The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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We Are So Back

Friday, November 9, 2012

MY TAKE: Give The People What They Voted For

by MC

So, now it’s been more than 48 hours since the election results have been recorded. My initial reaction, like most Conservatives, was to believe that we are finished as a country. The country has changed and can’t be saved. But now that the final shock has worn off, I ask myself, what is next? Where do we go from here? What can we do to prevent the country from being destroyed? Well, I believe the best thing we can do is….NOTHING. That’s right, do nothing.

As conservatives, we have nothing to lose. America was once the land of the free. Now we want to be told what to do. More government is good. We want stuff. On Tuesday America changed. So now it’s time for the Americans that voted for Obama find out exactly what they voted for. Don’t interfere. Let it all come to pass. Let the Bush tax cuts expire, let America go over the fiscal cliff, let ObamaCare kick in, let taxes go up, way up, along with gas prices, food prices, the unemployment rate and government spending. Let the housing market continue to crumble. Keep spending more on public education and keep creating college graduates with no job prospects.

Let’s keep providing free education, free healthcare, free housing and free phones. Let’s give those voters everything they voted for. It will be the best education they can have. At this point, I don’t see any better way. Those voters decided to give the first affirmative action president another affirmative action do-over. So give them what they asked for. Why not? I won’t complain. Won’t do any good.

I say this because I know that with the help from Republican Moderates like John Boehner, he will cave into many of the demands of the Left to show that he can work across the aisle. That’s right; give up your principals, to make sure your seen as a compromiser. Sorry, Conservatives see you as an appeaser. You think by doing this, you will have a better chance at re-election? Well, let’ see, would it have been so much better had the GOP had the guts to shut the government down during the last debt ceiling debate. No, they were too afraid they would ruin their chances at election time, so they caved to Obama and, well, things sure went terrific on Tuesday, didn’t they now?

We conservatives know, that any other president this incompetent would have been defeated in a landslide election. Instead, half the country continues to give him the glowing accolades and unearned respect he’s enjoyed his entire life, when he has never accomplished one single thing. So let’s see President Obama stop the rise of the seas, heal the planet, and keep us from going over the fiscal cliff. Everything from now on is his and he has no one left to blame. This is what you wanted, so go to it. I compare America at this time in history to an alcoholic or drug addict. Like them, America is not going to change until she hits rock bottom. And when she does, it will once again take Conservatives to fix the mess. 

Sssshhhhhhh, don’t tell the media…… It’s all Coinky Dink N’ Stuff….. Dontchaknow !

CBS hid the fact that Dear Leader denied Terrorists attacked the compound in Benghazi….  The media hid the fact that our nation was dropped from the Global Prosperity rankings.….  The Administration also hid the fact that a U.S. Drone came under attack from Iran before the election…..   So hush, hush, nudge, nudge, wink, wink….  Better keep this a secret too.  Mmmkay?


The election is over, and now the economic future can be predicted with increased certainty;  Hence, decisions can be made.  So yesterday…… Energizer laying off 1,500 employees now.  Boeing announcing massive defense sector layoffs.   Pepsi Co announces it is laying off 4,000 employees ASAP.
Forty Five Private Sector CEO’s are now first up to announce their plans - number crunching mode - post-election:

Westinghouse announces massive layoffs.   Research In Motion announces US layoffs and moves operations to Canada.  US Cellular announces urgent reduction in employee ahead of end of quarter close.  Commerzbank lays off employees and closes operations.  Iberia Co announces layoffs.  ING Co. files public notification of layoffs.  Ericsson announces reductions to labor force in advance of Obamacare implementation.  Kroger Supermarket chain eliminates Full Time jobs and reduces hours for all employees.    Bristol-Myers sends lay-off notices to employees.
Corning Co. presents reduction in labor force plan.  Boston Scientific Corp announces layoffs by end of year.  Abbots Labs reveals plans to reduce labor operations ahead of Obamacare implementation.   St. Jude Hospital Corp sends announcements of labor reductions to employees ahead of holiday season.   Caterpillar announces plant closures and permanent layoff plans.   Lightyear Haqwker and Hawker Beechcraft announce severe labor cuts.

The Stock Market has dropped 500 points…

The Dollar has dropped to it’s weakest point in last 3 years…..

Harry Reid just promised to make the national Debt $19 Trillion for THIS YEAR’s debt ceiling increase…..
……and the Worst Yet…… Obama says he’ll use “Carbon Taxes” to pay down deficit

And we’ve only just past 48 hours.

Federal deficit as a percentage of GDP 

Unfunded Obligations  (compared to prior historical bailouts) Treasury, CBO, GAO

Under current law, the costs of Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security will rise substantially.   If this spending is maintained through federal income tax, tax rates will more than double, even for the lowest tax bracket.  (CBO Analysis)
Increased Tax Rates Necessary to Maintain Current Entitlement Spending

Yes, the lowest bracket is 25%, Mid income 63%, High Income 88% and, wait for it,.. ….Projected U.S. Corporate Income Tax Rate 88%

Remember, ssshhhhh !

It’s just all coinky dink n stuff….. Mmmmkay !

“$19,000,000,000.000″ … Says Harry

Harry Reid says he will raise the debt limit ceiling to just under $19 trillion.

(CNSNews.com) – Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said on Wednesday that if the $16.394 trillion current legal limit on the federal government’s debt must be raised in the next few months by another $2.4 trillion, “We’ll raise it.”
That would set the debt limit at $18.794 trillion. 

In the Fall of 2008 a strategic decision was made by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and then Senator Barack Obama.   There would be no fiscal year 2009 budget, instead they opted specifically and intentionally to use “Continuing Resolutions” to fund government.

This allowed their candidate Barack Obama to take office without any spending restrictions at all.    In that approach any and all federal spending could be essentially unlimited.   This would also provide the cover for paying back their election supporters with the “Stimulus Funds” under the auspices of The “American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Bill”.

In fiscal year 2009 there was no budget so the Stimulus and Bailout spending became embedded in the baseline budget figures.   Again, a strategic approach.    Without a budget removing the stimulus spending the baseline spending could, and would, continue at stimulus levels of spending in Fiscal Year 2010 and beyond.   It worked.

Again in Fiscal Year 2011 and Fiscal year 2012 the same approach was taken.   This led to continuing resolutions and raising of the debt ceiling.
Understanding the difference between “A Budget” and “A Continuing Resolution”.

It is important to remember without a Federal Budget there are no purse strings to tighten to stop spending.    Budgets make spending appropriations, through road maps from Budget Committees, before they are incurred.   Continuing Resolutions pay for the expenditures AFTER they are incurred.
There is an important distinction between the two approaches, and there is only one way to stop the use of Continuing Resolutions.    Don’t raise the debt ceiling.
This was tried in the summer of 2011 and the Republicans were outmaneuvered by President Obama.   John Boehner is the worlds worst spokesperson to make the case of fiscal sanity to the American people, and Mitch McConnell is staggeringly and insufferably the only one worse.
Until people understand that it is an intentional strategy of unlimited spending to operate the Federal Government without a budget, nothing will change.
By law the President must propose a budget each year, so must the house, and so must the Senate.   But there is no law that requires one to actually be adopted.

Subsequently the President proposes insane budgets that could never pass congress.   How bad are they?   So bad that the Fiscal Year 2011 budget only received the votes of two democrats, and the Fiscal Year 2012 proposal did not receive any Democrat votes.
The House of Representatives, in control of Republicans since Jan 2011 presented and passed a Fiscal year 2011 budget and a Fiscal Year 2012 Budget (The Ryan Budgets).   Again, strategically Harry Reid killed them both in the Senate.
So the government is funded with Continuing Resolutions to pay for expenditures after they are incurred.   And every year the Stimulus is respent on government.  And the only way to stop it is to refuse to raise the debt ceiling – which congress will not do.
So President Obama took office with $8.5 Trillion in Debt and now Harry Reid will raise it to $19 Trillion…..  Insufferable, or at least it should be.

by sundancecracker 

FUN FACT: Obama Lost in Every State with a Voter Photo-ID Law

"I don't believe that the election was stolen, but interesting story"


Was the election stolen? Remember all those lawsuits by Democrats demanding that any voter identification laws be repealed? Well, now we know why they filed them. They needed to steal the vote in certain key states so that Obama could be reelected. 

Curiously, Obama lost in every state that requires a photo ID to be produced before voting. A list of closely contested state elections with no voter ID, which narrowly went to Obama include: Minnesota (10), Iowa (6), Wisconsin (10), Nevada (6), Colorado (9), New Mexico (5) and Pennsylvania (20). 

This amounts to a total of 66 electoral votes. When added to Romney’s total of 205 electoral votes, that would give Romney 271 electoral votes, enough votes to win even without Ohio or Florida Romney also likely had the states of Florida and Ohio stolen from him, which don’t require photo IDs. 

Ohio requires a non-photo ID. Would a library card do? Florida “requests” a photo ID, but doesn’t require it. So what happens if they request a photo ID and the illegal alien Haitian doesn’t have one? Do they just count the vote anyway?

by American 3rd Position Whistleblower Newswire


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