The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Thursday, July 4, 2013

How To Thank A Soldier, By George W. Bush

"Remember when we had a President America?" MC

We are a generation winding down from a decade of war.

We are a generation winding down from a decade of war.
Image by Getty Images

There is a really good chance you know someone who served in Iraq or Afghanistan.

There is a really good chance you know someone who served in Iraq or Afghanistan.

Here are some nice ways to welcome them home or just say thank you.

Here are some nice ways to welcome them home or just say thank you.
Image by Eric Draper / Getty Images

BSDNC: Paula Deen Should Keep Apologizing Until The Media Asks Her To Stop

"I would like the libtard racists to answer a question: The N word is banned but Cracker is ok? Answer: the N word is banned from the internet but you can fire CRACKER at will folks. Even if your half a cracker. I wanna see Toure, Jamie Foxx, O'Jackass and Mooch apologize for the racist shit they say, too. Paula Deen should apologize for what? It was a loooonnnggg time ago assholes. Deen is worth $10m and owns seven restaurants. I'd tell everyone who doesn't like it to go f**k themselves and drop the n-word a few more times to reinforce the point. I want an apology for all the racist shit Al and Jesse have been spewing for the past 40 years, on a daily basis. And psycho, sociopath, hate-filled, violent, Alec Baldwin gets a free pass from the socialist media because he's a leftist extremist and he gets to keep his MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR commercial campaign with citibank, a company bailed out with billions of our tax money. BSDNC should keep apologizing to the American people for hiring their lame ass "on air personalities" to spew their race baiting bullshit. Paula Deen should print "I'm Sorry" on several rolls of toilet paper, and send a roll to each person who's giving her grief with a note saying, "Stick this up your ass. Best, Paula Deen." She should apologize like a true Progressive, "I said a word years ago, that some thinned-skinned people are having major issues with. I'm sorry they are having issues with it. Now kiss my ass". 

And so Paula, next time consider voting for anyone but a democrat. By supporting Barry and others like Jimmy Carter, Kathy Griffith who you had on your show and called a good friend, you outed yourself out as one of them. They are not very nice people at all, now are they. They are the one's who won't except your apology and recognize we are all human and make mistakes. You should make better choices in the future." MC

Picture, Joke, And Quote of the Day.

Picture of the Day:


Joke of the Day:


Quote of the Day:

  "Will the GOP be willing to turn around? Not unless we have conservative leadership, and the only way to change the current leadership is if some State Committeeman challenges Reince Priebus as RNC chief, and gets in, yet I do not think we have a majority of conservatives in the RNC to pull that off, and every conservative must publicly get an answer from every Congressional hopeful to the question, “Will you support John Boehner as Speaker?” If they answer yes, they have chosen poorly.

As to the complaint that we will be ruled for a very long time with Democrats in charge without any hope of reprieve if a third party forms, we just lost the biggest, most winnable contest this nation has ever seen, and with the current leadership silencing conservatives, we will be ruled for a very long time with Democrats in charge." --Jen Kuznicki


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