The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

“As President, I Can Do Whatever I Want”

Barack Obama

Via Weekly Standard:
President Obama “quipped” today during a visit to Monticello with the French president, “That’s the good thing as a President, I can do whatever I want.”
Via the pool report:
“At 4:45 POTUS and president Hollande walked out from a portico and strolled in Front of your pool with Leslie Bowman, president of the Monticello Foundation. Looking at a terrace she said that Jefferson loved to admire the landscape from there. POTUS said that he’d like to take a look and seemed delighted to “break the protocol”.“That’s the good thing as a President, I can do whatever I want” he quipped, walking to the terrace with his guest and Ms. Bowman. Pool now in the mansion as the leaders will come and visit Jefferson’s study.”
The comment came around the time the White House announced it would be delaying the Obamacare mandate for some businesses unilaterally.
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"Doesn't that smirk on his face say it all, "F**k you America". You don't know how much I would like to slap that smirk off his face. "What difference does it make"? Just another impeachable offense by Dicktator Obowel, and just another day for the do nothing traitorous RINO'S in the house of norepresentatives, who will not confront this communist bastard no matter what the hell he does. No words can describe how much I hate this commie asshole and what my country has turned into because of him and his spineless RINO cronies. I can only hope the next administration reviews the broken laws during the Obowel reign of terror and prosecutes those responsible for all the legal violations. It sickens me that those two commies went to a national treasure, Monticello, and dirtied it. They may have well shit in Mr. Jefferson's parlor. Neither of them believes in our Declaration of Independance or Constitution. We should kick the one out of our country and the other out of our House. I guess stinking up the Shite House isn't enough. He's got to go to Monicello, Mr. Jefferson's house, and dirty that one up too. Knowing this dumbass POS, he probably thought it was George Jefferson's house.

This arrogant bastard doesn't realize how hated he is. According to the Constitution of the United

The Continuing Bullsh... Err Saga Of Global Warming.

Global Warming “Threatens To Eliminate 20 To 50 Percent of All Living Species Within This Century”-Al Gore

Without a Trace — Al Gore, NY Times
Over the past decade, Elizabeth Kolbert has established herself as one of our very best science writers. She has developed a distinctive and eloquent voice of conscience on issues arising from the extraordinary assault on the ecosphere, and those who have enjoyed her previous works like “Field Notes From a Catastrophe” will not be disappointed by her powerful new book, “The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History.”
Kolbert, a staff writer at The New Yorker, reports from the front lines of the violent collision between civilization and our planet’s ecosystem: the Andes, the Amazon rain forest, the Great Barrier Reef — and her backyard. In lucid prose, she examines the role of man-made climate change in causing what biologists call the sixth mass extinction — the current spasm of plant and animal loss that threatens to eliminate 20 to 50 percent of all living species on earth within this century.
Extinction is a relatively new idea in the scientific community. Well into the 18th century, people found it impossible to accept the idea that species had once lived on earth but had been subsequently lost. Scientists simply could not envision a planetary force powerful enough to wipe out forms of life that were common in prior ages.
In the same way, and for many of the same reasons, many today find it inconceivable that we could possibly be responsible for destroying the integrity of our planet’s ecology. There are psychological barriers to even imagining that what we love so much could be lost — could be destroyedforever. As a result, many of us refuse to contemplate it. Like an audience entertained by a magician, we allow ourselves to be deceived by those with a stake in persuading us to ignore reality.
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Funny Al Gore and his Global Warming Theory

"As long as your the first to go, then it's OK by me. Then I hope Libtardss are the next to go! How very convient for you asshole, 100 years from now  I won't be around to see that it was all bullshit, come to think about it, neither will be you. So let me get my your a lying corrupt POS's in now.

Picture's, Joke, And Quote Of The Day

"Feel free to share"

Picture's of the Day:

Joke of the Day: 
PUBLIC OPINION >Al Gore Says Global Warming Skeptics Are This ...

Quote of the Day:

    “Republicans believe every day is 4th of July. Democrats believe every day is April 15.”

Ronald Reagan


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Teleprompter Fail 2

Teleprompter Fail 3