The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Senate Overwhelmingly Confirms John Kerry as Secretary of State

" Is John "Traitor" Kerry’s appointment really a surprise to anyone? I don’t think so.A stab in the back to every American Soldier. We have traitors and communists leading this nation now. Great. Now Herman Munster as Secretary of State. Actually, with Barry Hussein as President, John "Traitor" Kerry, “Vietnam Hero”, Jane Fonda sidekick and former fake antiwar protester makes a fine choice for the job at State. If John "Traitor" Kerry had a daughter, she would look like Jane Fonda. He’s a pompous empty suit with a talent for marrying rich, lonely women. Perfect. Disgusting. It's seems as if Hussein has a list called "STICK IT TO ‘EM". Methodically he is checking off one insult after another. He’s killed our Ambassador; He’s attacked the reputation of our Military, he’s divided our Nation, he’s wrecked our economy and that was just his first term. This time, the Anti Christ is going to work on demoralizing us. That SOB who was a traitor in the Viet Nam war would have, at any other time in our history, been shot at sunrise for being a traitor, gets a free ride, gets elected to the senate, marries rich old broads until he’s wealthy now, hides his yacht in Ct. to avoid taxes, and lied about his medals of honor; This piece of filth hates America and the freedom's we love so much. He is just another libtard freak who worships money. He picked John Edwards as his running mate and we all know who John Edwards turned out to be. OF all the American Patriots in this country, of all those who have wonderful knowledge of our history, understands our people, our goals, and believe in our Constitution and rule of law, he is the last person to have ever been chosen as Sec. of State. Maybe make that idiot, that sad-sack sell-out of our military an Ambassador to Cuba or something. But SEC of STATE? I swear they are going out of their way to make us angry. Voting against Kerry were three Republicans – Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma and John Cornyn and Ted Cruz of Texas. As far as I’m concerned the rest can go to Hell ! Well, that about rounds out a completely moronic, socialist, anti-American administration; just like Hussein wanted." MC

The Senate overwhelmingly confirmed President Barack Obama’s choice of five-term Sen. John Kerry to be secretary of state, with Republicans and Democrats praising him as the ideal successor to Hillary Rodham Clinton.

The vote Tuesday was 94-3. One senator – Kerry – voted present and accepted congratulations from

Barack Obama : If Congress Won’t Pass Immigration Plan I’ll Make Them Vote on Mine (Video)

"Look out, Congress. You are keeping His Majesty waiting. What an arrogant asshole.Umm, is he aware he is the Executive Branch of our government? And not the Legislative Branch anymore? He doesn’t write bills or send them up. What he is supposed to do is enforce the laws that Congress passes. I hope Comrade Skeeter sends “his” bill up to Congress, and when he does, the Congress must refuse to pass it. Make him wait, hes got some “skeet” to shoot. What a Commie punk. It is a travesty that he stands in front of the American flag with his shitty smirk, it shames the American flag. America, "We have a problem" (again). Hussein, STFU and pass a budget and stop flying around the world killing the environment for a stupid ass speech and wasting millions of our tax dollars. Walk outside and give your propaganda speech on tv, jackass. No, you can't because you need you minion's chanting  Sieg heilSieg heilSieg heil, to you. You need that Nazi Germany back drop.What a pathetic POS you are." MC

Barack Obama held a campaign rally today at a high school in Las Vegas, Nevada. The president warned Congress that if they won’t pass a plan,
“I will send up a bill based on my proposal and insist that they vote on it right away.”

Former SEIU union local president convicted of embezzlement

"Corrupt Union bosses? No way. Say it ain't so. What the hell will happen next? There must be some kind of misunderstanding. And in Califpornia no less. Must be true. It was in with the other headlines of the day, scientists discover that water is wet, the sun is hot, the sky is blue, Chris Matthews is a racist, and Rachel Maddow is really a man. But there must be some logical, libtard explanation for this? Oh, there is. What am I thinking? Its not embezzlement to Hussein's  people, its redistribution. That's it. Knew there was an explanation. Yeah, they will want us to believe that bullshit. So Freeman is accused of billing the union for “elaborate personal expenses". Hmmm...sound familiar. The Hussein's are doing the same thing to the American tax payer's, having us pay for their extravagant life style. Mr. Freeman must have Moochelle's book. And whats this, a polygamist, too? Wow! That’s one helluva rap sheet, er, resume. No need to use those code words. Don't want to be labeled a racist. I don't think Mr. Freeman will be a free-man much longer. Oh, but then again, in Holder's world of justice, who knows"? MC

The former president of California’s largest union local was found guilty by a federal jury in Los Angeles on Monday of stealing from the low-wage workers he represented.

Tyrone Freeman, who led Local 6434 of the Service Employees International Union, was convicted on 14


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