The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Wednesday, December 4, 2013

It’s Official – Detroit Is Going Bankrupt

Question: What do Detroit and ObamaCare have in common?
Answer: The failure of both can be laid squarely at the feet of Democraps.

The New York Times reports…
Ruling Makes Detroit Biggest City to Qualify for Bankruptcy
Detroit is eligible to shed billions in debt in the largest public bankruptcy ever in the United States, a federal judge ruled Tuesday, while also finding that the public pensions could be reduced during reorganization despite a provision in Michigan’s Constitution.
In ruling that Detroit was eligible to reorganize under federal bankruptcy law, Judge Steven W. Rhodes said the city met every test of insolvency, including failing to pay its debts and being unable to provide a minimum level of basic services to its 680,000 residents.
 Remember this Detroit:

“I Refused To Let Detroit Go Bankrupt”…-Barry Hussein Obowel

Jay Carney will deny it later today I'm sure. But here it is:

If your like me, and can't stand to listen to this asshole talk, go to the 50 second point in the video to hear him say it.

"I'm sure Barry is sorry you misunderstood what he's said. Maybe we should change that campaign slogan to "Detroit is dead! Al Qaeda is alive!". Don't feel bad Detroit, you are not the only thing Obowel wants to bankrupt, he wants to bankrupt the country too. What will he say next, "If you like your socialist cesspool of Detroit, you can keep your socialist cesspool of Detroit"? 

A heart felt congratulation's to you Detroit. Couldn't be to a more deserving city. While I don't usually relish in the unfortunate circumstances of people, I do in this one. You deserve everything you get. You continued to put democrap politicians with their empty promises and corruption in power, and now you see what it has done. Just reinforces the idea that democraps can't take run anything, even if you give them a city of their own. Anything they touch turns to shit. And how does it feel now all you retired city workers? Looks like you are going to lose your pensions, or have them substantionally cut? You think the feds are going to bail you out? No, democraps did this. You wanted to believe them that your inflated pensions could be sustained, when in fact it was impossible. So here you are. How does it feel? Thank your corrupt city officials and your delusional Union leaders. Who says money can't buy poverty.

You want to know why the City went bankrupt LIV's? The Detroit City Council agreed to every inflated Union demand for the past 40+ years and failed to adjust revenues to cost which in turn drove the city to the bankruptcy. Union boss's enjoy their pensions paid by Union dues to some extent while the greed was evident on both sides. Liberalism is at fault because it continued to ask the taxpayers of the City to "pony up" each contract to accept the demands. Finally the costs fell short of revenues (67% tax rate in Detroit) and it was down hill from there. Then came the democrap corruption and political payoffs which further destroyed the city. Thanks to the democrap City Council and Union boss's for destroying this Detroit and pensions. You are a bunch of sorry bastards. And if you continue to believe that the citizens of the United States should bail you out because of your greed and excesses for the past 40 years, think again. They want money from non-residents to pick up the tab for their past contracts that were inflationary and greedy. Not going to happen. The pensioners need to get hammered. It's tough on them, but the biggest service some people can render is to serve as an example to others city employees around the country., because yes, it could happen to you.

It's the same old story isn't it? The libtard democrap party leadership in Detroit finally ran out of other people's money and look at the result, bankruptcy. And with other big cities in the country,

NewsBusted 12/03/13

Picture, Joke, And Quote Of The Day

Picture of the Day:

Joke of the Day: 

Quote of the Day:
      "Leon Trotsky allegedly said, “You may not believe in war, but war believes in you.” Though likely a mistranslation, the sentiment is still valuable. War and its horrors will always be with us, along with its unavoidable suffering and cruelty, “such as have occurred and always will occur as long as the nature of mankind remains the same,” as Thucydides writes. And as long as we cherish our way of life, with its freedom and human rights, its prosperity and its opportunity, we will at times have to make the awful decision to send our citizens to fight, kill, and die to defend those goods from those who want to destroy them. The more we know about war, the better equipped we will be to make that choice and see our efforts succeed." --Bruce Thornton


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