The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Monday, January 7, 2013

New Hampshire Legislator: We Need to 'Restrict Freedoms' of Conservatives

"Before I get serious, why is every leftist/socalist hag look like ugly men. Clinton, Pelosi, Waters, Feinstein, Boxer, Albright, Helen Thomas, roll them all up and you cant even make a half way decent Barney Frank. Maybe she's Barney's dad. Damn, I didn't know Michael Moore had a twin sister. I mean really, I didn't know a woman could be so ugly. I give her a 2 ... and that's only because I've never seen a 1. She could be a charter member of the WWF!  Just think what Rachel Maddow is going to look like in a few years. She to is an angry young man. Alright, enough. Back to the subject at hand. She is obviously a Obama follower. I think she has a screw loose! The ugliest part of her is IN her head. She is an ignorant, arrogant liberal who doesn't have enough brain cells to form a thought and wants to blame others for her bad personality and failures. What Happened to Live Free or Die." MC

That is why Democrat Marrxist dictators like Sooros put money in her pocket to create her into a puppet.
Smart people are not willing to be puppets for dictators.

A New Hampshire legislator wants her constituents to know that she feels conservatives are the "single biggest threat" her state faces today, and she wants to use her powers to legislate to "pass measures that will restrict" the freedoms of  Granite State conservatives. 

Yes, it's a woman

In a blog post made last month on the left-wing site Blue Hampshire, 3rd District State Representative Democrat Cynthia Chase advised her fellow legislators to use their positions to make New Hampshire less

NICE JOB, BLOOMBERG: NYC welfare funds being spent in strip clubs, porn joints, liquor stores...

"Is anyone actually surprised? Does this makes you sick. Do you enjoy working long hours to see your tax dollars spent in this fashion? These looters, misfits, parasites and thugs have been gaming the system for decades. This is what Democrats and liberals have done to this country. Once Democrats got enough people on the dole, thereby guaranteeing a Democrat election win, we as a country were done! Did anybody listen? NOPE! You voted hope and entitlement and you've got exactly what you deserve. If this doesn't change, put a fork in us! We're done!" MC

...to name but a few. And I refer, of course, to the sanctimonious schmuck of a mayor and not the news service.

A database of 200 million Electronic Benefit Transfer records from January 2011 to July 2012, obtained by The Post through a Freedom of Information request, showed welfare recipients using their EBT cards to make dozens of cash withdrawals at ATMs inside Hank’s Saloon in Brooklyn; the Blue Door Video porn shop in the East Village; The Anchor, a sleek SoHo lounge; the Patriot Saloon in TriBeCa; and Drinks Galore, a liquor distributor in The Bronx...
...One EBT machine is stationed inside Club Eleven, an infamous Hunts Point jiggle joint known

Obama’s Latest $7 Million Hawaiian Vacation Is an Insult to Struggling Americans

"Obama hates America and loves himself. He is petty, thin skinned, spiteful, racist, extremely narcissistic, power mad, childish, deceptive, ignorant, a liar, creepy, cruel, heartless, incompetent, lazy, entitled, and unfeeling toward the citizens he supposedly represents. And those are his good points. He is a festering cancer on America. Like millions of my fellow Americans, I detest him. People never learn do they? We have watching the destruction of America right before our eyes. Confusion and less money for us and more to the Government. Many Americans who voted for this aren’t complaining one bit. Not yet. But when the shit hits the fan, and the fan has taken many hits, to their wallets and lifestyle it will be too late. His followers and the media do not care what he does as long as he remains in power. And do you really think Barry cares? Honestly, do King’s or Dictator’s care what their subjects think about them. I don't think so." MC

POST HI-LITE: The president is elected to serve his country, rather than lord over it, a message which appears to be completely lost on the present White House. The federal government is simply running out of money, and America faces economic ruin unless spending is cut dramatically and the vast entitlements system is reformed. Barack Obama’s Hawaii vacation is merely a symbol of his wider presidency – a culture of impunity and extraordinary arrogance, reckless spending, a striking lack of accountability, and a shameless let them eat cake mentality. America’s middle class deserves to be treated better than this from a president who fails to practice what he preaches.

Back in January 2009, Barack Obama told Americans that,
“Everyone must sacrifice… Everyone must have some skin in the game.”

Well… Everyone but Barack and Michelle Obama.
While Americans suffer through the worst economy since the Great Depression, the Obama family just blew $7 million on their latest Hawaiian vacation.
The Telegraph reported:

Team Omama “Starting to Worry” About Low Turnout for Inauguration

"Don’t worry Trumpka will bus paid sheep into the city for the festivities. The union bosses will fill the hotels courtesy of the rank and file. I am sure millions will be on hand, just listen to the main stream media. I'm sure most of his supporters will be waiting for their foodstamps and obama phones that weekend, so it will be tough to attend. It is sad, however, to see that all the low-information Obama Phone parasite voters aren’t willing to go worship their Sugar Daddy. You mean all that texting to Obama phones and they still can’t get the turnout? Oh wait, low information voters are probably disappointed that they can’t book a hotel with their ebt card. The Democrats have figured out how to get dead people to vote, but they haven’t mastered the art of producing those voters for the big bash in Washington. Maybe they should watch "Weekend at Bernies" for some tips. Look at the bright side however, the fewer of the pigs that show up the less of a mess to clean up. Because as we know, the trash exactly represents who the Obama people are." MC

Team Obama is starting to seriously worry about low turnout for the 2012 Inauguration.
Two weeks before the big day, plenty of hotel rooms still haven’t been booked.

Two million turned out for the 2008 Inauguration.
The Daily Mail reported:
Crowds may have flocked to the National Mall to see President Obama make history in 2009, but the team behind the president’s 2013 inauguration bash later this month are bracing themselves for a ton of empty seats.
The ceremony that Washington will stage in a few weeks won’t be the historic affair it was in 2009, when nearly 2 million people flocked to the Capitol o watch Obama take the oath of office.
This time, District of Columbia officials expect between 600,000 and 800,000 people for Obama’s public swearing-in on the steps of the Capitol on Monday, January 21.
Two weeks before the big day, plenty of hotel rooms still haven’t been booked. Four years ago, some hotels sold out months in advance.
There will be just two official inaugural balls this year, both at the Washington Convention Center, rather than 10 official balls at multiple locations around town.
The pair of celebrations are the lowest number since 1953, according to the New York Post.
A political insider told the paper: ‘Some on the presidential inaugural committee are starting to seriously worry.’
His inaugural committee has also scaled the celebration back to three days of festivities, instead of four.
The poor Obama voters can’t afford the trip this year.
But on the bright side…

Wow!… Barack Obama Tells John Boehner “We Don’t Have a Spending Problem”

"He’s lying again. He wants to destroy America by destroying the currency and running up a debt that isn’t sustainable. We are about to get downgraded again because of this communist POS. He won’t ever admit the truth that his spending has to stop. If he admitted it, then his spending would have to stop, and I’m not talking about ‘entitlements’ that need to stay for moochers here in USA. He’s just a two-bit hustler from Chicago who cheated his way to the top. The little POS has no shame, conscience or common sense. He’s also the biggest “divider” in American history!" MC

Barack Obama is the first human being on the planet to run four straight years of record trillion dollar deficits.
He doesn’t see this as a problem.

(J. Hoft Chart)

For years we’ve been trying to decide, “Is Obama stupid or is he purposely trying to destroy the US economy?”
Now we know the answer. He’s stupid as a can of Spam.
Thank you, America, for reelecting this destructive bonehead.

Colorado Democrat of the year is hardcore into this wealth redistribution thing

"She robs from the poor, and gives to the democraps. Geez,  I wonder which retarded, community organizing, Kenyan/Indonesian/British/Hawaiian foreign national, could have modeled and inspired that kind of behavior for her? Holy shit, how much lower can you go then robbing from a blind, developmentally disabled, confined to a wheelchair victim of cerebral palsy and given democrap of the year award?  This gem should be due for a promotion or at least some kind of white house administrative position. If she would’ve tossed in molestation to her resume, she may have even gotten a Nobel Peace prize.You mean she’s not a senator yet? Maybe give her "Traitor" Kerry's seat. WTF! There is a huge fundamental difference between common sense and sheer stupidity and the liberal/democrat morons have proven beyond a doubt that they absolutely do not deserve to hold any type of political office. The members of liberalism have proven over and over their inability to live in a society where moral decency are the ways of a peaceful nation." MC

If there’s anything we’ve learned from reality television, it’s that people who routinely express opinions also routinely follow through on those opinions in the most inappropriate way possible. Out of such commitment and fortitude emerge some of the most memorable moments in television history, from both of those times that one of the Kardashians managed to yank her own child out of her vagina, a blooper reel’s worth of second floor Jersey Shore vomit scenes, and whatever currently passes for Tiffany Amber Thiessen.
And this Colorado Democrat, who was recently named Democrat of the Year for the whole of Jefferson County, possibly as a result of the fact that he robbed a 70-year old blind woman who was also disabled.
 Estelle Carson (credit: CBS)
 Estelle Carson – The Best the Dems Can Do
The woman named “Democrat of The Year” this year by the Jefferson County


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