The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Saturday, February 18, 2017

Good Morning Deplorables

Saturday 2/18/2017

DNC Statement on Recent Russia Reports: ‘This Is Already Bigger Than Watergate’

From the Business Insider:
Democrats are using the word "Watergate" to describe the latest developments in the Russia-related firestorm casting a cloud over the White House in the early days of President Donald Trump's administration.
Elected officials and party operatives have used language related to the scandal that sank Richard Nixon's presidency, and even mentioned it outright.
The statements came after Michael Flynn resigned as national security adviser on Monday night after having misled the White House about the content of his communications with the Russian ambassador before Trump took office.

This is bigger than Watergate? Home server, bleached hard drives, the Clinton Foundation/Initiative and Haiti are all bigger than Watergate. Now add leaks of Classified information to that and it would appear the Flynn story is at the bottom of a long list. Having said that, I would agree to an independent transparent investigation into this on two conditions. 1. They must investigate and make available to the citizens who gave this classified information to the Washington Post and 2. they also have an independent investigation into Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation. The Democraps and the media are really desperate. Losing their power is making them meaner than normal. The leftist media will continue to drive the bullshit narrative but it won't do them any good. Bullshit is bullshit, no matter how hard you try to spin it. 

The democrats, along with some spineless Rhinos like John McPain and Lindsay Grabme, besides being traitors, are dragging up every charge they can dream up, throwing it against the wall and see if it will stick. The DNC has lost its collective mind. It's all about undermining Trump, nothing more, nothing less. They don't care how much damage is done to this nation in the process. The biggest test for President Trump is how, and how quickly he deals with the treasonous scum surrounding him.

Pelosi Says Border Wall 'Undermines Who We Are As a Country'


Thursday at her weekly press conference, House Minority Leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said President Donald Trump’s wall “undermines who we are as a country” and was fear-mongering.

And the MORON Award goes to...Bela Piglosi. Don't you just love it when the left tells us who we are, who we're supposed to be. No, your wrong again you leftist hag, You undermine who we are as a country.  I can't decide whether Pelosi or Waters is the stupidest woman in congress. Maybe Waters is the stupidest and Pelosi is the most deranged.

This old hag would rather the USA was invaded and bankrupted by these unwanted illegal criminals. What a pathetic excuse for an American she is. SanFranNan represents the Democratic party. Ignorant, clueless, and dillusional. The job of America, is to strengthen America as a people, and a nation, not to allow millions of illegal criminals to break our laws and enter as they see fit. You don't want the wall because it puts a halt to your Democrat voter registration drive. 

Your version of America is not our version, Blinky. You lose. In fact you continue to lose and lose and lose. Thank you for your service to help the conservative cause. God bless America, God bless President Donald Trump.

Pope Francis Says Native People Have Rights Over Their Lands

VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis insisted Wednesday that indigenous groups must give prior consent to any economic activity affecting their ancestral lands, a view that conflicts with the Trump administration, which is pushing to build a $3.8 billion oil pipeline over opposition from American Indians.
Francis met with representatives of indigenous peoples attending a U.N. agricultural meeting and said the key issue facing them is how to reconcile the right to economic development with protecting their cultures and territories.
"In this regard, the right to prior and informed consent should always prevail," he said. "Only then is it possible to guarantee peaceful cooperation between governing authorities and indigenous peoples, overcoming confrontation and conflict."

Read more of the Popes nonsense

Okay! Then you need to offer 100% support to the Jewish state of Israel, Mr. Pope. The Jew's have a 5,000 year old claim to Israel? It is historically proven that the land is theirs, long before the word "Palestine" was even manufactured. Oh, suddenly life gets complicated when you leave the business of religion and enter the world of politics. Why do you need to stick your head into political situations? I am getting tired of your leftist rants. Maybe you should stick to religious matters and saving souls Frankie.

Hey Frankie, you better keep your mouth shut about things you know nothing about.It will save you from having to wipe egg off your face. You might consider Christianity to be one those topics to steer clear of. Seems you know very little about that either.


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