The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Friday, August 18, 2017

Good Morning Deplorables

Missouri Senator who called for Trump's Assination: ‘There’s No Way In Hell That I’m Resigning’

Missouri senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal says she will not wilt to the political leaders who are calling for a resignation.
Chappelle-Nadal told KMOX’s Carol Daniel, “There is no way in hell that I’m resigning. There are legislators who have cheated on their wives, they have smoked in the legislature, in the state capitol. If they have not been asked to resign for those acts, which I do believe that cheating on your wife or your spouse is immoral, I am not resigning for a mistake that I made and that I’m owning up to.”
In a statement issued Thursday, Missouri Democratic Party Chair Stephen Webber called for her resignation.
“State Senator Chappelle-Nadal’s comments are indefensible. All sides need to agree that there is no room for suggestions of political violence in America – and the Missouri Democratic Party will absolutely not tolerate calls for the assassination of the President. I believe she should resign,” Webber said.
U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill agrees. In a statement released Thursday afternoon, McCaskill stated, “I condemn it. It’s outrageous. And she should resign.”[…]
KMOX’s Carol Daniel asked Chappelle-Nadal if she was going to apologize for her comments. Chappelle-Nadal replied, “When the President apologizes, I’ll apologize. I’m not apologizing for being frustrated and angry at the bigot that we have in our White House.”

Just another stupid, racist Democrat holding an office without a clue. In 30 years, she'll be the next Maxine Waters and a member of the Black Caucus. Can you imagine if a republican senator called for the assassination of jug ears. This bitch would be the loudest voice calling for their arrest. Hell, a Congressman said "You lie" and was raked over the coals. The amazing thing is, these idiots don't think they are doing anything wrong. They have been emboldened by the democrats in congress. So why would she resign? Her popularity with the dumb racists in her district has likely gone through the roof. 

Looks like the Democrat party supports her position since they have not all individually denounced her within 24 hours of her statement. That does appear to be the standard applied to Republicans within the last week, right? Unless Democrats force Maria Chappelle-Nadal out of office, she is living proof that Democrats approve of Assassination, and overthrow of our Government. And, unless there are consequences for spewing this shit, it will continue until someone, somewhere attempts to assassinate the President or a member of his family. Then believe me, all hell is going to break loose. Missouri, the ball is in your court. Condone it? Or demand her resignation?

CNN Publishes Map of Confederate Monuments in U.S.

Via Breitbart:
CNN posted a map on August 17 showing the location of approximately 1,500 Confederate monuments and/or official symbols in the U.S.
The map will, no-doubt, serve as a hit-list for the frenzied Workers World Party members and others seeking the removal and destruction of Confederate statues in city after city across America.
CNN reports, “Roughly 1,500 Confederate symbols still exist on public land more than 150 years after the conclusion of the Civil War.” It explains that 718 of the Confederate symbols are “monuments and statutes.”

Think it's time the FCC should pull CNN's license for awhile. 60 years should be about right. Turn about time. Somebody please post a map of all CNN offices and their employees homes. Maybe we should put CNN on the spot by asking them if they plan to inform ISIS on which malls or transportation hubs to hit. They have a history. Remember it was this sleazy network who broadcasted the location live on-air of Ferguson, Missouri police officer Darren Wilson's home at the height of the upheaval following his putting the black thug Michael Brown down after he'd assaulted him and had tried to take his firearm. These bastards have no standard of journalistic ethics or integrity whatsoever, but then what better can be expected from fake news Nazi Party propagandists? The only reason CNN would do this is to incite violence and then somehow blame President Trump. But then again, "This, Is CNN".

Pelosi To Call For Removal Of “Reprehensible” Confederate Statues From Capitol…

I call for the removal of all democrats in D.C. because they are the party of the KKK and they are the party who wanted slavery to continue. And the first reprehensible figure to go is Bela Pelosi. Keep it up, Nana. Nov 2018 is just around the corner and we need your crazy bullshit to continue! What is truly "reprehensible" is the kind of race-baiting politics of destruction and division that Nauseating Nancy and her Dem gang practice as a way of life. They aren't even honest America hating fanatics. Everything they say and do is just about getting or keeping power for them. The only time Democrats embrace fossil fuels is when they're pouring gasoline on a fire they've started. It's not about destroying the Confederacy or slavery, it's about destroying American history. And that is a fact! The first and most important monument to slavery that needs destroying is the Democrat Party itself. 

We all are now going to find out if Paul Ryan and the rest of "his Establishment Gang" are true and full blown RINO's and if they have any balls. If these so called Republicans cave to this political whore from the left, then they are no different than her. President Trump was 100% correct when he said, "Where does it end"! Ryan, the MSM including the liberal asshole commentators at Fox News can all go to hell. They all hate the Constitution and America for what it is. They only care about themselves and their jobs at their Fake News outlets. 

Look it up Nancy you POS....

Confederate Soldiers are American Veterans by Act of Congress
U.S. Public Law 85-425: Sec. 410 Approved 23 May 1958
...you must remember voting on it.


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