The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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We Are So Back

Monday, September 4, 2017

Good Morning Deplorables

Illegal Aliens Costs $296 Billion In Lost Taxes Over Ten Years

Via Washington Examiner:
Tax credits received by illegal immigrants and wage write-offs U.S companies claim in their illegal employment costs the Treasury $296 billion over 10 years, according to a new report that is urging Congress to crackdown on the loopholes.
Annually, according to the Center for Immigration Studies, the lost taxes bill is about $30 billion, enough to fund the average middle income tax cut the Trump administration is considering, about $300.
That comes on top of wage losses to legal workers of $118 billion when companies illegally hire undocumented aliens, said CIS.
“The economic rewards of unauthorized employment of aliens are not limited to the higher wages of the illegal workers and the lower labor costs of their employers. Unauthorized alien workers and their employers also enjoy multi-billion dollar tax deductions and tax credits that were enacted into law for the benefit of law-abiding workers and businesses,” said the report.

Wait, what? Weren't we told they were an asset to the economy and we will fail without them? Why yes, yes we were, by Obama, Pelosi, Feinstein, and the rest of the democrat cartel! And I wonder how much American social programs, and 'Open Borders' policies, are  boosting the economy of Mexico by the money that illegal aliens send home every year? I probably exceeds all other incomes in Mexico except for the drug money. And the number in this article is just in lost tax revenue. If you add up welfare, cost of crime, properly loss and damage, lost wages, the whole enchilada, no pun intended, I would say the number is even higher than that. According to Heritage illegals consume $900 Billion a year in welfare and benefits. I would tend to believe their numbers. We had an election, the people spoke, now it is time to go home.

Once upon a time, Law meant Law. Except in Washington. Law means "how much cash can I grift if I ignore certain laws". It is time to implement a fine of $500 per day for every illegal hire, and go back 365 days from time of discovery. Mandatory reporting by Social Security of any discrepancy to ICE. It's a start.

P.S Nothing says ...."I want to be an American"...more than waving a Mexican flag.

Cleveland Police To Skip Browns NFL Opening Day Ceremony In Protest

(Reuters) – The Cleveland police officers union will not hold the U.S. flag at the first Browns game of the new National Football League season after some of the team’s players recently knelt in protest during the national anthem, the union president said.
Steve Loomis, the Cleveland Police Patrolmen’s Association president, said he was offended by the Browns players’ symbolic act and so his members would not take part in the Sept. 10 season-opening ceremony.
“As a veteran of Operation Desert Storm and the United States Navy, and a 24-year veteran of the Cleveland Police Department, I am not going to participate or work with management that allows their players to disrespect the flag and the national anthem,” Loomis told WKYC news channel on Saturday. […]
Loomis said the Browns management had told him it was “disappointed” the union would not join in the flag ceremony alongside other military and law enforcement officers ahead of the game against the Pittsburgh Steelers at the FirstEnergy Stadium in Cleveland.

If Obama had a football team. Here's a thought, let the NFL, who has more money than the government, pay for their own security. They condone it, so live with it. Either show respect for the flag and Americans (especially American taxpayers) or provide your own f**king security and traffic control. Seems easy enough to me, why should the taxpayers have to pay for a team that spits on the flag, the nation and the taxpayers? I hope more and more people boycott the NFL. When these assholes realize they've pretty much given the big FU to Americans who honor the flag and love America, I hope they will have lost billions. And that goes for their sponsors too. Good principled, country loving people can make stands too. I encourage it.

Media Swoons Over Michelle Obama In a High Slit Skirt

Via Biz Pac Review:
In an article entitled “Michelle Obama: Yacht Know How I Roll,” TMZ is “jelly as hell” over former First Lady Michelle Obama’s “SICK” Mallorca, Spain yacht cruise to visit an American diplomat and his partner.
After the meeting, “a ball was had by all” on board the same yacht.
According to the writer: “The Obamas knew how to do just about everything right in their time at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. … and they’re slaying again as private citizens. They’ve been just about everywhere, too — Indonesia, Bali, and Tuscany, just to name a few.”
Photos were taken by Splash News and shared in articles with headlines like: “Michelle Obama shows off toned legs in Mallorca” and “We Never Thought We’d See Michelle Obama in a High-Slit Dress on a Yacht.”

Oh great, now I need eyebleach. What's really embarrassing is TMZ's having orgasms over her only makes her repulsiveness more apparent. It's like praising an imbecile for his or her intellect. TMZ was so desperate to make her into some sort of fashion beauty, and all it did was highlight how unattractive she is, and her horrible taste in clothing. They would have been better off not ever mentioning it. It really is pitiful. And while Moochie is on vacation in one part of the world, and Barry in another, does anyone ask where are the kids during all this? I presume they still belong to the family? School starts on Tuesday. Shouldn't Moochelle be home and going to Target or Wal-Mart for school supplies so one of the peon workers mistake her for an employee and ask her to get something off the top shelf. Just asking.

Let me finish with this. To all the African Americans whose homes were destroyed by Harvey, here's your former president and his mooch of a wife. You're living in shelters, wondering if you'll have any way to recover from this disaster, and they're "having a ball." Thus, we see the Obama's concern for the people of Texas. It is about how much they cared for you during his (P)residency. They don't care. Never will. Unless it is about their Legacy! So please stay in Spain, they love you there. We have Texas, terrorists, North Korea, and other more important things to work on. We don't need see you continue your continuous mooching. 

Meanwhile in Texas:


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