The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Saturday, November 23, 2013

Tom Brokejaw Smears To The Right On JFK Anniversary

Recounting his experiences from that day, Brokaw said that the reaction to JFK’s assassination, “mostly in conservative states,” was encapsulated by his interaction with one man who expressed satisfaction over the president’s killing.
“This was unusual but it was not unheard of,” Brokaw told the MSNBC hosts, prefacing a conservative’s reaction to JFK’s killing. “As I came running out of the announce booth, the chief engineer, with whom I didn’t get along very well – he’s a really curmudgeonly guy, old, kind of a gnarly guy – said ‘What happened?’”
“‘Kennedy was shot,’” Brokaw recalled telling the engineer. “He said, ‘About time somebody shot that SOB’”

"Did you expect these assholes at NBC or any other bootlicking media outlet to let this anniversary go without taking a jab at conservatives? They're really reaching into the sewer to blame the right for his death. Tom Brokejaw has no credibilty at all as far as I'm concerned, He is in the same group as the liar Dan Blather. Brokejaw doen't hide the fact he is a total Progressive douche bag. Brokejaw, like so many Leftist's, can't accept the fact that JFK was killed by one of their own,  a leftist communist named Lee Harvey Oswald. That's right Brokejaw, Lee Harvey Oswald was a communist. Like you, your party, and your media. How dissappointing that is for them? Blaming the right? But should we expect anything different from this has been anchor and shit "network" BSDNC? Hope he knows there a reason why he's a has been. Just keep attacking conservatives and make yourself look like a fool, Tommy boy. Your just another leftist hack with an ego who still thinks he's relevant. What a sorry piece of filth you are. You are no better than Al Sharpnuts. An utter disgrace! 

I find it impossible to express the depth of my disgust and hatred for the Libtard talking heads in the MSM. This is a major push by them to totally rewrite history, a history that reflects best on them and their leftist views. They are so encouraged by the ignorant LIV's who are so misinformed or just too stupid that they will believe anything. This is why they are so desperate to

Great Presidential One-Liners

"If I were two-faced – would I be wearing this one?" 

Abraham Lincoln 

"Washington DC is twelve square miles bordered by reality" 

Andrew Johnson

"Blessed are the young,  for they shall inherit the national debt"

Herbert Hoover

"Never kick a fresh turd on a hot day." 

Harry Truman 

"An atheist is a guy who watches a Notre Dame - SMU football game and doesn't care who wins."

Dwight Eisenhower

"I never trust a man unless I've got his pecker in my pocket."

Lyndon Johnson 

"There will be no whitewash at the White House"

Tricky Dick Nixon

"I guess it proves that in America anyone can be President."

Gerald Ford

"I can't deny I'm a better ex-President than I was a President."

Jimmy Carter 

"I have left orders to be awakened at any time in case of national emergency – even if I'm in a Cabinet meeting."

Ronald Reagan

"I didn't inhale and I never tried it again."

B.J. Clinton

"My opponents misunderestimated me." 

G. W. Bush

"I....uh....let me make this very clear....uh....I said...uh...."

Barack O. 

Why Obamacare is different

This post is from Doug Ross Journal:
By: Jim Geraghty

First, let's visit the standard Left shrieking points.

1) How many of you know someone who died in Hurricane Katrina? (Just thought I'd get that out of the way.)

2) How many of you know someone (including yourself) who was a valid registered voter and who was denied the chance to vote due to Voter ID laws?

3) How many of you know someone (including yourself) who was unable to afford birth control due to a lack of health insurance?

4) How many of you know someone (including yourself) who was denied the chance to have an abortion, due to state regulations?

5) How many of you know someone (including yourself) who has been laid off due to the Federal budget sequester?

6) How many of you know someone (including yourself) who was furloughed during the brief Federal Government shutdown and then did not get back pay for the time furloughed?

7) How many of you know someone (including yourself) who was unable to find a meaningful job because of Right to Work legislation in the state where they live?

Now for the flip side:

8) How many of you know someone (including yourself) who had their existing health insurance policy cancelled as a result of Obamacare, and who are now looking at options that are more expensive and have higher deductibles? (My own hand goes up.)

9) How many of you know someone (including yourself) who works for a business whose health insurance coverage is either going to be eliminated or become more expensive as a result of Obamacare?

Show of hands, everyone?

Yep, what I pretty much thought.

Note that most of the Left's boogiemen -- items 1-7 -- are just that -- largely imaginary, except for the

Picture, Joke, And Quote Of The Day

Picture of the Day:

Joke of the Day: 

Quote of the Day: 

“This is how democracy ends. Not with a bomb, but a gavel.” --Sen. Harry Reid, 2005, describing the proposed nuclear option that would end the filibuster


Teleprompter Fail 1

Teleprompter Fail 2

Teleprompter Fail 3