The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Libtard Democrap Traitors Introduce Bill To End Death Penalty For Treason

Via The Hill:
Rep. Donna Edwards (D-Md.) and seven other Democrats have proposed legislation that would eliminate the possibility of imposing the death penalty for a range of federal offenses, including several categories of murder and crimes against the government like treason and espionage.
The Federal Death Penalty Abolition Act, H.R. 3741, would end the death penalty for assassination or kidnapping that results in the death of the president or vice president, and also ends it for the murder of a member of Congress.
Under the bill, the death penalty could no longer be used to punish people for using a weapon of mass destruction, or murder done via torture, child abuse, war crimes, aircraft hijackings, sexual abuse, bank robberies or the willful wrecking of a train.
Using chemical or biological materials to kill could also no longer result in the death penalty, nor could deaths related to treason or espionage. The death or injury of an unborn child could not result in the death penalty either.
Death of state or local law enforcement officials, using the mail to kill, kidnapping and killing people to stop them from testifying could no longer lead to the death penalty, nor could the use of firearms or armor piercing ammunition during any crime of violence.

"Ethel and Julius Rosenberg seen nodding their approval. And in related news, House Democraps introduced another bill establishing a Federal holiday in honor of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. This must be good news for Barry, his reich staff, and Harry Reid, Nancy Pelousy, and the rest of the libtard democraps. Looks like they're lookin' for amnesty for convictions yet to come. Kind of casts a cover of self-incrimination upon the whole lot, doesn't it? Traitors trying to save their own ass. Gets them off the hook. Say what you will about Democraps, they have a lively sense of self-preservation. This only proves that the Democraps are soft on crime.

What could POSSIBLY be the motivation for this all of a sudden? Let me see, Fast & Furious, IRS Scandal, Kenyan birth certificate found? Just too damn many treasonous acts to choose from. The list is endless. As we are now a lawless government in a lawless country, this seems somewhat

Picture, Joke, And Quote Of The Day

Picture of the Day:

Joke of the Day: 

Quote of the Day:
  "Let me begin with a categorical statement that, given current events and recent political history, can be easily defended: Barack Hussein Obama is a willful, indoctrinated child of the Left with strong Islamic sympathies who is not fit to govern. Indeed, he would not be fit to govern Lower Slobovia, let alone the United States of America. Obama is a historic disaster of the first magnitude and, if not restrained, he will see to the irrevocable decline of the country which foolishly elected him, leaving the world on the brink of a conflict — or in the midst of one — whose repercussions cannot be underestimated.

Accompanying the undeniable havoc and damage that Obama is wreaking on his country and equally on its allies — Honduras, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Poland, Czech Republic, Israel, and possibly Taiwan — is the sense of helplessness that overcomes one when writing or speaking about a rogue president and his destructive administration. I feel this personally, having done my utmost in books, articles and lectures, from 2008 to the present, to warn whomever might read or listen that Obama represented a greater threat to the U.S. and the oddly named “free world” than any of our most dedicated and belligerent enemies. Even prior to his nomination as the Democratic candidate for the presidency, my distrust of this man was proprioceptive. And after his Missouri address, I wondered why anyone would want to “fundamentally transform” a country which, for all its flaws, perched atop the pinnacle of success in comparison to any other country." --David Solway


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