After Harry sticks his di.., I mean foot in his mouth, he says this:
HARRY REID: So, What I told Dana Bash who is a fine reporter, is that we care about all these things, we care about our state parks, our veterans, but we can’t fall into that trap. Here is the trap, of the Cruz-led Republicans, and that is this. Listen, we’ll cherry pick. We’ll open this today and this tomorrow, and finally at the end everything will be open except the money to finish Obamacare. But what Dr. Coburn has said, this is ridiculous, because Obamacare if nothing happens, about 90% of it is funded anyway. But they are so mercenary, so determined to destroy the president’s signature issue that they would go to the extreme of shutting down the government.
"That's right asshole, why would you want to help a child with cancer? There's no walking this one back you old f**king jackass. You own this one just like Barry owns BarryCare and the shut down. George Bush made me say it, I mean Ted Cruz, no I meant the Tea Party. F**k You! This demented senile old bastard needs to have his ass kicked and then forcefully retired. I have a follow-up for you moron, why do the Democraps hate veterans and sick children? Why do they only care about gays, illegal alliens, abortionists and union thugs? I think you need your meds adjusted Harry, after all, its free for you. It just proves when someone asks a question that hits a nerve, Libtards reveal their true feelings. Libtards aren't logical. They say whatever pops into