The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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We Are So Back

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Good Morning Deplorables

DOJ: No Plans To Charge Lois Lerner In IRS Scandal

Via Fox News:
The Trump administration has no plans to charge former IRS official Lois Lerner over her role in the Tea Party targeting scandal, the Justice Department said Friday in response to calls by Republican lawmakers to revisit the case.
In a letter to the lawmakers, the Justice Department said that “reopening the criminal investigation would not be appropriate based on the available evidence.”

Satan is Pleased!
This past April, House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady, R-Texas, and Rep. Peter Roskam, R-Ill., had asked Attorney General Jeff Sessions to take a “fresh look” at the case.
Despite numerous hearings and inquiries into the tough treatment of conservative groups by the tax agency during the 2010 and 2012 elections, the Obama Justice Department had announced in 2015 that no one at the IRS would be prosecuted. They said at the time that investigators had “found no evidence that any IRS official acted based on political, discriminatory, corrupt or other inappropriate motives that would support a criminal prosecution.”

I'm becoming more disappointed and disillusioned with Mr. Sessions with each passing day. He has been a big disappointment! This is a terrible decision. Who is actually running the DOJ? The reports have stated that Sessions himself reviewed the case. Was he awake? I thought Sessions was the Great Law and Order Attack Dog that would start cleaning house? He sure talked like it. But as is typical with the GOP, liars. Worse than Democrats. We voted to drain the swamp, not swim in it. It appears the swamp wins again, and  the swamp has a nice guardian in ole nice guy Jeff. Who would have guessed?

They are playing us for fools! Sessions needs to stand before the American people and give an account of his decision on this. Do these people really think we are that STUPID! Anyone else had enough yet? I am damn sure tired of it! I am beginning to feel like I have been had again. I need more winning. What I got is wearing off. I starting to just not giving a f**k anymore. Don't care. Sadly. It's getting to that point.

MadMaxine: "Alt-right wants ‘to kill me and others"

Please, please Run!!!!

Maxine Waters, the California Democrat, moved from calls for impeachment of President Donald Trump and has found a new schtick, and it goes like this: The alt-right is coming to kill me.

And not just her. “Others,” too, she direly predicts, in public statements made — yes, in public — this week.

OK, enough waiting. Here are her words, made during a hearing on Capitol Hill that saw Waters ask terror experts for advice in dealing with white nationalists, who’ve threatened to kill her.

“What can we do to deal with the KKK, the white nationalists, the extremists, the alt-right? They’re on the Internet, they’re Breitbart. If you look at the YouTube, you see how much they want to kill me and others,” she said, during a Subcommittee on Terrorism and Illicit Finance hearing: “What can we do?”

Read more here....

Racist + Nuts = MadMarx. We now return you to your currently scheduled post. The greatest blessing of the First Amendment is you get to see democrats like MadMarx Waters as they truly are. Delusional racists. Seriously, Marxipad is Exhibit A on why Americans shouldn't vote for Democrats. Both MadMarx and Pelosi prove that black democrats are just as dumb as white democrats. C'mon Marxipad, nobody really wants you dead. Why kill our entertainment. I loved you as Mother Jefferson on "The Jeffersons" by the way. 

Seriously, who would want to kill you except your own people? Your too valuable to us alive. We The People who love America, need you to remain front and center with the word "Democrat" consistently displayed next to your name. Your the greatest walking, talking argument in favor of conservatism. They say what is it about MadMarx that has people in her district keep getting her voted in. Simple, it is the color of her skin. It is all they care about. They are clueless about her otherwise. 

They say it's scary how anyone could vote for her time after time. Are they that stupid. It's not scary at all. It's actually funny. Granted she's as stupid as they come, but her supporters are even more stupid by keeping her in office. There is really nothing more funny than stupid people supporting another stupid person thinking that they are going to have a positive impact on their lives. How did President Trump get elected? Well, except that his message resonated with smart people, he allowed all of the truly stupid democrat politicians to say what they wanted to say and they all defeated themselves. One of the best moves in political history. Hillary, Pelosi, Waters and the rest of the idiots in the democrat party helped give him the win through their own stupidity. And now that he's cleaning up the mess that they all have made in our government, we have to listen to them bitch. I couldn't be delighted more. Marxine is desperately seeking relevancy. But all we see is lunacy.She's the gift that keeps on giving. She's part of the reason our great president now resides in the White House! So keep it up, you crazy bitch, you'll ensure that President Trump gets re-elected.


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