The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Sunday, April 28, 2013

Baby Killer In Chief Says: “God Bless Planned Parenthood… We Got To Spread The Word, Particularly Among Young Women” Need More Proof This Man Is Evil?

"What is it about the 6th Commandment, "Thou Shalt Not Kill" doesn't this genocide supporting bastard understand? How dare he ask God to bless an organization that promotes killing innocent children. He is mocking God. If you never understood what was meant by taking God's name in vain, now you do.You want to ask someone to bless this killing machine organization, ask your god, Allah. Or your pedophile prophet, Mohammad. Or your future landlord, Satan. Leave my God out of it and don't dare bring God in the same sentence as planned parenthood again, moron. This guy is pure evil. I just can't come up with another word for him. His supporters believe he is sincere. I too believe he is sincere, sincerely evil and dangerous for America. He supports killing babies. To him, they aren't of any value. Snip their necks. Watch them move, then die. This poor excuse of a human being doesn't deserve the air that he breathes. Here is a guy who said he
wouldn't want his daughters "punished" with a baby. He would rather the baby be punished with a pair of scissors to the brain. The worthless prick would probably do it himself, for the thrill. Who would have ever thought, that this country would elect a person who has the vile, immoral beliefs this asshole has? Murdering children? I hope all you low information pond scum that put this fraud in office are proud to be an accomplice to murder. The fact is, every fetus and unwanted
infant that is murdered by a mass-murdering abortionist "doctor" sends a thrill up the leg of each and every democrap, socialist extremist. I wonder, was there a special ceremony at this celebration of murder honoring the work of mass-murderer Kermit Gosnell, you know him, the lunatic-left's latest baby-killing hero? Why do I see a Presidential Medal of Freedom waiting for him? And did you notice during his speech, there was no mention of the Kermit Gosnel murder trial, either. But as you know, it’s the Shite House’s policy not to comment on ongoing legal matters that they can’t capitalize on politically. Yeah, you have the guts when it comes to killing babies but world wide, terrorism, chemical warfare, Iran nuclear program, saving lives in Israel, where are you guts there you spineless bastard? N o where to be found. There are others who are guilty for these atrocities also. Take the States that have voted to cut funding to Planned Parenthood (PP), only to have courts order them to re-institute it. Even when we try to cut off taxpayer funding, we are forced by evil, libtard judges to continue funding the genocide. Despicable. And of course, the media. Can't forget those co-conspirators. Covering up the Gosnel trial. What a pathetic bunch. There is
nothing this man says or does that is unplanned. He seeks to diminish us any way he can both as Americans and as believers in the Judeo Christian ethic, what this country was founded on. He plays with our belief systems through the use of both doubletalk and lies. Don't let him get you down. This dedicated serial baby killer will have his day in a higher court."

Just figured why Hussein uses God's name so loosely.
He certainly heard it often enough, 20 years to be exact.

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