The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Thursday, May 2, 2013

OK Students, What Lessons Can We Learn From The FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorist List

"Kill Americans"

"Well lookee here. The FBI's most wanted terrorist list. A list they started after 9/11. And just look at the names on it. Does anyone see a pattern here? Let's see, 31 terrorists on the list, 31 of them male, 30 of them Muslim and one a libtard animal rights extremist from San Diego. So that's 30 Muslims and a libtard. Sounds like a damn sitcom. But this still can't possibly prove anything to an arrogant, bastard, America destroying, terrorist president that calls a 1-point-per-game gay basketball player to congratulate him for being a “courageous homo”? No sir, to him this is profiling, and we can't do that. Nope, nothing to see here on this list. But just make sure we keep our eyes on those NRA members, Tea Party extremists, those so called right wing extremists, conservative talk radio hosts, and of course the terrorist that “I hope it’s a white guy”. They are the real threats to this country according to Hussein and the merry minions in his Reich, and the propaganda media. What a collection of assholes they are. They would rather see American's put in harm's way, because of their brainwashed, asinine desire for “diversity”, even if it extends to terrorism. What bullshit. 

I guess the FBI didn't get the memo. What the hell are they doing coming out with a list with all Muslims on it. Shit, there has to be at least one other nationality that has a terrorist they could

14 Of The Husseins’ Most Loathing Vacations On Your Dime

"As long as "The Messiah" Barack Oboutme, Moochele Oboutme, and the rest of the Oboutme family get their tax payer paid vacations, golf outings and White House parties, their content. They could care less about the little people. You know, the low information voters that gave them the opportunity to lavish in the life style of the rich and stupid. And if you think about it, the low information voting little people don’t care either. They just continue to gather the benefits that come with the people they elected. The people that want to keep them in the poor house and live off the scraps their government gives them. Trouble is their too damn stupid to realize it. What a bunch of idiots. 

Speaking of idiots, I recently was talking to one of the members of America's future generation, who was complaining about how hard it was going to be to get a job once he got out of college, and added that  he had to start to pay for his student loans and didn’t know how he was going to do it. I then asked him the $64,000 dollar question, “who did you vote for”? His answer was, "Oboutme". To which I replied quickly, “you’re an asshole and you deserve everything you get”. I hope he enjoys it. I'm sure that after he turns thirty, he will be seeing things different. I hope he can hold on that long. 

It's funny that when anyone mentions the Hussein's compassion-less vacations, the libtards get all defensive. It's all because we conservatives are hater's. Hater's? You libs are funny. You're making


Teleprompter Fail 1

Teleprompter Fail 2

Teleprompter Fail 3