The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Good Morning Deplorables

My Opinion

In Her Book, Hillary Says She's Done As A Candidate For President? Is She? And If So, Who Will Run?

In her new book, Shillary says she does not regret calling Trump supporters a basket of delorables. Speaking as one of those "deplorable" people, I wear the contempt and hatred of liberals like Shillary as a badge of honor. She also says, and I don't believe her for one minute, that she will not look to seek the presidency again. She will no longer be a candidate again. Bullshit! She will attempt to portray herself as a victim of an unfair election who deserves another shot. Hildebeast is a crook, a liar since birth, an unindicted felon, self-entitled, without any political or social skills, a truly despicable, unlikeable person who is simply incapable of taking any responsibility for her own actions. Everybody in the country except her most spellbound, deluded supporters, which include the MSM, knows why she lost. Her refusal to take any meaningful, sincere responsibility for her mistakes and defeat is probably the best indicator of why she lost. Her biggest mistake was thinking that being the wife of a politician made her entitled and qualified for anything. She is just another deluded liberal democrat egomaniac who wanted to sell my freedoms for her power. Now she is just another Democrat playing the victim card, to make money for herself. That is what they do. No, she will attempt to run again.


But, in the event that she is rejected by her party, who exactly are the up and comer's in the democrat party who could run? Juquian Castro? Cory Booker? Kamela Harris? Oprah? Moochie? Who? And, whoever it is, how many of these up and comers in the Democrat Party will seek her endorsement?  [Crickets]. Personally, I don't think she would get invited to a $5.00 a plate whopper meal at a Burger King Fundraiser. Her influence is worse than an old bucket of dried paint. But even still, up-and-comers in the Democrat party better lay low until Hillary is six feet under, with a stake through her heart. They all know about the still growing Clinton Body Count list, made up of all sorts of unfortunates who were inconvenient to the Clinton's, or who made the fatal mistake of getting between a Clinton and something that a Clinton wanted. Make no mistake, I don't care what she says, Shillary still craves the Presidency. She intends to have it. Young Democrats, watch your backs!

Morning Joe Panel: Dem Rep. Gutierrez “Should Be Ashamed of Himself” For Comments About Gen. Kelly…


Somewhere out there, a laboratory made a pig that flew for 3 seconds. Joe and Mika must have taken their meds this morning. I have to admit that I'm a shocked Joe would say something against a member of his preferred party, the (dis)Honorable Representative Chihuahua Gutierrez, the angry little Puerto Rican who cares only about his race, not America. I would have expected Joe to be more supportive of the Congresscritter. The liberal head honchos at MSNBC are going to have to have a serious re-training session with Joe and Mika so this never happens again.

And what's that you say Mike Barnicle, the Rat Dog should be ashamed of himself? He's a Democrat, he has no shame. Democrats, liberals, leftists, and progreSSives are incapable of shame. Also incapable of integrity, honor, love of country, selfless service, personal accountability, you know, the things that make them feel sick. Gutierrez has been sponging off the taxpayers since the late 70's, He's just pissed because he knows he could never achieve the level of Gen Kelly, so all he has is to sling mud like a stompy-footed little illegal child who should have had his ass beat more often. There is not a day that goes by that this racist, vicious creep has not insulted somebody. He wears his hatred of whites and others like a badge, and has been given a Democratic Pass for 20 years. What a surprise! I hope a Marine makes this right for the general and Luis falls on hard times. Like if Gutless were to pass some Marines on the sidewalk and Luis accidentally trips and falls resulting in multiple broken bones and lacerations, oh well.

MSNBC’s Katy Tur: Why Don’t Democrats Just Get People to Move From California to Wisconsin and Michigan?

Via Free Beacon:
MSNBC’s Katy Tur wondered Monday why Democrats do not simply get people to move from California to rust belt states like Michigan and Wisconsin to solve their electoral woes.
Hillary Clinton won the popular vote in 2016 against Donald Trump, but Trump of course won the presidency by a convincing margin in the Electoral College. Clinton won California alone by roughly 4.3 million votes, while Trump won the other 49 states by roughly 1.5 million.
Key to Trump’s victory was narrowly winning Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, all states that Barack Obama won twice.
While discussing the party’s demographic problems, Tur pondered why Democrats do not ask people to simply move to those midwestern states from the liberal bastion of California.

The Democrats have said some of the craziest things I have ever heard, but this takes the cake. And here you have it. So now Democrats want to tell us where we can live? Sign of a true believing Democrat. To her, people are just pawns to be moved around by the party. They don't have lives or families or anything that could possibly be more important than the Democrap party, like free will. Free will be damned! We have to put a Democrat in the White House to further remove free will!. If this libtard idiot could, she would immediately follow Stalin's footsteps and order the families into trains with what they have on their backs for resettlement into problematic area's.  That's exactly what the Dim party would do, if they could get away with it. 

I am now 100% in support of Calexit. They should move from California to North Korea. Or Venezuela, it is closer and a libtard paradise. This is all getting too weird for me. Can't we just give these assholes a state and ask them to leave the rest of us alone? Oh wait, they have it, it's called California. 


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