directly on medicaid instead of ruining everyone else’s healthcare. No, it’s Obama’s fault, always has been, and always will be.

Dick Durbin “Forgets” His Vote on Gorsuch

Dick is not only his first name, but it also describes the lying POS. 
"To be honest with you....."? That's a good one! Any time any of these scumbags start with that line, you know their lying, and DICK is just another lying politician. Nothing to see here. Move along...


Teleprompter Fail 1

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