WARNING: Liberals, this blog could be hazardous to your mental health because I'm politically incorrect.
The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.
Dance Along
We Are So Back
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
“V” Day —- “V” for Voting and “V” for VICTORY!!!
Today is the Day.
Today is the Day that YOU – each of you – have the opportunity to secure Victory and to restore America’s greatness.
Do not go to bed tonight wondering if you could have done “more”.
Vote – and vote for Victory.
Election Day Reminder
Hopefully all of you will be voting and/or taking part in Romney’s
GOTV efforts today, or working as election judges to make sure things
are on the up-and-up even if it is close enough for them to cheat.
Some of you have excuses for staying home, but unless you’ve been crippled by some burdensome medical condition, there is no excuse for not going to the polls and pulling the lever for Romney.
Randy Barrett explains in a WSJ column why voting Libertarian this year is counterproductive.
If you don’t know where your polling place is, what the hours are, or what the ballot looks like, this helpful link will get you what you need.
Now go out and win this thing! NOBODY STAYS HOME!
Some of you have excuses for staying home, but unless you’ve been crippled by some burdensome medical condition, there is no excuse for not going to the polls and pulling the lever for Romney.
Randy Barrett explains in a WSJ column why voting Libertarian this year is counterproductive.
If you don’t know where your polling place is, what the hours are, or what the ballot looks like, this helpful link will get you what you need.
Now go out and win this thing! NOBODY STAYS HOME!
Four More Years?
It is now up to us to deny him that power. If the words don’t convince you, the pictures should. As Obama has said, voting is the best revenge.
These are the pictures of an administration. Every image is a key image from the presidency of Barack Obama. And every image is the image of a commander-in-chief who has led America astray.
The great issue of our time is, of course, the economy. And on the economy, President Obama has not merely been a failure; he’s been the most dramatic failure in American history. He inherited a terrible financial situation, thanks to both Democratic-led initiatives designed to incentivize financial institutions to take risks on bad borrowers, and Republican failures to stop them. But he proceeded to make the situation worse, not better, with endless bailouts, unending sale of debt to China, and a deficit situation that puts every child under the age of 18 in the country in over $200,000 of debt.Forget his promises – halving the deficit, decreasing the unemployment rate to well below 6% by the end of his first term, and the rest of it – his performance has been abysmal.
Obama is the most profligate spender in history, racking up trillion-dollar deficits each year of his presidency – and America has received worse than nothing in return. When President Obama took office, the economy had 133.6 million jobs. Today, it has 133.8 million jobs. That doesn’t even keep pace with population growth. This is easily the worst recovery in American history. No wonder economists predict that with this growth rate, it will take a full decade before we reach normal unemployment rates. Meanwhile, Obama continues to inflate the currency at record levels. We are watching Jimmy Carter, Part Deux. Except worse.
His stimulus package, which clocked in at a whopping $800 billion, has achieved nothing. His vaunted GM bailout did nothing that traditional bankruptcy wouldn’t have done, except screw the senior debtholders in favor of the unions. And the American people are billions in hoc over that bailout. You can save any company if you pour enough taxpayer cash into it (except Solyndra). But you can’t save the economy.
And even as his economic policy collapsed, President Obama focused his laserlike attention elsewhere: on health care. The rationale was obvious: it was a sop to the major labor unions, who funded his campaign and are desperately seeking fertile new recruitment ground – ground they can only find in a massively expanding federal and state government. By essentially putting one-sixth of the US economy on the road to nationalization, Obama has condemned millions to restricted access to healthcare of their choice, raised costs, squeezed doctors out of the market, and destroyed the private relationship between patients and their physicians. And he did all of that without a single Republican vote.
When the American people reacted, predictably, by dumping his Democratic House majority in one of the biggest landslides in American history, Obama condemned the American people as Tea Party bigots. Then he proceeded to blame them for the failure of his economic program.
On foreign policy, Obama has been similarly disastrous. His feckless approach to the Middle East, which assumed the best while the worst took place, led to the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi; the takeover of an American ally, Egypt, by an American enemy, the Muslim Brotherhood; the takeover of Tunisia by Islamic extremists; the rise of Islamic extremism in Turkey; the devolution of Iraq into an Iranian proxy state; the rise of the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Most of all, President Obama’s foreign policy in the Middle East has isolated Israel – a country for which Obama has little but scorn – and allowed Iran to run out the clock on development of a nuclear weapon.
When it comes to social policy, Obama has been no better. His Obamacare plan has utterly destroyed any semblance of separation of church and state by forcing religious employers to violate their own scruples in healthcare coverage. His about-face on gay marriage has had no implications for homosexuals actually wanting to get married, but it has polarized the debate in a major way by implying that those who disagree with the President are unevolved. And when it comes to the "war on women" – well, let’s just say that any administration that blackmails a breast cancer foundation to fund an abortion organization, or campaigns that voting for Barack Obama is the same as having sex with him, cedes the high ground on that issue.
But most of all, President Obama has been a failed chief executive because he fails to recognize his role in the government structure. He has signed and executive order explicitly refusing to enforce immigration law while suing states that wish to enforce it. He has run roughshod over the constitutional appointment process by usurping legislative power to his many czars, from "Fistgate" czar Kevin Jennings to “green jobs” czar Van Jones. And he has said that he still wants more power.
It is now up to us to deny him that power. If the words don’t convince you, the pictures should. As Obama has said, voting is the best revenge.
Medal of Honor Winner Blasts “Ditherer-in-Chief” Obama over Benghazigate
Strong words from a man who risked his life on over 2,000 missions to save Americans under fire.
Major General Patrick Henry Brady is one of only 81 living Medal of Honor winners. During the Vietnam War, Brady served with the 57th Medical Detachment, rescuing over 5,000 wounded, and knows a few things about dangerous rescues under fire.
His Medal of Honor citation reads,
“Maj. Brady distinguished himself while serving in the Republic of Vietnam commanding a UH-1H ambulance helicopter, volunteered to rescue wounded men from a site in enemy held territory which was reported to be heavily defended and to be blanketed by fog.
“To reach the site he descended through heavy fog and smoke and hovered slowly along a valley trail, turning his ship sideward to blow away the fog with the backwash from his rotor blades. Despite the unchallenged, close-range enemy fire, he found the dangerously small site, where he successfully landed and evacuated 2 badly wounded South Vietnamese soldiers.
“He was then called to another area completely covered by dense fog where American casualties lay only 50 meters from the enemy. Two aircraft had previously been shot down and others had made unsuccessful attempts to reach this site earlier in the day. With unmatched skill and extraordinary courage, Maj. Brady made 4 flights to this embattled landing zone and successfully rescued all the wounded.
“On his third mission of the day Maj. Brady once again landed at a site surrounded by the enemy. The friendly ground force, pinned down by enemy fire, had been unable to reach and secure the landing zone. Although his aircraft had been badly damaged and his controls partially shot away during his initial entry into this area, he returned minutes later and rescued the remaining injured.
“Shortly thereafter, obtaining a replacement aircraft, Maj. Brady was requested to land in an enemy minefield where a platoon of American soldiers was trapped. A mine detonated near his helicopter, wounding 2 crewmembers and damaging his ship. In spite of this, he managed to fly 6 severely injured patients to medical aid.
“Throughout that day Maj. Brady utilized 3 helicopters to evacuate a total of 51 seriously wounded men, many of whom would have perished without prompt medical treatment.”
What does Major General Patrick Henry Brady think of Obama’s abandonment of the Navy SEALS in Benghazi under fire?
The answer is the Obama-Panetta Doctrine. In response to the horrible abandonment of dying Americans in Benghazi, Defense Secretary Panetta said: “(The) basic principle is that you don’t deploy forces into harm’s way without knowing what’s going on; without having some real-time information about what’s taking place.”
On its face, that is a remarkable, indeed incomprehensible, change from America’s doctrine in past wars. By that standard, there would have been no Normandy or Inchon. In fact, I can’t think of a war we fought in which we didn’t go into harm’s way without real-time information or to save lives – something the president refused to do in Benghazi. Dust Off would never launch in Vietnam under that doctrine.
To fully understand the doctrinal change, one has to understand President Obama. He has a dearth of understanding of our military and military matters. We hear he is uncomfortable in the presence of ranking military and seldom meets with them. He is not a person who can make decisions, and he takes an extraordinary amount of time to do so, leading to such unseemly labels for a commander in chief as “ditherer in chief.”
President Obama may have set records for voting “present” on important issues. He cowers from crisis decisions. He is a politician who thinks only in terms of votes and his image.
Strong words from a man who risked his life on over 2,000 missions to save Americans under fire.
Major General Patrick Henry Brady is one of only 81 living Medal of Honor winners. During the Vietnam War, Brady served with the 57th Medical Detachment, rescuing over 5,000 wounded, and knows a few things about dangerous rescues under fire.
His Medal of Honor citation reads,
“Maj. Brady distinguished himself while serving in the Republic of Vietnam commanding a UH-1H ambulance helicopter, volunteered to rescue wounded men from a site in enemy held territory which was reported to be heavily defended and to be blanketed by fog.
“To reach the site he descended through heavy fog and smoke and hovered slowly along a valley trail, turning his ship sideward to blow away the fog with the backwash from his rotor blades. Despite the unchallenged, close-range enemy fire, he found the dangerously small site, where he successfully landed and evacuated 2 badly wounded South Vietnamese soldiers.
“He was then called to another area completely covered by dense fog where American casualties lay only 50 meters from the enemy. Two aircraft had previously been shot down and others had made unsuccessful attempts to reach this site earlier in the day. With unmatched skill and extraordinary courage, Maj. Brady made 4 flights to this embattled landing zone and successfully rescued all the wounded.
“On his third mission of the day Maj. Brady once again landed at a site surrounded by the enemy. The friendly ground force, pinned down by enemy fire, had been unable to reach and secure the landing zone. Although his aircraft had been badly damaged and his controls partially shot away during his initial entry into this area, he returned minutes later and rescued the remaining injured.
“Shortly thereafter, obtaining a replacement aircraft, Maj. Brady was requested to land in an enemy minefield where a platoon of American soldiers was trapped. A mine detonated near his helicopter, wounding 2 crewmembers and damaging his ship. In spite of this, he managed to fly 6 severely injured patients to medical aid.
“Throughout that day Maj. Brady utilized 3 helicopters to evacuate a total of 51 seriously wounded men, many of whom would have perished without prompt medical treatment.”
What does Major General Patrick Henry Brady think of Obama’s abandonment of the Navy SEALS in Benghazi under fire?
The answer is the Obama-Panetta Doctrine. In response to the horrible abandonment of dying Americans in Benghazi, Defense Secretary Panetta said: “(The) basic principle is that you don’t deploy forces into harm’s way without knowing what’s going on; without having some real-time information about what’s taking place.”
On its face, that is a remarkable, indeed incomprehensible, change from America’s doctrine in past wars. By that standard, there would have been no Normandy or Inchon. In fact, I can’t think of a war we fought in which we didn’t go into harm’s way without real-time information or to save lives – something the president refused to do in Benghazi. Dust Off would never launch in Vietnam under that doctrine.
To fully understand the doctrinal change, one has to understand President Obama. He has a dearth of understanding of our military and military matters. We hear he is uncomfortable in the presence of ranking military and seldom meets with them. He is not a person who can make decisions, and he takes an extraordinary amount of time to do so, leading to such unseemly labels for a commander in chief as “ditherer in chief.”
President Obama may have set records for voting “present” on important issues. He cowers from crisis decisions. He is a politician who thinks only in terms of votes and his image.
Strong words from a man who risked his life on over 2,000 missions to save Americans under fire.
For the Children
Dear Children,
How quickly the time goes! Here you are, all grown up and of voting age already. I set out to write a brief letter explaining why I believe Romney is a better choice for your future and a better choice for America. I realized immediately that to do that properly would require at least a book; and even at that it would be unlikely I could reverse the lifetime of propaganda and proselytizing most of you have been exposed to via the education system and popular culture.
So I decided to focus on just one key economic concept that separates the thinking of our progressive Democratic President and his conservative Republican opponent. That concept is the notion of how to carve up the economic pie that progressives think of as a fixed size but conservatives believe has an ever growing radius.
This fundamentally different view is the basis of the class warfare that spawned the OWS movement, the vilifying of the rich and the President’s mantra that the “1%” can “afford to pay a little bit more” to take care of the deficit and, by proxy, the other 99%.
Put aside the fact that the math on the 1% rule doesn’t work:
At the rate we’re racking up the federal deficit (in part to ostensibly “help the 99%”) you could confiscate 100% of the 1%’s income and never come close to breakeven. But the entire argument is based on a false premise. The unspoken assumption in the progressives’ pie game is that the economy is made up of a fixed sized pie that has to be “spread around.” If you get a larger slice of the pie, someone else must correspondingly get a smaller slice.
That’s nonsense. The entire concept of democratic capitalism is that we can continue to grow the pie. Indeed, America has demonstrated that to be the case for over 230 years. That’s how America became the greatest economic engine the world has ever known. But now the Left wishes to change the rules of the pie game. They feel that the meritocracy of the marketplace leaves too many people behind, so their progressive agenda is pushing us towards the democratic socialist model of Europe which, in case you haven’t noticed, is on the verge of bankruptcy – morally as well as fiscally. Ah yes, they still have wonderful art,
fine pastries and charming bistros, but they are broke and broken. The piper will be calling in his chits pretty soon because they didn’t heed the Iron Lady’s warning about socialism.
But back to our pie: we do not have to rob Peter to pay Paul. It is not, repeat, not a fixed size. If it were, instead of watching the election returns on our big screen TVs we would all be sitting around arguing over who was going to inherit our ancestors’ plowshares (if you don’t know what they are, you can look it up on the innertubz; just be sure to H/T Bill Gates and Steve Jobs - two guy’s who made our pie much, much bigger).
The ability to expand the size of the pie is, in a nutshell, the brilliance and utility of capitalism:
So once we have a bigger pie does everybody get an equal size slice? No. If everybody got the same size regardless of their contribution, that would be communism (or “social justice” as it’s known in some circles). Is that fair? Sometimes, but not always. Life isn’t fair, didn’t your mom teach you that? It isn’t government’s job to make life fair. If you don’t believe me read the constitution.
And since we’re speaking of the constitution, let me take this opportunity to remind you that democratic capitalism is the cornerstone of our constitution: democracy entails economic rights of individuals separate from the state that cannot be infringed. It is an elegant political system encompassing economics, philosophy, morality, ideology and institutional forces. You can’t tinker with it without dire consequences to the body politic. And yet the progressive philosophy of the Democratic party wishes to turn it into a “living document” and in fact has already begun to do so.
Why is that a bad idea? Here are the words of a real constitutional scholar (as opposed to one who played one for several semesters while teaching “Current Issues in Racism and the Law”):
I’m old. I have nowhere near as much “skin in the game” as you youngsters. Yet I want you, your children, and your children’s children, to grow up in the kind of America that I did. The kind that cherishes liberty and freedom above “fairness.”
While “liberty” and “freedom” are terms defined by the constitution, fairness is not. It is an undefined, relative state that progressives wish to have you believe is an absolute. That means that one day it will come to be defined by some government bureaucracy, at which point it will be neither fair nor absolute. By then you may have been complicit in the demise of your own liberty by not paying adequate attention to the type of people you allowed to govern this great country.
So this is my last appeal: please remember that this election is about far larger issues than contraceptives, Big Bird and “equal pay for women” – red herrings, all. As the President himself said, “If you don't have a record to run on…you make a big election about small things.”
So even if the economy doesn’t concern you,
If even the ever burgeoning national debt required to make life “fair” for the 99% doesn’t worry you, at least be frightened for your future by the continual drip, drip, dripping away of your liberties that once gone will be gone forever.
Don’t vote against Obama because I say so, vote for Romney for a smaller, more responsible government, for sound economic policies and for a commitment to our constitutional principles. Don’t do it for me: do it for the children; the ones you have or the ones you hope to have.
Vote to keep the America our founders envisioned, not the transformed America of the progressive Left. If you believe the environment is worth protecting and preserving, please believe that our constitution is at least equally important for our survival.
I leave you with this oft-quoted line from Ronald Reagan, in case you haven’t heard it, or have simply forgotten:
How quickly the time goes! Here you are, all grown up and of voting age already. I set out to write a brief letter explaining why I believe Romney is a better choice for your future and a better choice for America. I realized immediately that to do that properly would require at least a book; and even at that it would be unlikely I could reverse the lifetime of propaganda and proselytizing most of you have been exposed to via the education system and popular culture.
So I decided to focus on just one key economic concept that separates the thinking of our progressive Democratic President and his conservative Republican opponent. That concept is the notion of how to carve up the economic pie that progressives think of as a fixed size but conservatives believe has an ever growing radius.
This fundamentally different view is the basis of the class warfare that spawned the OWS movement, the vilifying of the rich and the President’s mantra that the “1%” can “afford to pay a little bit more” to take care of the deficit and, by proxy, the other 99%.
Put aside the fact that the math on the 1% rule doesn’t work:
At the rate we’re racking up the federal deficit (in part to ostensibly “help the 99%”) you could confiscate 100% of the 1%’s income and never come close to breakeven. But the entire argument is based on a false premise. The unspoken assumption in the progressives’ pie game is that the economy is made up of a fixed sized pie that has to be “spread around.” If you get a larger slice of the pie, someone else must correspondingly get a smaller slice.
That’s nonsense. The entire concept of democratic capitalism is that we can continue to grow the pie. Indeed, America has demonstrated that to be the case for over 230 years. That’s how America became the greatest economic engine the world has ever known. But now the Left wishes to change the rules of the pie game. They feel that the meritocracy of the marketplace leaves too many people behind, so their progressive agenda is pushing us towards the democratic socialist model of Europe which, in case you haven’t noticed, is on the verge of bankruptcy – morally as well as fiscally. Ah yes, they still have wonderful art,
fine pastries and charming bistros, but they are broke and broken. The piper will be calling in his chits pretty soon because they didn’t heed the Iron Lady’s warning about socialism.
But back to our pie: we do not have to rob Peter to pay Paul. It is not, repeat, not a fixed size. If it were, instead of watching the election returns on our big screen TVs we would all be sitting around arguing over who was going to inherit our ancestors’ plowshares (if you don’t know what they are, you can look it up on the innertubz; just be sure to H/T Bill Gates and Steve Jobs - two guy’s who made our pie much, much bigger).
The ability to expand the size of the pie is, in a nutshell, the brilliance and utility of capitalism:
the product of that formula – innovation - that creates the bigger pie.
Innovation creates jobs and additional wealth. It is that simple. All
it requires is capital - and a lot of work. Which is why President Obama
was wrong when he told business owners that “you didn’t built that
yourself.” So once we have a bigger pie does everybody get an equal size slice? No. If everybody got the same size regardless of their contribution, that would be communism (or “social justice” as it’s known in some circles). Is that fair? Sometimes, but not always. Life isn’t fair, didn’t your mom teach you that? It isn’t government’s job to make life fair. If you don’t believe me read the constitution.
And since we’re speaking of the constitution, let me take this opportunity to remind you that democratic capitalism is the cornerstone of our constitution: democracy entails economic rights of individuals separate from the state that cannot be infringed. It is an elegant political system encompassing economics, philosophy, morality, ideology and institutional forces. You can’t tinker with it without dire consequences to the body politic. And yet the progressive philosophy of the Democratic party wishes to turn it into a “living document” and in fact has already begun to do so.
Why is that a bad idea? Here are the words of a real constitutional scholar (as opposed to one who played one for several semesters while teaching “Current Issues in Racism and the Law”):
“If the Constitution’s meaning can be erased or rewritten, and the Framers’ intentions ignored, it ceases to be a constitution but is instead a concoction of political expedients that serve the contemporary policy agendas of the few who are entrusted with public authority to preserve it.” (Mark Levin, Liberty and Tyranny)I realize it is unpopular to deal in absolutes in our 50 shades of grey culture, but the constitution is a contract – the original “contract with America” if you will – that is by design absolute. It cannot be easily broken or revised; nor should it. Finding “nuanced” ways to skirt the intent of the constitution’s statutes is dangerous business for our freedoms and way of life.
I’m old. I have nowhere near as much “skin in the game” as you youngsters. Yet I want you, your children, and your children’s children, to grow up in the kind of America that I did. The kind that cherishes liberty and freedom above “fairness.”
While “liberty” and “freedom” are terms defined by the constitution, fairness is not. It is an undefined, relative state that progressives wish to have you believe is an absolute. That means that one day it will come to be defined by some government bureaucracy, at which point it will be neither fair nor absolute. By then you may have been complicit in the demise of your own liberty by not paying adequate attention to the type of people you allowed to govern this great country.
So this is my last appeal: please remember that this election is about far larger issues than contraceptives, Big Bird and “equal pay for women” – red herrings, all. As the President himself said, “If you don't have a record to run on…you make a big election about small things.”
So even if the economy doesn’t concern you,
If even the ever burgeoning national debt required to make life “fair” for the 99% doesn’t worry you, at least be frightened for your future by the continual drip, drip, dripping away of your liberties that once gone will be gone forever.
Don’t vote against Obama because I say so, vote for Romney for a smaller, more responsible government, for sound economic policies and for a commitment to our constitutional principles. Don’t do it for me: do it for the children; the ones you have or the ones you hope to have.
Vote to keep the America our founders envisioned, not the transformed America of the progressive Left. If you believe the environment is worth protecting and preserving, please believe that our constitution is at least equally important for our survival.
I leave you with this oft-quoted line from Ronald Reagan, in case you haven’t heard it, or have simply forgotten:
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it on to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”
Breaking: Obama Administration Hid Secret Meetings With Iran From Israel
Barack Obama with Valerie Jarrett (redpillreport.net)
The Obama Administration was just busted again selling out our ally, Israel.
Valerie Jarrett, also known as “Obama’s Brain”, has been meeting surreptitiously, behind the backs of Congress, behind the backs of Israel, with representatives of Iran’s supreme leader, Ali Khamenei. The meetings have been going on for months.
Iran, a regime that is calling for the annihilation of the “stinking corpse of Israel” and developing the nuclear capability to follow through, is the largest state sponsor of terrorism and the sworn enemy of Israel. And, yet Obama’s right hand woman is secretly courting them. With no background or understanding of nuclear foreign policy, or Middle East issues, Jarrett’s only credibility is that she was born there.
This is outrageous.
YNet News reported:
One of US president’s senior advisors is secretly making efforts to establish line of communication with Iran.This is absolutely horrific.
A Chicago lawyer is the key player behind the secret talks between the US and Iran. Yedioth Ahronoth reported Monday. A close friend of Michelle Obama, Valerie Jarrett is assisting the US government communicate behind the scenes with the representatives of Iran’s supreme leader Ali Khamenei.
Jarret, who was born in the Iranian city of Shiraz, is a senior advisor to US President Barack Obama. …
Israel was originally surprised to learn of the talks, but state officials now reveal that they were going on for several months. The talks, they claim, were initiated and led by Jarret, and took place in Bahrain.
It’s not surprising, then, that someone who is secretly meeting with the confirmed enemy of our ally would heinously threaten, “After we win this election, it’s our turn. Payback.” It’s what the Obama Administration has been practicing all along – vindictive punishment to their enemies. Just like they’ve done to honest American citizens who dare not support them.
Can you imagine what these people have in in mind for Israel in a second term?
As a Senator, President Obama Voted against Aid for Hurricane Katrina Victims
"More Lies. See the Roll Call below" MC
President Obama who has through out his presidency “misspoken”, failed to live up to most campaign promises and has on numerous occasions spoken apparent untruths, is now being criticized for what most say cannot be described any other way than outright lying.
In one of the previously unreported and never aired segments of the 2007 video the mainstream media insist we had all seen, then Sen. Barack Obama seemingly Impersonated a stereotypical ‘old wise Negro’ with step-and-fetch it accent (as many describe it) in front of a group of Black ministers, suggesting that race influenced that government’s supposed slow or meager response to Hurricane Katrina, unlike the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and Hurricane Andrew. ”Somehow the people down in New Orleans they don’t care about as much,” Obama said to the crowd, criticizing the government for not waiving the Stafford Act for New Orleans as it had for the disasters in New York and Florida.
Obama as we see now was again less than truthful, the federal government had in fact waived the Stafford Act’s requirement that New Orleans contribute 10 percent toward the cost of reconstruction and cleanup efforts just 10 days before Obama delivered his speech. Not only that — Obama was among 14 senators who voted against the bill.
H.R. 2206 (U.S. Troop Readiness, Veterans’ Care, Katrina Recovery, and Iraq Accountability Appropriations Act, 2007 )
President Obama who has through out his presidency “misspoken”, failed to live up to most campaign promises and has on numerous occasions spoken apparent untruths, is now being criticized for what most say cannot be described any other way than outright lying.
In one of the previously unreported and never aired segments of the 2007 video the mainstream media insist we had all seen, then Sen. Barack Obama seemingly Impersonated a stereotypical ‘old wise Negro’ with step-and-fetch it accent (as many describe it) in front of a group of Black ministers, suggesting that race influenced that government’s supposed slow or meager response to Hurricane Katrina, unlike the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and Hurricane Andrew. ”Somehow the people down in New Orleans they don’t care about as much,” Obama said to the crowd, criticizing the government for not waiving the Stafford Act for New Orleans as it had for the disasters in New York and Florida.
Obama as we see now was again less than truthful, the federal government had in fact waived the Stafford Act’s requirement that New Orleans contribute 10 percent toward the cost of reconstruction and cleanup efforts just 10 days before Obama delivered his speech. Not only that — Obama was among 14 senators who voted against the bill.
H.R. 2206 (U.S. Troop Readiness, Veterans’ Care, Katrina Recovery, and Iraq Accountability Appropriations Act, 2007 )
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