The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Sunday, December 30, 2012

Congratulations on your 500th homicide!

"And the winner of the 500th homicide is, Nathaniel Jackson. You win a free trip to, "The Morgue". Congratulations! How’s that gun control workin’ out for ya Rahmbo? Gun control at its finest. Barry and his Chicago pals should be very proud of this accomplishment. Gentlemen, clearly this situation requires ummm, even more strict liberal gun control! From now on, Chicago is on.. umm.. Double Secret gun control! Seriously now, Chitown and the Motor City, once beacons are now shitholes. Sad, ain’t it? Just step back and look at these cities as it relates to murders and abortions. At the rate of the killing of black babies and young black adults  in the streets by other blacks it is a wonder that the black population is sustainable. Liberal politicians have run this town forever, black race baiters have stolen from this town and yet the people are convinced that they are the only ones they can depend on to help them and that they are being held back by the white man. Go figure. Hey, maybe the Libtards can put a tax on homicides. Can you imagine the revenue if Chicago taxed homicides? Yeah, that's it. Never let a crisis go to waste". MC

Chicago reaches 500 homicides with fatal shooting

The last time the city reached the 500-homicide mark was in 2008, when the year ended with 512 killings. Last year, city records show Chicago had 435 homicides.
On Thursday, officials with the Chicago Police Department said the city was one homicide away from the

Why the Founding Fathers Matter

"Seems Mr Jefferson was as much a prophet, as a Founding Father. Sadly , a list of warnings like this can be used as a list of things to do to destroy the nation by doing the opposite. Any move towards defending the Constitution or the Bill of Rights will label you as a domestic terrorist pretty soon. Meanwhile, the federal backed storm-troopers have been arming themselves heavily. The 47 percent Romney talked about are bought off, basically paid with Food-Stamps not to riot. Not yet anyway. Some older folks on Social Security will never go against a government that provides for them. The MSM is bought off too; and the MSM now have the power. You will be forced into the Obama-nation or you’ll be destroyed. Need proof? Look no further than the way Healthcare was forced down our throats. Unless, unless, something astonishing happens, America as we know it, will cease to exist. There are enough of us that can see that it does not happen". MC

It has become typical in school text books, in public discussions, and in the smug wisdom of Progressives, to diminish the words and actions of those who led the founding of the United States. However, now that the nation has gone through what Al Gore called a “wrenching transformation” away from limited government, free enterprise, and individual liberty (all major ingredients to making the US the freest and most prosperous nation in history) it’s time to listen again to their wisdom.

Thomas Jefferson warned us to …

Avoid Sustainable Development: “When we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, we shall become as corrupt as Europe.”
Avoid the Welfare State: “The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are

Can You Spot What’s Wrong With This White House Statement on the Passing of Gen. Schwarzkopf?

"This doesn't surprise me, but it still burns my ass. This POS President will never thank an American hero for defending Liberty from the radical Islamic terrorists. It is against his religion, and we all know what that is. It's pretty simple really. Obama is a muslim, believe it or not, and the General killed lots of muslims. The General is an American hero and legend. The president is a vile, treasonous snake, who cannot be trusted by the country he rules. Now that I think about it, if I were the Schwarzkopf family, I would be thrilled that the America hating POS in the White House did not send the family any message at all. Now, that would be an honor! And so, to the General’s family on his passing; my sympathy, he truly was a great American".  MC

Let’s play a game.

Let’s see if you can spot what’s wrong with the White House’s initial statement on the passing of Gen. “Stormin’” Norman Schwarzkopf:

White House Releases a Statement by the Press Secretary, Not The President, on the passing of Gen. Schwarzkopf

“With the passing of General Norman Schwarzkopf, we’ve lost an American original. From his decorated service in Vietnam to the historic liberation of Kuwait and his leadership of United States Central Command, General Schwarzkopf stood tall for the country and Army he loved,” reads the original message, which was sent by the White House at 9:45 p.m. ET Thursday night.

“Our prayers are with the Schwarzkopf family, who tonight can know that his legacy will endure in a nation that is more secure because of his patriotic service,” the well-written and heartfelt statement adds.
So have you figured out what’s wrong yet?

Democrats’ $1 Trillion Obamacare Tax Hike to Hit American Producers on January 1

"Once again we’ll learn the hard way—again! That is elections have consequences. Again I have to ask the question, isn't it morally “stealing” when a government takes excessive amounts of private wealth? I am not wealthy by any stretch of the imagination, but if the wealthy do not have the same property rights as everybody else how can they call this as fairness. Today they will steal their money and, when they find out that even that isn't enough, then tomorrow they will take ours. You think that's not the case? Obama and his Communist friends have contempt for America and all it’s citizens and all of it’s founding Principles and Laws. Like Communists everywhere they use the power of government to make all of us their servants. Boy do the Marxists love it when their plans come together. Once again to all you Obama voters, this is the change you voted for. This is the change you got. Thank you for not only electing, but reelecting the most unqualified and inept person ever to the Presidency. You low to no educated voters can complain all you want, you caused this to happen. Enjoy it with the rest of us, however I pay taxes and many of the Obamabots do not. So why should you give a shit? So keep electing whoever promises them the biggest return for your vote. I have news for you, when these taxes kick in, and businesses all across America start raising their prices to compensate, you Obamabots will be in for a rude awakening. I know that there will be raising of the prices of the goods that are sold, and there will also be raising of the rents on the properties people own, because they will have to. And, every business owner in America will be doing the same thing. And when the price of gasoline, utilities, and everything else you buy goes up 50%, they will have no choice but to raise their prices too. Nobody will escape this, and in reality, it’s the lower income classes who will suffer the most, because they have the least amount of disposable income. And you will deserve it. Keep drinking the "KOOL-AID". Yes, elections have consequences, and I think a bunch of you “low information”, Obamabot voters are about to learn a very valuable lesson in economics. There is no such thing as a free lunch. I was taught that at an early age. Too bad you didn't or choose not to". MC

Back in October Joe Biden warned America that the Obama Administration was going to raise taxes by a trillion dollars.

He wasn’t kidding.

On January 1, 2013 American producers can expect a trillion dollar Obamacare tax hike.
Americans for Tax Reform reported:
On January 1, regardless of the outcome of fiscal cliff negotiations, Americans will be hit with a $1 trillion Obamacare tax hike.
Obamacare contains twenty new or higher taxes. Five of the taxes hit for the first time on

Piers Morgan Threatens To Satisfy America By Leaving It

"Well, no one's stopping you Jackass. Stop teasing us. Pack your gear and get the hell out of here. No doubt we'd all pitch in to buy you a ticket on the earliest flight out. Can you be ready to go Monday morning"? MC
CNN’s Piers Morgan is clearly freaked out by the petition to have him deported.
Outrage: A petition on an official White House website demanding Piers Morgan's deportation had garnered more than 40,000 signatures by Monday afternoon
He is now threatening to leave the country on his own.
Maybe Romney was onto something with that whole self-deportation thing…
The ‘more guns, less crime’ argument is utter nonsense. Britain, after Dunblane, introduced some of the toughest gun laws in Europe, and we average just 35 gun murders a year.


Teleprompter Fail 1

Teleprompter Fail 2

Teleprompter Fail 3