WARNING: Liberals, this blog could be hazardous to your mental health because I'm politically incorrect.
The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.
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Wednesday, November 28, 2012
FEATURE POST: Glenn Beck dips Obama bobblehead in Pee Pee [urine] (Video)
This is awesome! I can’t wait for leftist nuts to start up over this. Glenn Beck demonstrated (again) what hypocrites leftists are. They are fine with putting a cross in urine. The latest joke is a new painting that depicts Obama as Jesus Christ crucified, with a crown of thorns. The work, is entitled “Truth,” and put on display at Bunker Hill Community College Art Gallery in Boston titled “Artists on the Stump – the Road to the White House 2012.” How appropriate it’s in Boston. The only more logical places would have been Chicago or San Francisco.
Title: Obama in Pee Pee
Artist: Glenn Beck
Price: $25,000
On Monday, TheBlaze alerted readers to a new painting that depicts Barack Obama as Jesus Christ
crucified, adorned with a crown of thorns. The work, entitled “Truth,” is part of a larger exhibit at the Bunker Hill Community College Art Gallery in Boston titled “Artists on the Stump – the Road to the White House 2012.” This, of course, is not the first controversial rendition that has been labeled “artwork,” nor is it the first time President Obama has been likened to Christ, or in general, God.
Now, the creator of “Truth,” Michael D’Antuono, said that his “First Amendment rights should override someone’s hurt feelings” and that “we should celebrate the fact that we live in a country where we are given the freedom to express ourselves.”
After receiving roughly 4,000 angry emails over the painting, D’Antuono also said he respects “their right to express themselves” and hopes they will afford him the same.
With this in mind, Glenn Beck chose to “express himself,” during his Tuesday evening broadcast by featuring a piece of artwork of his own creation.
Watch the clip, sure to make a splash, via TheBlaze TV below:
Professional Political Liar Susan Rice: “I didn’t mean to lie about Benghazi” – Ayotte, Graham, McCain: “feel she’s more inept now than before conversation”….
Today U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice met with key Senators to discuss her manipulative falsehoods spewed on Sunday talk shows about the killing of Four Americans and the U.S. Ambassador to Libya in Benghazi.
In essence Susan Rice said:
”Neither I nor anyone else in the administration intended to mislead the American people at any stage in this process, and the administration updated Congress and the American people as our assessments evolved,”…Horsepucky.
Based on today’s coversation, Senator Kelly Ayote vows to block any attempt at making this LIAR an international representative for the United States beyond her current position of U.S Liar To The U.N., until she and the administration “come clean”.
Um, they won’t…. ever.
Senator Ayotte: I’m more troubled today… It’s certainly clear from the beginning that we knew that those with ties to Al-Qaeda were involved in the attack on the embassy. And, clearly the impression that was given, the information given to the American people was wrong and in fact Ambassador Rice said today that Absolutely it was wrong… They have not cleared this up with the American people to date.
“There will be a hold” until the Obama administration fully answers lingering questions surrounding the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Ayotte told a group of reporters Tuesday afternoon during a conference organized by the Foreign Policy Initiative (FPI).
“My view is we should hold on this until we get sufficient information from the administration because there are questions that need to be answered,” she said.
A “hold” is a parliamentary rule that allows any senator to delay action in the Senate.
Jay Carney Says Obama Meeting With Congressional Leaders Is A Waste Of Time
Instead of meeting with congressional leadership from both sides of
the aisle to work out a true compromise on the fiscal cliff, President
Obama is out campaigning. On our dime. White House spokesman Jay Carney
defended his boss, implying that actually being a leader on the issue would be a waste of time.
Oh, and yesterday Carney referred to the fiscal cliff as “fun.” Remember that when the economy gets even worse. For Obama and his peeps in the White House this is all just fun and games.
“It would ruin the fun if I gave you all the details now,” Carney said.
“Wouldn’t it send a signal to the American people and to markets to see the president meeting here with Congressional leadership?” Bloomberg reporter Julianna Goldman asked Carney. “That would be a signal that Washington can function.”What work is he talking about? Getting people to make You Tube videos, or traveling around giving campaign speeches? He couldn’t get more arrogant if he tried. All other presidents have worked with Congress to get things done, but not this one. Letting Nancy Pelosi and her pals write Obamacare doesn’t count. He didn’t work with anyone, he just passed it off to his lackeys.
“The signal that Washington can function is the result,” Carney replied. “Only inside the Beltway do people think that sitting in a room for a photo spray will solve necessarily problems. The work has to be done and that work is being done.”
Oh, and yesterday Carney referred to the fiscal cliff as “fun.” Remember that when the economy gets even worse. For Obama and his peeps in the White House this is all just fun and games.
“It would ruin the fun if I gave you all the details now,” Carney said.
Harpy Joy Behar compares religion to drug addiction
Hey Joy Behar, I dare you to make a nasty comment about Islam, and see what the reaction is! Didn't think so. Like all Liberals, you are as dumb as you are cowards". MC
What does hag Joy Behar and Karl Marx have in common? Aside from their love of government control, they also think religion in a drug addition. Yes, ABC’s The View hag Joy Behar gleefully declared on another network that religion is like a drug addiction. Karl Marx, the hero of today’s Democrats once declared this about religion:
When you have a harpy like Joy Behar who compares religion to drug addiction, you just have to laugh. If anything is like a drug addiction, its liberalism. The harpy Behar didn’t make these comments on the The View, where they actually have a bon-bon eating audience. Instead, she made them on her CurrentTV show, which gets a fraction of the viewers she got while on CNN, aka maybe 2 or 3. More people will watch the video of her than actually saw it.
What does hag Joy Behar and Karl Marx have in common? Aside from their love of government control, they also think religion in a drug addition. Yes, ABC’s The View hag Joy Behar gleefully declared on another network that religion is like a drug addiction. Karl Marx, the hero of today’s Democrats once declared this about religion:
“Religion is the opium of the people”
When you have a harpy like Joy Behar who compares religion to drug addiction, you just have to laugh. If anything is like a drug addiction, its liberalism. The harpy Behar didn’t make these comments on the The View, where they actually have a bon-bon eating audience. Instead, she made them on her CurrentTV show, which gets a fraction of the viewers she got while on CNN, aka maybe 2 or 3. More people will watch the video of her than actually saw it.
Naked Activists Storm John Boehner’s Office To Protest Obama’s Crappy Record on AIDS Funding
NEWSFLASH: Liberals think you’re as dumb as they are!
There’s a great big story on ObamaFeed right now about how naked protesters stormed House Speaker John Boehner’s office today. They’re angry about anticipated cuts to AIDS funding and they want you to believe John Boehner is responsible.
Here’s what these total-fucking-idiots failed to tell you…
Know who provided more funding for AIDS victims and AIDS research than any president in history?
George. W. Bush.
Know who cut Bush’s AIDS related programs the minute he took office?
God forbid the idiotic American left turn their outrage on the true object of blame, that would be too much to ask. Next we’d see CODE PINK protesting Obama’s kill list in front of the White House.
Warning: Naked Liberals.
Police upset that jewelry store owner stops robbery (California)
"That's right, let them rob you and hope that when their done, they don't shoot you anyway. Bull Shit. Two warning shots to their heads is what was in order. What a shit hole California has become. Good job citizen". MC
Only in California. Seriously.
Let’s start with the quote that blew my mind. This is from San Jose Police spokesperson Albert Morales:
“We don’t recommend it. We would have preferred that they just go ahead and comply with the request or demands of the robbers.”
What don’t they recommend? Defending yourself and your property.
The incident that triggered that quote happened when two armed robbers stormed into a jewelry store in San Jose, California. The men pointed their weapons at the store owner, who was working behind the counter, pounded on the counter and demanded jewelry.
Instead, the woman drew her handgun and fired at least one shot at the robbers. While the woman did not hit anyone, the criminals ran out of the store and into a waiting SUV. The entire incident was caught on the store video surveillance tapes. The tapes have been turned over to the police who are looking for suspects.
So yes, the San Jose Police Department would rather you be a good victim than protect yourself. One more reason I can’t imagine living there.
Good news! Jesse Jackson, Jr. might not have committed enough felonies to lose pension
"Ya think Daddy has a hand in this". MC
Jesse Jackson Jr. resigned over the holiday weekend, thus ending my fun and triggering a February primary for his seat which might feature an honest-to-Axelrod child predator, among other lunatics. Not that Jesse Jackson Jr. wasn’t a lunatic. And that has nothing to do with the alleged bipolar disorder he claims he has that conveniently allowed him to sit out the campaign. He did naked karate. In a Turkish bathhouse. In front of people.
But whatever. The assumption is that Jackson Jr. resigned because of an impending indictment, and only when Congress agreed to pay him long-term disability, which means we’d pay him for doing less work than we were already paying him to do. The catch was that he would probably lose his pension because, obviously, if you’re a felon and in Congress you probably shouldn’t also get your pension.
But see, that last part was an assumption. And when you assume, you make an ass out of you and me.
Jesse Jackson Jr., who resigned from Congress last week and acknowledged he was the subject of a federal investigation, could be eligible for an annual pension estimated at $45,000, but that benefit would be lost if he was convicted of one of several public corruption felonies…The key here is the plea bargain he’s likely negotiating. Congress recently expanded the number of crimes that could result in an elected official losing his or her pension, but the crimes for which this can be leveled as a punishment are still very specific: things like tax evasion, soliciting campaign donations illegally, etc. Jackson might have done something illegal, but that’s not to say that he did any of these specific things or that he will admit to them if he did. He could craft a bargain that would have him pleading to specific charges that don’t include the kind of felonies he could lose his pension for, and unless he’s out there money laundering right now, we could be on the hook to pay him up to $45K per year. Combined with long-term disability he might have negotiated in the process of submitting his resignation, and you’re talking about a pretty comfortable future.
Jackson has not been charged with a crime. He said in his resignation letter that he was aware of the ongoing federal investigation into his activities and was doing his best to cooperate with investigators and accept responsibility for his “mistakes.”
Isn’t It Funny How Liberals Detest Any Public Mention of Christianity…
…except in cases where Obama is made into the image of God?
You can’t mention Christmas in a public school.
You can’t have a nativity scene in a public park.
You can’t display the 10 commandments in a public building.
And yet there’s this….
A painting by Michael D’Antuono called “Artists on the Stump – the Road to the White House 2012.” It’s on display at the Bunker Hill Community College Art Gallery until Dec. 15th.
And this…
Here’s a question for the Freedom from Religion Foundation….
Are my rights being violated any time someone mentions Obama in public?
It’s sure starting to feel that way.
You can’t mention Christmas in a public school.
You can’t have a nativity scene in a public park.
You can’t display the 10 commandments in a public building.
And yet there’s this….
A painting by Michael D’Antuono called “Artists on the Stump – the Road to the White House 2012.” It’s on display at the Bunker Hill Community College Art Gallery until Dec. 15th.
And this…
Here’s a question for the Freedom from Religion Foundation….
Are my rights being violated any time someone mentions Obama in public?
It’s sure starting to feel that way.
Three People More Deserving of Time’s Person of the Year Than Sandra Fluke
By now you have heard that Time Magazine is considering Sandra Fluke as their person of the year?
Just so we’re all on the same page, let’s call Sandra Fluke what she is. Sandra Fluke is the Julia-esque poster girl of government dependency. She is a fabrication, a puppet created for the sole purpose of the left’s invented Republican war on women. She was trotted out hastily before a Democratic Senate audience to put a face on a propaganda war invented by the left and propagated by their allies in the media. Nothing more.
The fact that Time magazine would celebrate this lie by making Sandra Fluke their person of the year, tells you just how far our media has fallen and how overrun by progressive propagandists it has become.
Here are three people who truly deserve to be recognized as a “person of the year.”
3. The Navy SEALs
You know, the guys who really killed Osama Bin Laden.
2. Gabrielle Giffords
Maybe she doesn’t qualify since liberal media outlets like Time can no longer falsely blame her shooting on Sarah Palin and the Tea Party. Even so, she did make a triumphant and inspiring return to the floor of congress this year. Isn’t she more important than Sandra Fluke?
1. Ambassador Chris Stevens
Remember him, Time Magazine? He was our ambassador to Libya before he was brutally murdered on September 11th, 2012. I guess he doesn’t fit the it-was-all-because-of-a-YouTube-video narrative.
Time magazine has become a joke which is less funny and more expensive than MAD Magazine.
As silly as it was, even YOU deserved to be Time’s person of the year more than Sandra Fluke.
Just so we’re all on the same page, let’s call Sandra Fluke what she is. Sandra Fluke is the Julia-esque poster girl of government dependency. She is a fabrication, a puppet created for the sole purpose of the left’s invented Republican war on women. She was trotted out hastily before a Democratic Senate audience to put a face on a propaganda war invented by the left and propagated by their allies in the media. Nothing more.
The fact that Time magazine would celebrate this lie by making Sandra Fluke their person of the year, tells you just how far our media has fallen and how overrun by progressive propagandists it has become.
Here are three people who truly deserve to be recognized as a “person of the year.”
3. The Navy SEALs
You know, the guys who really killed Osama Bin Laden.
2. Gabrielle Giffords
Maybe she doesn’t qualify since liberal media outlets like Time can no longer falsely blame her shooting on Sarah Palin and the Tea Party. Even so, she did make a triumphant and inspiring return to the floor of congress this year. Isn’t she more important than Sandra Fluke?
1. Ambassador Chris Stevens
Remember him, Time Magazine? He was our ambassador to Libya before he was brutally murdered on September 11th, 2012. I guess he doesn’t fit the it-was-all-because-of-a-YouTube-video narrative.
Time magazine has become a joke which is less funny and more expensive than MAD Magazine.
As silly as it was, even YOU deserved to be Time’s person of the year more than Sandra Fluke.
HERITAGE FOUNDATION: How to f--- with Harry Reid's illegal nuclear assault on the Senate filibuster
Well, to be fair, the Heritage Foundation didn't drop the F-bomb. But I read their intent, I tell you, I read their intent.
You may have heard that the Senate Majority Leader -- a freakish-looking man named Harry Reid -- will likely attempt to violate the rules of the Senate to destroy the filibuster rule. Reid, of course, was a huge fan of the filibuster when he served in the minority. But, as always with the Marxist Left, the ends justify the means.
So if Reid wants to go nuclear on the filibuster and illegally shred decades of Senate procedure, a response in the form of some serious scoundrelry is in order.
• A new two-thirds point of order against any infringement on the Second Amendment rights of all Americans. This would be subject to a simple majority vote under Reid’s theory. There is a pro-gun majority in the Senate today, and this might actually pass. It would be a great tool for conservatives to forever block reinstatement of the assault weapons ban in addition to any other gun-grabbing ideas.
• A new two-thirds point of order against any net tax increase on the American people as scored by the Congressional Budget Office. This would be subject to a simple majority vote and is part of the Senate version of the Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution supported by all members of the current Republican caucus.
• A new point of order preventing the Senate Majority Leader from blocking amendments by filling up all the areas of the amendment tree with pro-forma amendments. Reid has used this tactic to prevent members from offering amendments. A new point of order should be proposed to prevent that tactic for Reid or any future Majority Leader.
• A new point of order to make Senators sign a consent form before a bill is passed by “Unanimous Consent” or “UC.” Many times, the Senate operates by waiving the rules with the consent of all Senators. Many times the bills passed are opposed by members, but they fear getting blamed for obstructing bills by forcing the Senate to abide by all the rules to pass a bill or confirm a nomination. This would put all members explicitly on the record supporting legislation that sneaks through the Senate under the radar.
As Heritage notes, these are just a few of the ideas that could be floated. Off the top of my head, I can think of a few others:
• Preventing any bill related to education from infringing on charter schools and privatized education
• Capping any funding bill from exceeding 18 percent of GDP in toto
• Forcing any bill that funds Obamacare, the HHS or the EPA to face a six week public review period before a vote is permitted
You get the picture. Bring it on, Leftists.
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