The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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We Are So Back

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Krauthammer: White House ‘lied’ on Libya because they had ‘the media in their pocket’

On Friday night’s broadcast of “Hannity” on the Fox News Channel, host Sean Hannity asked Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer why the White House waited so long to acknowledge that the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. embassy in Benghazi was a pre-planned terrorist strike.
According to Krauthammer, the Obama administration delayed announcing the news primarily to protect the president’s image on foreign policy.

“They had two reasons to lie,” Krauthammer said. “The first reason was the fact that the Sept. 11 attack occurred a week after they just spent four days in Charlotte dancing on the grave of bin Laden. Remember, this is their single foreign policy achievement. There is none other. Look at Iran Look at Russia. Look at Israel. Look at Syria. Look at the Arab spring. It’s all in collapse. They got one thing to argue, and they sure argued it, where they made the point again and again and again with that ridiculous slogan from Vice President [Biden], ‘bin laden dead, GM alive,’ because what Libya said, what it was proclaiming to the world and the reason the attack was launched in the first place was to say, ‘bin Laden dead, al-Qaida alive.’ That is what has happened as a result of leading from behind in Libya.”
Krauthammer said the problems stemming from the president’s foreign policy extend beyond Libya.
“You’ve got, you know, al-Qaida has — essentially one of the jihadist factions taken over northern Mali,” Krauthammer said. “There are training camps throughout North Africa. And we now know about the rise of the strength of the jihadist in Syria, where Obama has again has been leading from behind.”
Krauthammer, who is also a regular on Fox News Channel’s “Special Report” and the weekend syndicated show “Inside Washington,”added that, in those shows, he had been pressed to explain why the White House would think it could get away with its apparent deception.
“The second thing is, and I heard from this from liberal colleagues on some of the other shows I’ve done, is, ‘Well, how could they have done this? Why would they be lying? Wouldn’t they know it would come out?’” Krauthammer said. “And the answer is no. They saw what the mainstream media did right after the attack. And you know what they did — they spent three days attacking Mitt Romney for a statement he issued the next day, in which he denounced what the Cairo embassy released, the apologetic statement that was made.”
“So the media went ahead and spent three days ignoring the attack, ignoring the implications and concentrating always on that,” he continued. “So they think they got the media in their pocket. The election is coming up. They simply have to run out the clock, and they’ll be scot-free. They’ll be home free. And that is what they thought. However, it was you and others and Bret Baier and Fox which kept the story alive, because we kept finding out what really happened. And now the mainstream media had been shamed to covering it themselves.”


Amb. Stevens Reported 'Targeted and Discriminate' Attacks Before 9/11

Reps. Darrell Issa (R-CA) and Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) have released State Dept documents that show Ambassador Christopher Stevens clearly expressed concerns about security months before his death.


(As an aside, the prime suspect in the Benghazi attack is hanging around publicly in restaurants, chilling, shooting the breeze and mocking America. Read about it in next post!)

It would seem that the only things President Obama concerns himself with are politics and personal recreational pursuits. You know, like golf and pickup basketball.

These facts were reinforced by Obama's latest appearance on The Daily Show, during which he described the Benghazi attack -- that claimed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three American personnel by Al Qaeda -- as "not optimal".

The mother of an American diplomat killed during a terrorist raid on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi has hit out at Barack Obama for describing the attack as 'not optimal', saying: 'My son is not very optimal - he is also very dead.'

Prime Suspect in Benghazi Attack Turns Up, Chillin’ with a Strawberry Frappe

The New York Times found the guy hanging out wearing a red fez in a luxury hotel in Benghazi. Maybe the FBI had a man behind the potted plant in the corner.
Witnesses and the authorities have called Ahmed Abu Khattala one of the ringleaders of the Sept. 11 attack on the American diplomatic mission here. But just days after President Obama reasserted his vow to bring those responsible to justice, Mr. Abu Khattala spent two leisurely hours on Thursday evening at a crowded luxury hotel, sipping a strawberry frappe on a patio and scoffing at the threats coming from the American and Libyan governments.

Libya’s fledgling national army is a “national chicken,” Mr. Abu Khattala said, using an Arabic rhyme. Asked who should take responsibility for apprehending the mission’s attackers, he smirked at the idea that the weak Libyan government could possibly do it. And he accused the leaders of the United States of “playing with the emotions of the American people” and “using the consulate attack just to gather votes for their elections.”

Ken Burns Endorses His Idol

Ken Burns, the documentarian who’s convinced he’s a deep thinker, has endorsed Barack Obama in an editorial in the New Hampshire Union Leader, comparing Obama to FDR and Jimmy Stewart in It’s A Wonderful Life.

Burns has been living off the public dole for years, as taxpayers subsidize his left-of-center documentaries, so it’s no surprise that he would endorse Obama. He has donated thousands of dollars to Democrats over the years. In 2007, he chose Obama over Hillary Clinton, gushing that Obama was like Abraham Lincoln, a “wiry, relatively inexperienced” person.

Flexing his philosophic muscles, Burns loftily stated:

THIS: The Gathering

You can feel the excitement. It's palpable.

...speaking of rallies, this was Romney's in Virginia last night:

 ...the Obama campaign resembles nothing so much as John McCain's did at this point in 2008 -- aware of its pending defeat, but struggling on and hoping for some enormous "game changer" to arrive... [Romney's] edge is so great --and the early voting during these weeks of Romney ascendancy so significant-- that the president knows and his inner circle knows there is defeat ahead...

Which means the last debate will be even more off-putting than the last two as a desperate incumbent again tries to make up for the lack of a record on which to run, and the failure to develop anything resembling a second term agenda. Too late for that as well.

Turns out the "brain trust" in Chicago didn't have that many brains and ought not to have been trusted.
And one reminder: take nothing for granted. Whether you live in a pure Red State, a pure Blue State, or anything in between:

• Vote and get everyone you know who supports liberty to vote.
• Vote the straight Republican ticket.
• Every radical Leftist Democrat must be fired with extreme prejudice.

Because if we are to repeal Obamacare, we must take not only the Presidency, but hold the House and take the Senate as well. It's time to rally everyone you know. Let's make this a moment we'll tell our kids and grandkids about.

AL GORE ON SUICIDE WATCH? Yet another academic paper shows temperatures were warmer 1,000 years ago. Oh. And 2,000 years ago.

Let me be the first to say it on our side of the fence: The science is settled, b***hes.

Yesterday I highlighted the paper The extra-tropical Northern Hemisphere temperature in the last two millennia: reconstructions of low-frequency variability, by B Christiansen of the Danish Meteorological Institute and F C Ljungqvist of Stockholm University which showed that using a multitude of proxy samples in the norther hemisphere, that:

“The level of warmth during the peak of the MWP (Medieval Warm Period) in the second half of the 10th century, equaling or slightly exceeding the mid-20th century warming, is in agreement with the results from other more recent large-scale multi-proxy temperature reconstructions.”

Now another paper, by Esper et al published in the Journal of Global and Planetary Change, shows that not only was the summers of the MWP equal or greater than our current warmth, but that the summers of the Roman Warm Period of 2000 years ago were significantly warmer than today.
The record provides evidence for substantial warmth during Roman and Medieval times, larger in extent and longer in duration than 20th century warmth.

Oh, my. I anticipate major lefty butt-hurt... along with cries for their binkies.

The United Nations' global warming bunko scam is unraveling day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute. Climategate, Climategate II, the IPCC's own data, and simple common sense demonstrate the falsity of "global warming".

Or are they calling it "climate change" now? I forget.


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