WARNING: Liberals, this blog could be hazardous to your mental health because I'm politically incorrect.
The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.

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Sunday, April 21, 2013
My Take: Libtard Media Didn't Get Their Wish.
“Well libs, you didn’t get your wish. It wasn’t a white guy or a tea party member. Oh what difference the facts make! So it turns out they were Chechen brothers, Islamic Fanatics after all, and with brown eyes. Damn, that sucks. Poor Libtards, so many shocks in one week. And with a couple more coming no doubt. It’s not fun when you have to let a crisis go to waste because it blows holes in your agenda. The one who is going to have a crisis of conscience is Hussein’s Teleprompter. And Hussein is gonna have a tough time using this to push both Gun Control, Amnesty and still claim the war with Islamic terror is over. He is gonna have to pick one or the other, poor chump. He ain't gonna get a good nights rest for awhile. Oh who am I kidding, this incompetent buffoon could care less, he has no shame and he will just lie whichever way he
pleases, and the media will back him up no questions asked. Won’t be long before the speech from Hussein apologizing for America being responsible for making these poor terrorists do this. Of course we made them do it. We made them jealous of a way of life that doesn't involve raping kids and women, murdering kids and women for no reason, and the many other reasons that our way of life is just better than theirs. It's our entire fault, and they are victims. At least that's what Hussein and his bootlicking circle of friends (Biden, Hillary, Muslim Brotherhood, Jarret, Reid, Piglosi, etc.) want to brainwash people to believe. Actually, the Koran is to blame. Not America.
Such horrible passages and commandments in that book. Truly a vile, immoral religion with a murderous pedophile as their prophet. If only the entire region would find Jesus. Wouldn't you agree? Can I get an Amen? After all, it's not a religion. It's a doctrine of hate that promotes
slaughter, pedophilia and subjects women to ridicule. It should have NO protection under our Constitution and shouldn't be allowed in this country. War on women my ass you democrap hypocrites. So lets do as our “Leader” tells us, and not rush to judgment. Right, as in "the Boston police acted stupidly". Remember that remark he made earlier in his laughable, embarrasing presidency to a Boston police officer about 'acting stupidly' when the cop did his job and arrested his ignorant, college professor friend. And "they cling to their religion and their guns" and "if I had a son, he would be just like Treyvon". No rush to judgment there. And seriously, another lecture about not "judging" groups of people? As if that message hasn't been hammered into our brains every second of our life for the past 5 years? As if we don't go out of our way not to judge groups of people, like racial profiling, for fear of being deemed "racist" or "insensitive"? Unless he's addressing his little lecture to his propaganda media machine directly, his speech is entirely unneeded. And by the way, do we really need to be told "not to panic" when something horrible like this happens? I mean really? Hussein told us the war on terror is over. Remember his brainless Vice President, “al Qaeda is dead, and GM is alive”? I'm not "panicked" about terrorism. Why should I be? And even if I was panicking, I doubt someone telling me to not panic is going to be very much f**king help. Hussein probably thinks he sounded stately, and strong, but it was a lot of talk with zero content. He speaks to the American people like we're a bunch of first graders, so condescending it's unbearable. But then again there are a lot of us who think like first graders, after all, he was re-elected, wasn't he? But I think we can safely assume that most of those people aren't watching news conferences anyway. All this from a president who does not attend daily morning briefings by the intel community. He's the only President who thinks it's a waste of time. He is a lazy no-account piece of trash who has diminished America internationally. But that's why he has his communist advisor Valerie Jarrett for! Silly me! Is there still any doubt that this guy is a closet Muslim? He always gets extremely sensitive when people are saying negative things about Islam. This wasn't a "tragedy," it was a violent crime carried out by Islamic radicals yet again. We know Hussein will continue to support his radical brethren as evidenced by this pathetic speech. Everything this jackass says is a lie! These men were and are terrorists, just like Hassan at Fort Hood. This Muslim president in the Shite House just has to spew shit to his electorate to keep the stupid people, stupid. We've had 5 years to determine that you are an incompetent jerk, a fool, a danger to others and should be in prison. What you are doing, and will continue to do to this country is scary even if you are a lame duck president. You still have time to carry out your plan of destruction. Now if only some senators and congressman could grow some balls and for the sake of this country, fully investigate Fast and Furious and Benghazi and we can add Impeached to that lame duck title too.” MC
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