The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


Dance Along

We Are So Back

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Good Morning Deplorables

TRUMP VOWS: U.S. Will Deploy ‘Fire and Fury’ Against North Korea

Tuesday, President Trump warned North Korea that the U.S. will meet them with “fire and fury” if they continue to threaten the United States. The President made this statement after it was revealed that North Korea successfully created a miniaturized nuclear weapon designed to fit inside its missiles.

We are at this very point in history because of two weak Presidents. This should have been dealt with long ago and never was. Yes, this falls squarely on two historic failures. The first black President, Bill Clinton. And the first woman President, Barack Obama. 25 years of irresponsible deals have made this worse. Trump has to go in and clean up ma ess that was left to him by sheer incompetent prior administrations. It was Clinton who negotiated terms of the US surrender in North Korea, and his ambassador of appeasement, Madeline Not-all-so bright. Bush did nothing to rectify the problem. Then Obama did his usual "cut that out" to Lil Kim, then threw a White House party for all his celebrity buddies. 

Now that we finally have an adult in office, we have a chance of righting many stupid wrongs that got us stupidly to this point. Kicking this can down the road these past 25 years or so has created this problem. President Trump will not be a Clinton, Bush or Obama and pay off North Korea so they can return later to ‘demand’ more. It takes real balls to handle a tyrant.That is who we have running the USA now, a true leader with balls! It is time to end the Kim Cult in North Korea. President Trump was smart to make dealing with this lunatic priority number one. Thank God that we have a strong and decisive leader. Millions of us are praying.

Remember, our pitiful Democrat team gave nuclear technology to yet another terrorist regime, Iran.  Cheers, Wendy (Barry's Chief negotiator} and John. Our pitiful Democrat team is 2 for 2.

Federal Court Strikes Down EPA Rule Key To Obama’s Climate Agenda

Via Washington Examiner:
A federal court struck down a key piece of the Obama administration’s climate agenda on Tuesday by saying the Environmental Protection Agency does not have the authority to ban the use of certain chemicals used in air conditioners blamed for exacerbating global warming.
The EPA enacted the rule in question in 2015, responding to research showing hydrofluorocarbons, or HFCs, contribute to climate change.
The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals’ 2-1 decision said EPA does not have the authority to enact a 2015 rule-making ending the use of hydrofluorocarbons commonly found in spray cans, automobile air conditioners and refrigerators. The three-judge panel said that because HFCs are not ozone-depleting substances, the EPA could not use a section of the Clean Air Act targeting those chemicals to ban HFCs.

One small step for the federal court. One giant step for Common Sense. FU Barry. A good common sense ruling about the solution to a problem that didn't exist. I hope President Trump goes through all the 'rules' the EPA made during Obowel's rule. I'm certain most if not all are illegal. His entire administration was built on distrust and deceit. Trying to appease the globalist agenda. Just keep dismantling the shameful, corrupt illegal legacy, brick by brick. This is so fun to watch. How did that moron think his going around the law makers in the country was going to last? This ain't some Kenyan corrupt dictatorship. Time to get rid of the EPA entirely. Stop the legislating by bureaucrats. Want a law, pass a law. Then voters can see who to blame for laws they feel are intrusive or wrong. 

Democrat Senator "DICK" Blumen-Idiot Says Trump Is “Bullying” Him…

Via Daily Caller:
Democratic Connecticut Sen. Richard Blumenthal claimed Monday that President Trump is “bullying” him.
Blumenthal appeared on CNN early Monday morning where he claimed that Trump was “weaponizing” the Department of Justice to go after leakers, prompting Trump to punch back at Blumenthal over Twitter. Trump ripped Blumenthal for falsely claiming to have served in Vietnam, calling the senator “a phony Vietnam con artist!”
Blumenthal repeatedly accused Trump of bullying him, both on Twitter and later in a subsequent appearance on CNN.
“Mr. President: Your bullying hasn’t worked before and it won’t work now. No one is above the law,” Blumenthal tweeted Monday morning.

That mean damn old bully Donald Trump, making fun of a decorated Vietnam Combat Veteran. Um. Oh. Wait. Never mind. About time someone called you out publicity on all your lies and Stolen Valor. FU. Stolen valor is never forgivable. Hey Blumy, when is that other decorated combat veteran Sir Edmund Hillary Clinton going to come to your defense? You are a special kind of snowflake DICK, and you hold the esteemed honor of being a pathological liar, smearing those veterans who served, and some who gave their lives, in Vietnam. You were busy shooting the enemy in Virginia, not in Vietnam. I hope you feel shame in what you did, while you walk the halls of Congress. It is beyond pathetic, and your "apology" means nothing to us.

Bullying you? Doesn't President Trump know that he can't bully a big Vietnam war hero like you?, Oh yeah I'm sorry that lie only works on dumb Connecticut liberal idiots who forgot to check out that you never set foot in Vietnam. What's the difference right?, If idiot liberals in Massachusetts can vote for a phony Indian, so can Connecticut vote for a lying War hero. Grow up. "Bullying" you? Seriously? I mean, SERIOUSLY? You democrats can't go anywhere without being "offended" and/or "bullied" can you? Don't like what President Trump said about you Blumey? Prove him wrong or shut up and move on with your pathetically challenged life.


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