The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Contentions Ed Koch: I Knew Obama Would Betray Israel

"Koch should be (and no doubt is) ashamed. But nobody should have fallen for it. Yeah, Koch missed a perfectly good opportunity to STFU. He is just one of many that drank the kool-ade." MC

by Alana Goodman

I admire former Mayor Ed Koch’s willingness to break with his own party on issues of principle, but his comments to the Algemeiner today are mind-boggling. In between some very strong denunciations of the Chuck Hagel nomination, Koch casually let it drop that he suspected Obama would abandon his pro-Israel positions after the election. The former mayor, of course, endorsed Obama’s reelection and served as one of his surrogates to the pro-Israel community:
“Frankly, I thought that there would come a time when [Obama] would renege on what he

Anti-Gun Hypocrite Michael Moore Endorses Shoot-Em-Up Movie Django Unchained

"I know, he was just there for the buttered popcorn. Typical radical liberal. Guns, violence, racism, and capitalism are all acceptable for the Democraps and Libtards but evil for all else. Of course, it’s always a good thing when a black racist POS libtard is killing white people, bragging about it in the media who gave him a pass of course. Why would it surprise anyone when a white libtard POS endorses it? Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, Mike!" MC

After the Sandy Hook school massacre Michael Moore blamed the tragedy on America’s inherent racism and awfulness.

What a jerk.
But that didn’t stop the anti-gun hypocrite from endorsing the violent shoot-em-up movie Django Unchained.
Via Twitchy:

Obama Nominates Chuck Hagel as Defense Secretary – “The Leader Our Troops Deserve” (Video)

 "If this was a Republican President who nominated hagel. The MSM would broadcast his anti-gay, anti Jew remarks 24/7. But because it is ‘The ONE’ who is placing him in this position the MSM will not bring up any of those who oppose his selection. Hey gays and jews – what do you think NOW? How can our men in uniform look up to leaders like this? This crap could have ended on January 20, 2013. Now we have to wait until January 20, 2017 before sanity can hopefully be restored, even though there is no guarantee." MC

Barack Obama somehow managed to nominate a Republican who is further left than himself on foreign policy for Defense Secretary today. Hagel is well known for his anti-Israel and anti-gay statements. Hagel also believes when it comes to Iran, America is the problem.

So he’s a perfect fit for a position within the Obama Administration.

In introducing Hagel today, Barack Obama said he is, “The leader our troops deserve.”

And, you know he means it.

Omaha Wendy’s Franchise Forced to Cut Employee Hours Thanks to Obamacare

"This is only the beginning. Liberals seem to think that their idea of their perfect world can be legislated into existence but they end up finding out the hard way that the world doesn’t work that way. Not only are they going to have no health insurance, and work fewer hours, but they are going to have more FICA withheld. plus, the cost of everything they buy is going to go up thanks to the trickle down of taxes from above, and the devaluation of the dollar. It’s incredible how stupid people are nowadays. We spend so much on education, but I guess they just aren’t teaching people what they really need to know are they? So Libtards, I suppose you’d be willing to pay $6 for a Wendy’s cheeseburger so that they could buy health insurance for all their minimum wage employees? Right? Or maybe the owner should just file bankruptcy, close his stores, and put all those people out of work? Elections have consequences, and people who have no understanding of the realities of life have no business being allowed to cast votes. The hard work of collapsing the system continues. Single Payer, here we come! That’s the objective isn't it?" MC

It’s an Obama world.
An Omaha Wendy’s franchise announced it would cut hours for 100 employees due to the new Democrat Obamacare health plan.

WOWT reported:
A fast-food chain is slashing employee hours so franchise owners don’t have to pay health


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