The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Sunday, November 3, 2013

Hollywood Libtard Rob "Meathead" Reiner: Shillary Clinton Would Be “Most Qualified Person Ever To Run For President”

"Archie sure called it right. Still a f**king Meathead after all these years. Time has not been his friend mentally. So what qualifies the Lying Benghazi Bimbo to be the most "qualified person" to ever run for president? What because she slept in a Holiday Inn in Serbia? Or was that Kosovo? Has Shillary ever run a "honest" business, successfully? I know she and Bubba have been in the business of making people disappear since 1980. The answer is NO! They can't be successful in business if it isn't honest. But that goes for most vermin who are in politics. Some have accumulated wealth but mostly at the expense of tax payers or by other devious means. I guess being the wife of an unrepentant whoremonger is the single most important possible qualification for the presidency in any conceivable universe to these libtards. I mean don't ya just love these rabid lap dog Hollywood libtards? They just continue to spout nonsense that has no basis in fact. Hitlery is and always will be a lying, fat, ugly, communist, fraud.  I am sick of these people and their definition of "qualified"! It's the same thing they said about Mr. No Resume Hussein?

Murder, lies, and blackmail, because she slept with a former president at least 1 time, what great qualifiers. Never knew leaving Americans behind to be murdered was a qualification to be

The 10 Commandments of Government

Submitted for your review:

I Generally speaking, government always grows -- it never shrinks -- whether times are good or bad.

II In each area it purports to "assist", government attempts to replace individual decision-making with central planning.
III In order to implement its grand central plans and solidify its power, government must take from one citizen to give to another; this is, in effect, lawful theft.
IV No matter how many times central planning fails, the self-appointed masterminds in government assert that "this time is different" and that with only a few tweaks and more money, their delusional plans will succeed.
V Because it uses funds confiscated from taxpayers, self-restraint is no obstacle to government's ambitions.
VI Its fundamental misunderstanding of human nature notwithstanding, government must claim to grant "rights", which require it steal the labors of one citizen to give to another (such as food, shelter, employment, and health care).
VII No matter how widespread the harm it causes, government will never provide an honest and historical accounting -- a report card -- of its failures.
VIII As more individuals and families are harmed by the failures of central planning, government must find suitable scapegoats, must lie to do so, and therefore must also repress dissent.
IX In order to build its network of redistribution and grow a culture of dependency on its services, government must inevitably undermine the family unit, religion, and the notion of God-given rights in order to cow, bribe, or intimidate its citizens.
X As government grows ever more powerful, it must also become increasingly oppressive through compulsion and force. To do otherwise would mean government must shrink, and this it cannot do.

Any of these characteristics recognizable?

Picture, Joke, And Quote Of The Day

Picture of the Day: 

Joke of the Day: 

Quote of the Day: 
       "...there is a serious gap between the simplicity of the message that sold Obamacare and the complexity of the law’s outcomes. And the karmic consequences for the president and his party are considerable.

First, Obama’s credibility is undermined. “If you like your health-care plan,” he said, “you will be able to keep your health-care plan. Period.” It was the most emphatic, unqualified, high-profile public-policy promise since “Read my lips” — and its violation is at least as discrediting.

Second, Democrats have muddied their central political appeal of siding with the middle class... One self-employed pregnant woman who has recently lost coverage is quoted in the Los Angeles Times: “It doesn’t seem right to make the middle class pay so much more in order to give health insurance to everybody else.” Democrats will be forced to answer: It depends on what you mean by middle class.

Third, these challenges are beginning to divide the Democratic coalition. Many unions, already unhappy about Obamacare fees on group plans, are not rallying to defend the law. And many Democratic politicians will be tempted to distance themselves from Obamacare as dysfunction extends from weeks to months...

These last few weeks offer some hard lessons for Democrats: Those who pass a partisan health law own it. And those who believe in government are not necessarily capable of running one." --Michael Gerson


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Teleprompter Fail 2

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